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9DPO TTC#2 tww survival tips please!

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Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to the site, currently 9 DPO and driving myself insane, looking for any advise for surviving the TWW!!.....With my first, it took 2 years to conceive, I had irregular cycles and some months never ovulated, drove myself absolutely insane!! I promised myself if we ever tried again I wouldn't go nuts....and then here I am, 9 DPO and blowing through internet tests like a mad woman :) This is my 4th month TTC and my cycles have been text book perfect since stopping the pill-which is VERY unusual for me-so I thought hey, maybe this time it will be nice and easy??? Nope...last month I did have a CP and it was actually a relief just knowing everything is working without having to get poked and prodded 2-3 times a month.

Anyways, done rambling!! How do you find the patience and will power to not test constantly??? Gosh I wish I could just wait until AF is due, test, and let it be. Seeing BFN after BFN is exhausting and depressing, pure torture! Yet month after month I put myself through it, I can't help it! lol

75 Replies • 7 years ago



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I wonder if it is just from ovulation, everything is bit more engorged down there, it would be easy to spot after BDing. The timing is right too for it to be spotting from ovulation...I hope anyways!! I have never experienced spotting with BDing around ovulation, but I definitely have mild cramping afterwards. And sometimes throughout the next day too.

That's funny you say that about your 'flo' app...I use it too! And it has never updated my dates before until this month, I think it's my 4th month using it, and now I noticed that as I put my symptoms in, it is changing it's predictions...which is really rather confusing LOL . How rude to change suspected ovulation date AFTER it's passed!! haha

I did have a weird CP yesterday...I gave myself a panic attack and had myself convinced I needed to go to the ER (DH in the medical field and talked me down haha) but my CP was soooooooo, right there low. I would say just barely met the first knuckle. I have never ever had it so low before, especially not mid cycle. And I would have mild cramps every time I checked it. So I checked this morning, and it is way up high almost unreachable now?? what the??? LOL I will never understand the cervix

when I POAS this morning, but-it's still also way too early!! I know better I'd like to say I will wait 48 hours but...I'm sure I'll POAS again this afternoon, tonight, and tomorrow

7 years ago • Post starter

Hahaha! At least you know you can start POAS...I'm still not even sure if I've ovulated - it's so hard with irregular cycles - I hate it! And now I'm a little nervous to BD because after I messaged you last, I noticed that the "spotting" has turned into a super light "flow" it is no longer old blood and I need a pantyliner. I may need your DH to talk me down, too.

I sure hope this is nothing more than ovulation bleeding and I was able to catch ovulation in time to conceive...but I guess I won't know until the "flow" goes away and I'm in the TWW, which is a beast in and of itself. Ugh!

Keep your spirits up! I'm sure that will turn into a in just a few days!

7 years ago

UPDATE - I just realized that my nips have been feeling extra sensitive tonight and last night when DD nurses, so after adding in 'breast tenderness' as symptoms in the Flo app, it moved my ovulation date to even earlier at CD13 But at least we BD'd that day, so hopefully still caught it in time. That weird app... Not sure what to believe anymore.

Still spotting now (at least the amount went down from the super light flow), so I thought we could skip the BD tonight....I really truly hope that I didn't miss ovulation... Can't tell CM anymore with the blood because I'm still too new to it.

I'm feeling a little resigned that this might not be my month.

You know what, I just realized that I didn't get to put in my response for your CP. That's pretty scary.. I've never felt it that low either, so I'd want to know what it is. Google makes me jump to conclusions sometimes, so I probably wouldn't recommend searching on that. I'd freak out.

How are you feeling? Any promising symptoms yet?

7 years ago

I'm so sorry....that is so frustrating to not be aware of when ovulation happens!! As much as it reallllllly stinks having to temp, with irregular cycles it can be very helpful!

Do you think the spotting was maybe from the pill you took to bring the on last cycle? It's hard when you are nursing too, I remember AF didn't fully 'arrive' for me until a few months after I completely stopped nursing, but since it's spotting and not the , there is absolutely still hope!!!!

I put in to the Flo app yesterday and it pushed my ovulation date out another 3 days and it made my cycle longer than it ever has been!!! Now THAT I don't get haha. Sometimes we just have to trust our bodies instead!!

I totally googled my symptoms and was convinced it was a prolapse!! Of course, it wasn't....but I will definitely be mentioning it to my Dr!!

My bbs have been soooo sore....I am always the one that as soon as I get home the bra is coming off but now, they hurt so bad, not the nipples at all (which is weird??), I just want them to be wrapped up lol Other than that---nothing really stands out for me this month Gotta love when PMS and Pregnancy symptoms are the exact same!!! So frustrating...I'm about a week away, maybe a day or two more, from the and a this morning, This would make 5 unsuccessful cycles, my Dr said by July 1st if I wasn't successful I'd have to go in for testing because of my history with TTC my dd....which I hope it doesn't come down to!!

