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HELP: terrified of HSG-Hysterosalpingogram should I do it?

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Hi Everyone!!!

I am writing this a bit late since I am supposed to have the procedure done tomorrow, but I am needing some help/support quickly! I have been TTC now for 2 years and 3 months . I have been avoiding this test like the plague and now I live in France and am about to get it done. I am really scared , half of it is about the pain, the other is about complications.
1. How bad is it, really?
2. Do you think there is a cancer risk later from the dye, cancer runs in my family
3. A radiologist is supposed to perform the test, shouldn't it be a dr?
4. Has anyone had success with pregnancy after the test? (I heard it may help by clearing the tubes)
5. What should I do?

Thanks everyone!

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47 Replies • 12 years ago



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Sunny, keep your chin up, maybe its a blessing in disguise! Anyways keep us update on what happens today, and I will be thinking about you and praying for you today.

12 years ago

Thanks Fluffmonkey!

Went today and one of the fertility test results came back bad. Need to go in for further testing, so we were referred to a specialist. Still hopeful!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks, Fluffmonkey, for the positive vibes! I'm trying to keep my chin up, but it's hard... especially when I've got such great step-kids and would love to give them a little sibling. Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment where I can go in and ask questions. My man is going with me and we'll both tell him that we were unhappy with the way he left me hanging. It has been so horrible to not have any idea what your options are!!!

Sunny, my heart goes out to you. I can sooooo imagine what you are going through and it ain't fun. And it's so hard to stay positive. But please remember that there are so many of us out here that are in the same boat as you are. I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you!!! Please keep us all posted....

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11 years ago

Sunny, I am sorry one of the fertility test results came back bad, but maybe its something that once they know whats going on, its something that can be helped. So keep that Hope alive!

Mere, I hope your appointment goes well and you get all of your questions and concerns answered!

11 years ago

Merewynne- Thank you for your support. The scariest thing about the whole ordeal is it is actually possible that we may not be able to biologically have children. That thought is really scary, but I also trust God and know that adoption is an option. I am really trying to be positive about this, and I think perhaps just the shock of it has allowed it not to really sink in that we actually have a problem. But I have done a lot of research on the internet and I know that science is so advanced now that even if the other tests confirm that, there is still a slight chance we may be able to conceive. All this time, I thought there was nothing wrong with us, now, turns out there is. I dont want to go into details until after further testing as you never know when a test may be wrong, etc. Good Luck with your doctor's appt! I hope you get all the answers you seek and preferably, some good news!

Fluffmonkey- Thank you for your support as well! If you do end up having the dye test, I heard that sometimes it can actually help you conceive in certain cases, so my fingers are crossed for you! I know that extra appt with the doctor will help as you can ask more questions, etc.

I wish everyone a very happy and lucky week! Let's pray for someone in here to fall preggo!

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11 years ago • Post starter

When do you go for further test?

11 years ago

We go for a consultation with a fertility specialist (we have only thus far worked with my gyno) in two weeks. We had another test run today. Hoping to get to the bottom of this soon! The good news is, we live abroad in France right now, and just found out everything, including 4 rounds of IVF, is covered!!!!! So, that is encouraging!!!!! :)

Let me know how everything is going for you!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Sunny what a blessing that all your medical expenses are covered!! That is wonderful. and I hope the specialist will be able to give you insight and is very helpful... or even the test your doing now... keep your chin up lady!

11 years ago

Hi ladies,

Just a quick update for you all...

I went to the follow-up appointment for Q&A. While I was there we did the full tune-up and oil change... the glorious, dreaded pap. The results came back. It seems the HSG intervention caused a "minor" cervical infection. It just doesn't seem to stop.

I feel totally PMS-ey... I'm crampy for the last 4 days, my belly and boobs are swollen (besides the weight gain), I'm exhausted and moody. It feels like is due any moment... but it's not supposed to be due for another 8 days! Other than that I'm fine. Yes, I did some while I was away on holiday... so there's always the obvious risk but given the chances, I highly doubt it.

Have any of you gone through this?

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11 years ago

Mere, I know those signs can be a number of things, but I hope that they are good signs of something good to come. So did you get all your answer from the doctor or did he rush things again?

I was suppost to set up my Test this month but I am moving and hubby is out of town... so I figured I would set it up for next cycle/month... kinda nervous of the outcome not really the test itself...

11 years ago

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