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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Nic they say I can go into labor at anytime now. We will see if I can make it till friday.

No word from gr28 or SMH

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

Somebody call the authorities we need to file a missing persons report!

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10 years ago

Nicolene--thank you! I appreciate it.

Well, HSG is tomorrow morning at 10:40 so I will report back around 11:30 I think. I know the procedure takes less than 10 minutes total so I'll be in and out in no time. I need to take some antibiotics for the next 3 days. I'm really looking forward to seeing my RE on Tuesday. I really hope she does an u/s.

10 years ago

Nicolene--I'm sorry hun. AF is such a witch. Are you taking anything at all to help --either fertility drugs or things like mucinex or EPO?

10 years ago

SMH where are you?? And I'd love an update from GR28. Last I heard she was having twins but I haven't heard anything else....

lawbride GL with your HSG tomorrow! I am sure it will be fine. Even if it hurts, it can't be that bad. That's what I tell myself about childbirth. If it was THAT bad the human race would be extinct, or at least there'd be no women with more than one kid ;)

CD 16 and my temps dropped again today, and I had EWCM last night right before bed. Finally! Hoping to O soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

Shawnna has 3 digital confirmed pregnancy tests this morning.
Gr28 I saw her bump posted 4 days ago on cdmp she looks great.
Smh we are looking for you.
Cd 15 I should have OV by now 13 days before af is due.
Luv Fx for you.
Where's JLH?
3lil are you still baking Oliver or is he done?
Gm ladies smooches!

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10 years ago

luv--thank you! I think people just block out the pain--or choose to forget. haha.

SMH-- we are dying over here to hear about your appt! Indulge us already :)

Cam--hopefully you O soon. Are your cycles always that length? Maybe you're in for a longer cycle this time around and that's why you're going to O a bit later. Are you under an unusual amount of stress?

10 years ago


Smh: Everybody is hanging to hear about your news!! or

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

No law I'm not temping so I just guessing because I usually ov on cd 13-14

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10 years ago

@natalie: Hey and welcome to the board! 10DPO is super early and there have been plenty of girls on here that got a bfp after zero symptoms, including someone with twins! Its not over until AF shows up :)

@afmedic: Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! And thanks for asking about me!

@shawnna: I wasn't exercising at all when I got my bfp. I was actually doing a low carb diet. Another girl that used to frequent the boards was also doing a low carb diet when she got her bfp. And a girl in my office who tried IUI was told to do low carb by her RE.. Not saying its a sure thing but both times I got a bfp I was doing low carb or lower carb. My husband is a mortgage broker! I hope you get your dark bfp today! And thanks for asking about me!

@1st and Mamak, and Nicolene: Hey Girls!! So glad you made the jump!

@luv: Femara is the same thing as letrozole, which is what I took. Thanks for making thew new thread :) And thanks for asking about me! GR28 is doing well. I will let her know you all are asking about her and hopefully she'll give an update - I don't want to steal her thunder!

@Holly: I am praying that your get your BFP!!! Letrozole was a life saver for me :)

@3lil: I've LOVED being part of your journey and hope we stay connected after Oliver is born.

@Nicolene: So sorry about AF? That sucks you were a day late only for the witch to show :( I am so sorry :( I love that you love working in the baby unit. And you are right you are helping them and shaping their lives!!! All it takes is love! Thanks for asking about me!

@lawbride: Fx for a swift and painleses hsg. And even more so that your tubes are wide open!! Thanks for asking about me!

@cam: I'm here! Sorry its taken me so long to get back here! Thanks for asking about me!

Sorry if I missed anyone.

AFM: I am so sorry girls for not updating sooner. I wanted to wait to update where I could also reply to everyone because I don't like just doing an AFM - I like to holler at my girls first :) So drumroll please...... You all were 100% right! We are having a baby girl!!! And she is perfect! She is measuring 5 days ahead which is super weird since I had the trigger shot but the doctor said that was ok. She is in the 82nd percentile and is showing no abnormalities. She weighs approx 13 ounces and her little feet are just about 4cm long. She wasn't super cooperative so we only got a couple photos but they sent us home with a dvd that we believe it or not, didn't watch. My husband is in shock and trying to come to terms that he is having a daughter and not a son. We all thought it was going to be a boy since we only have 1 niece and 3 nephews and his dad and his dad's brothers only made boys. I cried when we were told it's a girl because I felt so bad for him. He's slowly coming around though. He kept saying last night... I am afraid to have a teenage daughter. I did a photo reveal for facebook and I will post the link here one I load it onto my cdmp page if ya'll want to see it. I am not a very creative person so its the best I could do. Hopefully my daughter is more artsy than I am .. Ahh!! my daughter!!! Thank you all for the continual support. You all mean so much to me!

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10 years ago

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