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1 Dpo, anyone want to stress together?

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I am 1 dpo and this month I thought if anyone wants to stress with me and symptom spot? We will probably all turn into crazy people by the end of it but we'll be crazy together lol.
13 days to test!!!!

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44 Replies • 8 years ago



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So I did a hpt and it was negative which most likely means I am out this month Still waiting for AF to show, 7 days late today!!!

How is everyone else doing?

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8 years ago • Post starter

@Sezzyeb you might not be out of luck yet. Do please let us know how it goes. If no AF you could still be in biz.

I am 9 or 10 dpo and *obsessing.* Felt abdominal pressure/twinges at about 2dpo. Now mild abdominal pressure at 9/10 dpo and random twinges in, I guess, my left ovary?

Super tired. Low fever on and off.

Took a test today but not surprised to get a BFN so early.

Any thoughts, Ladies?

8 years ago

Hey ladies,

I'm really starting to feel like I am out for this month. :( I am 12 dpo and still no . I have been cramping lightly for two days now but still no . I don't even know if AF will come whether I am pregnant or not because of my PCOS. It really sucks. My breasts are still tender though, and I could have sworn that my nipples were looking darker. But maybe I'm just symptom spotting and going crazy. I took a test today from a 5 hour urine hold (i took a nap haha). & I thought I might have seen something within the first five minutes but I didn't really think that it was actually a line or anything so I just disregarded it. Well about 5 hours later I went back to look at the test again and saw a very faint line that looked like it might have had a bit of color to it but I don't want to get my hopes up as it could just be an evap line. I added the picture to the hpt gallery and the votes I have gotten all either said unsure or evap so...yeah.


I wish you the best of luck! I hope that AF stays away from you and you get your Let us know how everything goes!


Being tired or exhausted is a very common early sign of pregnancy! I wish you the best of luck as well! Baby dust to you!!

Lucy's mama

8 years ago

Thanks Ladies,

I just don't think it is my month!! My cervix is low and hard so probably getting ready for
I really want my next cycle to start so I can try something different. I have picked up some Soya Isoflavones which is a natural herb and an alternative to Clomid.

for us all

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

So unfortunately did show up for me today. So I am out for this month. But good luck to the rest of you ladies! Keep us updated!


Where did you get that alternative to clomid? Was it just over the counter? I am interested.

Lucy's mama

8 years ago

Hi saltyswife,

I am sorry to hear that AF caught you :(
I got mine from Tesco, £4.00 for a tub of 30 tablets.

Now a very grumpy 10 days late and I haven't tested again because I keep thinking everyday that I am going to start.

This is now emotionally painful.

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8 years ago • Post starter

Hi Everyone!!!

Just wanted to keep you all updated!!!

After 2 weeks of no AF I finally tested again and I got my .

Still in shock but very happy.

Wishing you all the best of luck

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8 years ago • Post starter

Yay! I had a feeling that would be the case! Congrats to you and thanks for the update!

8 years ago

Congratulations on becoming a mommy it's an amazing experience I am on 10 dpo and I have been extremely exhausted peeing almost constantly Tender nipples pronounced veins on my breasts sore lower back and extremely bloated this will be our third baby I am really really really really praying that we are pregnant again list two week wait is driving me crazy

8 years ago

Hi just thought I would let you know I got my bfp in fact I got them for a week before I believed it! So I guess it's true now!!! Good luckxxx

8 years ago

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