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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Welcome wishing4#3! Have you O'd yet?

Zuberi: where are you?!

Dbjohnson and SandraK: any news on your lab results or good news from the docs?

Momma_C: How are you doing?

AFM: I am 8dpo and couldn't help but test this morning. Got a BFN but it's still early. My chart is looking triphasic but I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it jumped a huge amount on 6 dpo so I can't help but be a little hopeful! Anyways still waiting... AF is supposed to show either Sat or Sun this week so we will see what happens. I'm going to try to wait and test again until at least Thursday but I'm really hoping to wait until Saturday. I'm not a crazy concerned about it this cycle for some reason. The only reason I tested this morning is so that I didn't have to wonder during the day if it would have shown up yet.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Give us some updates ladies!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here and wanted to check in. How are you all doing?

Amanda & zuberi, have you tested yet?

Djohnson, how are the labs and everything going?

Mommac, how are you doing?

Welcome to the forums wishing4#3!

Hello to the rest of you too that I missed.

Afm, I have had 4 labs done (one every 48 hours).
12 dpo was 37
14 dpo 96
16 dpo 260
20 dpo 1,404

My progesterone was 11 on 12 dpo, so dr. said he was glad they started prog. injections asap. I had my last lab done today (22 dpo), and then ultrasound for this next Tuesday. I have been on edge each day that passes, just waiting.

Please update, as I would love to hear how you all are doing.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies,

SORRY I have been MIA. But this has been a long week.

DBJohnson: Girl... those kids almost drove me crazy. I have been so busy. How are you doing?

Amanda: How are you? I missed you. I saw you online but didn't want to bother you. Where are you in your cycle? I need to catch up with what's going on with you.

Sandra: I'm glad you tested early so your Dr could start you on the injections. How are your symptoms?

Momma C: You are in my prayers

Wishing4#3: How are you? and welcome to the forum.

AFM: I Od today so I will start the long TWW tomorrow.

I look forward to catching up with you ladies

11 years ago

SandraK: I am so happy to hear that your test results have been so great! Also your doc made a good call starting progesterone so soon! How are you feeling?

Zuberi: I missed you! Ugh the TWW! I hope it goes fast for you!

AFM: cramping on and off since O day but i was having some light brown/yellow dishcharge today that I kept trying to determine if it had a hint of blood in it. Well then this evening I went to the bathroom and I am spotting. So I'm on to a new cycle again! I wasn't expecting much for this cycle since it's our first one back. I was really good about temping this cycle but I lacked on keeping track of my CM and never had very good CM anyways (no eggwhite) so I may try the Robitussin or Mucinex this time around. So I am going to hit it hard and really try to make a baby this cycle!

How's everyone else? I swear sometimes this is the only thing that keeps me going on the journey since I have no one else to talk to so I really enjoy reading your updates! Have a good weekend!

11 years ago • Post starter





11 years ago

Goodmorning ladies,

I was thinking of you and all wanted to say hello. It's so quiet now on this forum, and wonderding how some of you are. I hope you all are doing okay. Zuberi, glad you have things to keep you busy during the waiting time period! Keep us updated! Amanda, you have such a upbeat attitude, and I'm excited for you and this month of really going for it!

Afm, not much going on. The waiting for the last two weeks has been a lot. I've struggled with anxiety, but just trying to keep myself distracted in between doing labs and these daily prog. shots. My first ultrasound is tomorrow afternoon. It's a little too early to see a heartbeat, so I'm not expecting too much. I will be 6 weeks this Wednesday according to lmp, so tomorrow I'm assuming not much as that will be 5 weeks, 6 days. I had to have early ultrasounds with my last two, and it was always this waiting game. First see the sac, then have to go back the following week. I overall feel so-so, but mostly exhausted and unmotivated on a lot of days. I have bouts of nausea that come and go in the evenings, and have only threw up once. So far, I feel not too sick.

Talk to you all soon.

11 years ago

Hello Ladies,

I had bad news last Wednesday, my labs came back 683. We were hoping for anything over 900 (that would be the 72 hour doubling time). That didn't happen. I tried to stay upbeat and optimistic, but that didn't last long. Spotting started on Saturday, followed by cramps... then heavier spotting Sunday and worse cramps. The bleeding today is much like the first day of my period, but more gelatinous (if that makes sense). Today I would be 6 weeks, 2 days...

