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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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I agree with Grants, keep using opk for a couple more days and get to the bedroom! (or somewhere else to mix it up )

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is well.

Mommasamittc - everything will go well for you and your little bean

Miracle- I love your enthusiasm. I'm just scared of seeing another BFN. AF hasn't showed up yet. Doesn't feel like she's coming today except for my sore boobs.

My longest cycle is 29 days which would be tomorrow.

11 years ago

Hi everyone! I am new to this site and this is my first post here. Just wanted to join in! I am currently 8 days past IUI. 5 days until I can test!! I hope I can make it that long!

Baby Dust to everyone!!!

Me (26) + DH (32) TTC #1 since January 2011

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

@ Christi and Grantsmama, thanks for your kind words and encouragement.

I followed up with a doctor regarding the horrible pelvic pains that I experienced last Friday. They found absolutely nothing. The OB/GYN said that sometimes after a woman ovulates, she can experience leakage in her pelvic area. Apparently this can cause acute pain. WTH!?! I forgot what he called it, but it sounded made up. I've never heard of anything like that in my life. I'm highly annoyed, because I know I'm gonna get a fat bill in the mail. I hope the pain doesn't return.

But on a more positive note, he said my ovaries looked beautiful. Also, I used to have 3 fibroids, and now I only have 2. He sees no reason why I wouldn't be able to conceive.

The is due tomorrow. I'm not experiencing any symptoms, except for bloating. If she's not here in the morning, I'll take one last test before I accept the fact that she's on her way.

Congrats to everyone that got their BFP this month, and welcome to all the newcomers!

11 years ago

miracle80 - Thank you so much! I am staying positive and praying hard! I appreciate the prayers and will keep you posted!

Mommasamittc - Congrats! Stay positive and keep us posted. Praying for you little bean while I pray for mine! :)

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11 years ago

miracle80 - Thank you so much! I am staying positive and praying hard! I appreciate the prayers and will keep you posted!

Mommasamittc - Congrats! Stay positive and keep us posted. Praying for you little bean while I pray for mine! :)

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11 years ago

Alright ladies, here's my story.
Hubby and I have been ttc our first for 13 months now. We tracked evvverything for a while now were just flowin with it. I have irregular periods but its averaging 28-32 days. Whiiiiich would make me about dpo 12ish. Soooo many symptoms.
Change in appetite
Bigger breasts
Weird flutterings around my pelvis
Lower back pain.
"Icky stuff on my panties"
Smelly urine
Took a test tonight but it was negative
Any thoughts? I've never had all thae things before. And I just feeeel preggo

11 years ago

lyssa, it still could be early since you have long cycles somethimes!! I am 5 dpo today and the tww is killing me. We lost a baby in July and the babies due date was december 31, 2012! New Years is gonna be hard for me, I am really hoping to be pregnant before then, I feel like it would make it easier to deal with. I am hoping and praying. We have been trying to get this baby for 13 months now. I know God has a perfect plan and I trust Him and I know we are all gonna get our bfps soon!! God is faithful and He loves us, His children. And He wants to give good gifts to His children!! And BABIES ARE GOOD GIFTS!! I just keep telling myself to just chill out and be patient, sometimes its not easy, but I find peace knowing God is gonna give us another perfect baby soon!! I love watching all you ladies get yalls bfps, after waiting so long!! Its so exciting!! I am praying for all of you extra hard tonight!! And remember have fun making the baby!

11 years ago

Oh roxanne, that's heartbreaking. I'll be thinking of you on NYE. Babies are good gifts.

@Lyssa - I don't put a lot of stock in symptom tracking because the rise in progesterone that occurs whether you're pregnant or not pregnant in the TWW is what causes the symptoms. However, if you're having symptoms that you NEVER have, sometimes that's of note! Fingers crossed.

@kzayn - What?! Leakage!?!? I've actually never heard of that one either. Congratulations, you have Leaky Ovulation Syndrome!

