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August 2014 babies ??

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Hello anyone preggers and due in August . ..?
How are you feeling ? Any symptoms ?


50 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks :)

I ovulated on the 28th, hubby and I had sex on that day then again on the 30th.
Sorry if TMI.

Maybe you just had a late implantation??

10 years ago

I am! :) I actually have a forum just like this but I want to talk to people lol. I was having really bad nausea all day every day up until 3 days ago, I haven't had any nausea at all and it's kind of worrying me lol. I also have had a really bad tooth ache that started a week or 2 ago but it isnt constant. It comes and goes. It's really weird but I looked it up and it did say it's a pregnancy symptom, I would have never guessed hah. I get SUPER bloated at night, looks like I am super pregnant when I'm bloated lol but then morning comes and I'm a stick again. My breasts are GINORMOUS! They were heavy too but they have filled out and feel normal again but still HUGE. That's about it for me. Congrats to everyone and good luck with everything!

10 years ago

You won't belive my day !

So last week had an early preg scan .. They said it looks like it hasn't progressed. Come back in two weeks.

Today I decided I couldn't wait another week so had a private scan .. No heart beat so not progressed .
Right. MV and Drs told to go to hosp ... Off I go. There 3hrs d&c booked for Sunday .

Go home have a glass of wine .
Phone rings it's the dr from hospital .. The private scan results are in we have compared them to last week and it's grown so d&c cancelled and another week to see if baby is developing ok...

Head mess or what !!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi, been reading your post majicdust and thats great news, praying for you. Im due Sept.1,14. Had to go to hopital 2 days ago (serious nausea n vomitting) had to get an ultrasound/iv for dehydration. Scan showed i ovulated 2 days later than thought, but good note baby was there fetal pole n yolk with a heartbeat of 117 (: hcg was well in to the 100,000_300,000 thousands. 6 wekks 2 days at scan on Wednesday, today was put on zofran, works wonders!!!!! Good luck ladies

10 years ago

Dangggg magicdust. Bet your soo happy though! That is such good news! And a relief, huh!

And congrats denerenee! You may have your baby in august since you're sooo close to it! Lol

10 years ago

Wow Magicdust! You have been going through quite the emotional roller coaster! That is great news that it has grown and seems to be progressing. I will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well at the next scan!

And congrats denarenee!

10 years ago

Huge Congrates danarenee. That's so exciting :-) I've not had my hcg checked and I did ask after 1st scan ... They informed me they only did it If they think it's ectopic !? When I go back on Thursday for another re scan il ask again for hcg to be taken,

How are all you other ladies doing ??? X

10 years ago • Post starter

Please keep me posted after your appointment thursday! I'll be thinking of you!

I've been ok. Moody, weepy, hungry, and peeing constantly. I don't go back to the doctors until February 7th. I'll be almost 12 weeks then. It's so far away though it's just hard not to worry the whole time that everything is still ok.

How's everyone else feeling?

I'm looking forward to my lazy Sunday!

10 years ago

Wow, yea good luck! Keep us posted MagicDust!

I might have already mentioned it on here, not sure but I use to be nauseous every day, day in and day out up until I was about 7 weeks then it stopped completely and I haven't had it since except the laast 2 or 3 days it came back with a vengence and I think it's because I was sooo stressed out, but I'm not sure :/ but I haven't had it yet today and I'm not as stressed today. I also have had a reallyy bad toothache for the last few weeks. It isn't constant thank god but when I do feel it, it makes the whole left side of my mouth hurt reallyyy bad and kind of the right side of my mouth, it's terrible. And I haven't made a dentist appt cuz I HATE dentists lol. I also have major bloating which makes me look 4-5 months pregnant most of the day. And I have been pretty moody lately, which is VERY unlike me and my boyfriend can't stand it lol. But I haven't hit the peeing a lot stage, I'm surprised cuz I'm 9 weeks 4 days and seems like a lot of women got it before that.

I have my first OB appt. this friday and I am sooo nervous for some reason.. And I heard that this doctor doesn't do ultrasounds til like wayy later, but what's the point in me going there if they aren't gonna check up on my baby? Urgh! I will complain and say something if they don't give me an ultrasound.

10 years ago

My nausea has easd up , but they gave me zofran. My huge problrm is constipation sorry tmi!! It tends to get painful. I am dealing with a broken relationship, left him 1/1/2014 tp come back by my dads, sad im 29 Years old, because of the death pf my newborn, i so desperately wanted this baby, more than life itself. My bf treated me horrible has told me to havr n abortion numerous times, he says he didnt mean it and since weve been communicating but only at his convenience, and mainly text, and he is. Not a texter. I know his rountine, and since ive left im having a . Hard time , i can feel there is someone else already, he insist its my hormones. But when you know someone better than yourself bc gor the last three years I've sacrificed my ownsrlf bc i loved him more, he has a 4 yr old son and i took better care of him than he did. I'm heartbroken bc i do love him,and he insist that im crazy he dpesnt want anyone else, and its hard to trust ssomeone when they allow suspicion and omg its tearning me apart! Can anyone help me, i guezz ill be a single mother):

10 years ago

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