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January 2016 iui/ivf

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For anyone who is doing iui/ivf in January.
Lots of baby dust for a fresh new start in 2016!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

111 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies!

2moms2b - glad af has arrived for you!

Hoping- Baseline us went fine. Antral follicle count was 13 which my dr said is fine for my age (35). They also drew blood to test fsh & something else. I forget lol. It's been a long day. Drive was fine overall though a bit dicey through the mountain passes with some crazy fog & light snow. I live in OR so climate is def not warm now. ???? I start 100mg clomid cd5-9 then have follow up ultrasound cd10. Thankfully I can get this done in town and not miss a whole day of work. I don't think I'll have to go back to the clinic till the iui. Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

8 years ago

Hey there everyone!

Hope every one is doing well. Sorry to those of you who had AF come. It'll come though, keep those heads up!

Hoping - my progesterone level was 10.5. I am not on any supplements other than prenatals. Our first IUI we decided to do natural other than the Novarel Shot for an added boost. I was not looking forward to having to take progesterone suppositories LOL.

Other than that, we are still waiting. I am holding out to test until Monday due to the Novarel shot. Definitely do not need to get a false positive, even though I think of taking one almost every hour of the day. hahaha!


8 years ago

Kmt, good luck with this iui!

Chaf, so glad you are going well!

Babypath, i am happy that you feel better and ready to for your ivf. I hope everything will go super for you!
I will have my scan on Monday to see how the abruption is going. Until then i get up only to go to the toilet.

Bens, i know how you feel esp being on months of not trying! I hope you feel better soon! Try to do things you like, time will pass quickly, trust me!

Jf, that is a good start! Good luck!

2moms, have good start dear! My best wishes!

Hoping, good start to you too! As about the NT scan, it is a specialized u/s for identification of Down syndrom. It gives you some statistics. No matter what the exam shows, a month later i will have the amniocentesis. We want to be sure as i am over 35 years old.

8 years ago

JF - how are u feeling?

Kmt- that's good! how are you feeling

Keth - gotcha ya! wish you best of luck with the scans!

AFM - had my baseline today and all is good - i start femara tonight for 5 nights. cycle day 3 to 7. Then Starting Cycle day 5 for 5 nights (or more) I'm doing 75iu of gonal-f. I go back on sunday (day 10) for a check up and then daily at that point. I'm so hopeful! Hopefully i don't overstim!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hoping - actually not very well. Just has a nauseous spell and have a decreased appetite. The wait is killing me!!


8 years ago

Hi ladies

Margie- has af arrived?

kmt- looks like you'll be testing soon! You can get through the

Babypath- good luck!

Bens- hope it's getting better :(

Jfmolo- hooray for a good start!

hoping- looks like I'm right on schedule with you girl!

afm- scan yesterday and all looked good. CD1 was TERRIBLE on the Provera. I was so sick. We actually considered going to the ER and I don't actually like to go any docs unnecessarily. I've improved a lot, obviously. I'm starting clomid today (3-7) and then follistim on day 7. HSG and follow up ultrasound and bloodwork on CD8 (next Wednesday).

I have a not-so-short story that I wanted to share because I know you ladies will understand. I have a friend with a toddler who, in mid-November, announced her second pregnancy. As is (seemingly) pretty common, I had that mix of mostly happiness for her and a twinge of jealousy. I noticed that she was posting literally minutes after POAS and was interested/concerned about this choice. Then in early December she announced a miscarriage. Today she announced baby #2 again. I'm feeling all sorts of ways about this, but I can't help but think about the fact that she has managed to get pregnant TWICE since the last time I was even able to barely have one IUI attempt and have all sorts of meds and terrible side effects. I get jealous and then I feel guilty for being jealous and I feel even worse. Ugh. I am happy for her, but it's hard...

Here's to focusing on our own TTC stories and trying not to compare them to all of the fertile Myrtles in the world.

8 years ago

Hello ladies!

2moms- it can be hard hearing other people's pregnancy news while we're struggling. Just yesterday an old high school friend announced her pregnancy on fb and announced how it was a surprise. I def had some jealousy besides happiness for her. Overall I find I get excited for my friends/relatives who get pregnant but a little sad for myself.

Hoping- yesterday was an emotional roller coaster for me. I had my blood results back and they were mixed news. My estradiol was 47 and that should be below 70 so that was good news but my 3 day fsh level was 15.47 and normal is below 13 for someone my age (35). They said I could still do the iui this month but the chances may not be as good for it working. I start clomid tomorrow (CD5-CD9) and then have my follow up ultrasound and blood work thurs (CD10) and I also have a HSG scheduled Friday. Luckily I can do all of that in town so I don't have to travel 6 hours round trip to the clinic.

8 years ago

Well I'm out for this mo. The witch got me. GL to all you ladies. On to the next one.


8 years ago

Hey Ladies!

Kmt - sorry to hear :( Give urself sulk and onto the next! I always need that one day to feel pity and then its like the recharge button is pressed!

jf - I'm sorry to hear it was so hard. I know its hard to look at those numbers and think and analyze them. Are they suggesting IVF ?

2moms - how are you feeling? I know how you feel with all those announcements! It seems like they are everywhere right now for me too! As happy as you are for them, you are sad for yourself thats how i feel too. So hard not to compare! At least we have each other to lean on!

AFM - I started femara and go in for b/w and ultrasound tomorrow morning and then starting injections in the evening. That will put on at cycle day 6. I've never asked for any of my numbers other then my TSH. I will ask tomorrow to check the levels of my estradiol and FSH. Is there anything else i need to look at? Do you guys get a print out or do they just tell you the numbers?

I also have first acupuncture for this session! So nice and relaxing I combined it with CircleBloom meditation and thought it worked really nicely. I go back on Tuesday.

He suggested my DH go for acupuncture to to help with his numbers (takes 3 months 1 time per week) has anyone else heard/done this?

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello, Everyone!

This is my first post, and I am hoping to find support and share stories with others going through the same thing! This will be our first IUI round. I took Clomid CD 3-7 and DH gave me the trigger shot tonight, which was quite hysterical, but we made it through. I went in for my midcycle U/S yesterday (CD 10) and had 3 follicles (2 @ 14" and 1 @ 18"). After the trigger shot tonight we return for a 9 AM IUI on Monday. Wish us luck with our first IUI! I will be praying for all of you ladies that you get your BFP's soon! There have not been many people that I have opened up to about this, so it is nice to have found a forum like this.

8 years ago

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