@Mommasa - Why do you think you're 4w5d? Is that based on BBT temps? OPK? Just trying to pin down how accurate that is.

There's a pretty wide range of normal for beta numbers and it can differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. That's not a high # for 19 dpo, but as you pointed out, it's the doubling rate that's more important. And the normal beta range at 4 weeks is 10 - 750. So you currently fall in that range.
Definitely take it easy and try not to worry yourself. If you're somewhere in the 174 range next draw it will be a good sign.

@pbc - I'm sorry hun. TTC can be such a frustrating journey. Maybe use some of your crying power and call up your Dr and talk them into an earlier appt? You wouldn't be the first to cry at the OB receptionist. I think you'll feel better if something's actively being done about it.

@miracle - lol we totally ran out of steam too!

@firstimer - Hey lady! Nice to see you again.Wow, holy long cycle, huh?

@Carla - Hope the holds off and you get to use up that test!

@yummy - Any new updates?

@Cristi - Aw hunny, I'm hoping you see all sorts of baby bits at the next u/s. And hey, regarding your Dr saying you'll have to make decisions if you don't see everything on the u/s, just know that you don't have to make decisions right there on the spot. Unless your Dr feels your health is in danger it is something that you can take a few days to process and weigh your options. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though. Your dates really could be wrong. When I was over on the pregnancy board one of the ladies in our group went through the exact same thing and was all torn up thinking she was losing her baby. Then they did a follow-up u/s and there was a peekaboo baby all fetal pole and heartbeat a-fluttering. They revised the fetus younger.

Don't worry about TMI. It's TMI Central on here. Well, during pregnancy, the bowels actually slow down so things take longer to digest. While things sit in there, more gasses build up. I imagine that may account for some of your discomfort. Unfortunately, constipation is a common side effect of pregnancy. I would drink way more water. I know that's rough with preggy bladder, but it will help. Sounds like you may be a little dehydrated. You need to increase water consumption when pregnant anyway because you start to increase blood volume production as it progresses. Also, an old African cure for constipation that a friend of mine who did Peace Corps told me is to eat pineapple. (When I was first Tri I actually craved pineapple! And sauerkraut!) Apparently it gets you moving again. I'd cut down on meat for a few days too since it sits in the bowels a little longer even if you're not pregs.
I like your self-imposed bed rest. I'd take it easy for a few more days.

AFM - Thanks to all you ladies who've asked how I'm doing! I'm TWWing it, somewhere around 8dpo. I had weird temps this cycle, very up and down, making it strange to pinpoint O.

Thinking I might start testing in a couple of days. We're actually heading to Mexico mid-next-week for a wedding, so I'd be out of the country when AF is due. Hoping if I can get an early line on a wondfo I'd have time to sneak in for a blood draw before flying out. Ugh, hope I don't have to deal with AF on an international flight with an irritated toddler.

So if I go missing for a few days it's due to lack of wireless coverage, not lack of for you ladies. (But if I get a BFP I'm sure I'll find a way to get on to tell you!)

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Grants, Thank you so much! I am praying there is no need to make any decisions other than another c-section or vbac! I have been drinking a lot of water and have started adding some gatorade (just for something with some taste)... trying to increase that daily! Good thing is I love pineapple so I am going to the store tomorrow! As far as my "bed rest" goes I am doing well with it. 2 days and no cramps or anything. Going to try a visit to the store tomorrow in the morning then resting most of the day so I can make it to my son's wrestling meet tomorrow night. Thanks for all the well wishes and sharing your endless knowledge.. it is so greatly appreciated!

How are you holding up? Are you itching to test yet? Praying for you BFP! Keeping everything crossed! Also praying for a safe trip for you and your family. Hope you enjoy the wedding!

Keep us posted... so anxious to hear how you are!

AFM, doing great! EXCEPT waiting for this follow up u/s is killing me.... I told the DH this is shorter than the tww but feels so much longer! LOL! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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11 years ago

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