My doc and I talked last week, and he wanted me to have bloodwork done again today to check numbers... now the results will just confirm the miscarriage.

The weird thing is: since my numbers were always so off I never really felt like this was real. So, I am not super sad... don't get me wrong, I am VERY disappointed... but I never really got connected to the pregnancy because there has always been a chance that it was going away. Plus, part of me is glad this is happening now and not when I am 10 weeks. You know what I mean? It wasn't meant to be, and that is okay. It just feels like the last two weeks have been the longest weeks.

My doc isn't in the office today, so I will hopefully hear from him tomorrow. I've heard that you are super fertile the first cycle after a miscarriage, but I know a lot of doctors want you to wait a full cycle before trying again. I can't imagine having to wait, but I'll do whatever my doc thinks is best.

I miss you all, and hope you will forgive me for being MIA... and hopefully you'll let me back into the group for the next try

11 years ago

Hi Ladies. Please forgive my absence :( Sometimes I think having a private FB group would be easier because I'm always on that! LOL

I'm SO far behind so please anyone who is TTC this month know I'm thinking of you and wishing baby dust on you!

DBJOHNSON- Words cannot express how sad I am for you. Even though you weren't attached. It was still your child you conceived and have been waiting for. So it is sad :( *hugs* I'm so sorry

I will update you on me:
LOTS have been going on. My husband got a new job so I have to find us temp. housing in Miami Florida for a few months. Anyone near there? I will be lonely and in need of friends! LOL

I miscarried that Tuesday and didnt get a DNC. I just let it go and we are kinda trying/not trying this month. The doctor said it was ok. I'm due to ovulate on Wednesday so we are kinda just doing every other day. I'm feeling much better now then a few weeks ago. I've been sad.

we will be so busy the next month that if it happens now it happens but we probably will wait for miami to really start TTC again.

I also found out my sister is expecting baby #5 . She is 11 weeks but the baby is measuring much smaller and with a lower heart rate, i'm not upset. This baby will be special to me. But prayers for her because things are not looking good.

miss you all.

11 years ago

Hi ladies
I'm so sorry to here about you guys lost. I just logged on to say that I'm praying for you. I don't want to do a afm ..........

Talk to you guys later.

11 years ago

SandraK: I hope your ultrasound goes well. If you are super lucky then maybe you will be a little further along and see something extra! And I try to keep upbeat b/c I wouldn't want you all to hear me whine ALL the time lol .. I have been through a lot in my life and although I would be very upset if we couldn't have another child my husband and I decided a long time ago that if DD was the only child we could have that we would decide to be okay with it (in one of those long serious talks for no reason). If we hadn't had any children the feelings would be different. However, we will make the best of it either way but still praying for another little one to brighten our lives!

Dbjohnson: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how that feels. I also feel like if it were supposed to happen it's better to happen early (b/c I got pregnant 2 wks after mine) but I lost that baby just as fast as I lost the first and when I went in to my dr. to talk about it he said that he was suprised I even ovulated much less got pregnant and that he wasn't suprised by the second m/c. He also said that he was so certain it happened b/c of the first m/c and not letting my body heal that he wasn't going to "count" it as far as if you have 3 m/cs then they seek fertility treatment. He said that I only had one as far as that goes. So then as you know I had to wait an extra cycle anyways which put me even more I guess what I'm saying is if your doc says to wait (like mine did) I would suggest waiting b/c it's easier then going thru it over again and then having to wait anyways. Hope all is well and that your number go down fast and you can get back on track.

Zuberi: What dpo are you now? How are things going?

Momma_C: how are you? I'm sure you are taking some time off but we'd love to hear from you.

AFM: Well when I posted the other day I was having some spotting that Iwas sure was AF coming then she didn't show up and didn't show up but the spotting continued. I was starting to second guess myself until today when she showed up full force. So now I am just hoping to get her out of here in time for the weekend at the lake spent with my girlfriends!

11 years ago • Post starter

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