I'm still very hopeful for you!!! spotting isn't a bad thing!!! Could be a lot of things I'm sure but...also is associated with ovulation and implantation so--your body is trying to get back on track!!

7 years ago • Post starter

You've still got at least a week before the shows up, so don't worry - there's still hope for you, too! And yes! I've had the app push out all my dates, too! It's so confusing now. haha

I would hope that the Provera isn't still in my's been weeks since I've last taken it (you take 1/day for 10 days, then AF comes).

But oh, how I wish I could get into temping. DD still gets up once or twice a night, so I don't ever get that full 3 hours of sleep you're supposed to get before you temp. Sadly, I wake up because she's up, so it's one of those things where I'm already up and moving before it even crosses my mind.

I totally miss the no bra days!! hahahaha. Can't say enough about comfort.

I'm hoping I'll be your good luck charm this cycle...I personally know that no one likes to be starved, poked and prodded and such. There's still time to get that !!!

Are you posting your HPT images? I'd like to follow along with those...I have that itch that I can't scratch since I can't POAS myself yet.

7 years ago

Hi ladies! I am new to this string, but would just like some internet buddy/mommy support lol. I am TTC#2 on month 2 of no BC. We BD on the day of O and 5 days prior. that is all we could do this month because of my husband's work schedule...don't think it will be my month but I am hoping to test Sunday...a little early but want to start testing then. :)


7 years ago

Hopeful- lol I don't usually post them, but I did today! I'll post them throughout the cycle! I definitely don't think I will be buying this brand again, it's the first time I've tried them and the dye is very light, and they always seem to have dents in them, which cause more anxiety staring at the white to try and find hope of a line!! Also, it says not to read after only 5 minutes, and by that time, the pink in the back hasn't even cleared out yet! Not a fan lol

You will be POAS soon enough!!

And hello Heather!! Looks like you are entering the crazy POAS too early phase as well wishing you the best of luck!! Sounds like you got the timing right!! 5 days before and the day of O is enough to do the trick!

all around!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Tina! I think I see what you mean on that test strip... I don't know if it's the dent that you were taking about or not, but it even looks like there is a faint line.. especially when you invert it. I would be wondering if I had line eye or something. But hopefully it was just that one strip because I've seen other people using Wondfo and liking it.

Heather, welcome! We are all here to support each other so please feel free to share your journey with us...I apologize ahead of time if I give TMI all the time, but when it comes to babies and bodily fluids, there's no beating around the bush, you know. Let us know how your tests go - we are POAS addicts on this chain!

Speaking of TMI, I'm still spotting over here. I feel like my body is just toying with me now- when it starts to turn brown and faint, I randomly get a small amount of bright red again in the morning, then it turns brown during the afternoon... now just super faint brown when I wipe. I sure hope this will be over soon. And I'm almost certain it's too early, but I'm starting to get sore boobs and some small headaches here and there. And my lower back is sore, too! And I have no idea what it is, but got a super random bout of insomnia last night between 12:30-3:30am.

I'm afraid I may have missed my shot here, and I can't even check my CP/CM anymore for fear of the bright red coming back. I guess we'll see. I'm so impatient. I hate waiting lol. Keep me posted, ladies - I'm a sitting duck living vicariously through you guys right now.

7 years ago

Well....I've used about 10 of them and the dents are like....imperfections in the strip. Little chunks out that make shadows which drive me crazy!!! I saw the line inverted too person it's invisible haha so, not reading too much into it. I'm house sitting/pet sitting and totally forget to bring my tests with me so I am going insane missing my fmu and smu!!! So it'll have to wait a couple hours until I get home. I have some mild cramping today and feels more like AF on its way but ya never know!!!

It sounds like your hormones are trying to regulate. Do you think it could be breakthrough bleeding? This might be the POAS addiction talking but, have you tested recently? I think I remember my Dr telling me when nursing you can still ovulate and not have a real 'period'.....that does seem unusual to have spotting for so long smack dab in the middle of your cycle. Whatever it is, I hope it's a good sign!!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Tina! I have not tested yet...I'm afraid that once I start again, I'll go nuts! I still have some leftover tests from last cycle (amazing, right?), but I haven't gotten my new tests yet. haha. And you're making me more cautious about those Wondfo strips, too. Maybe I'll see if there are other tests that might have good ratings.

And you know what. That mild cramping you're feeling could be implantation! Sorry you can't test until you go home, but I'd say to just keep busy so that your mind isn't on it...that should pass the time and before you know it, your HCG will be through the roof and showing up on those HTPs!

I really don't know what the bleeding is. I'm just hoping that I caught the egg in time if I really did ovulate. But you know how that's always a waiting game. haha. I still think I may DTD today, just in case. At this point, I don't care if I'm spotting as long as he doesn't care.

7 years ago

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