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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies


Turns out dh isnt going away anymore... which is kinda good in regards to ttc (and also means we'll be able to do some camping this summer) but it really sucks cause this was dh's first good trip that he was actually looking forward to, and we could've used the extra $. I am sure I will be happy about it later, but right now I am pissed off... I hate when his job tells us he's going for sure and then 2 weeks before he leaves (after he's done all the prep) they cancell it.

Not sure about when you should test, I dont plan on testing until july 1st.

for us all!

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13 years ago

Hi ladies

sorry i have been MIA for a little bit.

how are all of yall doing? any updates or good news?

Praying for all of yall!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Hey ladies!
My hundred mile an minute brain got to thinking again, and im wondering if we are all taking the same dose of epo? I read 3000mg, and since the largest dose I could find was 1000mg Im taking 3 a day! Also got to wondering how far away we all are from finding out if it works or not?

Joy and ticking: you are both a few days post o? And joy you are doing hpt on the first of july?

Victoria: you are cd6 today with irregular cycles? How does that work for testing? Do you have a date in mind or do you just try 2 pinpoint n and give it a few weeks? Do you have a regular luteal phase?

Afm, I am cd7 today and dont plan on testing until af is late. Its due july 16, so I will try to hold off until the 18-20th.

I hope some of us are due to find out soon and we get some good news!

13 years ago

OH! And of course, shea! Where are you in your cycle?
Sorry, I didn't mean to forget you, but im doing all this on my cell phone and between the small screen and the loading time for each page I am not as efficient as I wish I was!

13 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Ticking - I think you are such a sweetheart for being concerned and mentioning it! Thanks so much!!!

Liz - What a great memory you have!!! I have luteal phase defect and it is usually about 9-10 days off clomid. My first cycle on clomid lp was 13 days, and last cycle it was 16 days. So WHO knows when I'll test! LOL! I do temp though so that helps! I take the 3,000 mg too. Just don't take more then that. That is the max from what I've read but it is what my bottle recommends.

Joy - Annoying about the last minute cancelation but good on the baby-making front!

Shea - I don't feel like I've talked to you much today! How are you?!

AFM - CD 6, increased libido AND increased.....pooping. Sorry, I don't know how else to put it! Anyone experiencing more poop on EPO?!

13 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Victoria - Yes I'm definitely happy that if we dont get our bfp this cycle that we will have another chance next month now!

Mamma - Yikes! I am not taking that high a dosage of the epo... My bottle says to take 2 pills twice a day (500mg each) and I am only taking 1/2 that because my cm is usually really fertile anyway and we were also using the preseed. (And remembering to take pills once a day is hard enough never mind twice! LoL)
As for how far along into my cycle I am, FF and ctp differ slightly, so I am between 4-6dpo today. I will only be between 12-14dpo when I test on the 1st. The only reason I am testing that day is cause Canada Day is dh's fav holiday and a bfp would make it even better! If I get a bfn I will wait out Af which probably wont show until 18th-4th... maybe even later since I O'd late this cycle.

nursejones - Glad to hear from you again! How you been? Only good news I have so far is that dh will not be going away after all So he will be here to bd next cycle if necessairy!

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13 years ago

Ok. I'm lowering my dose to 2,000 mg/day (1 capsule 2X daily). I am pooping WAY too much! I guess that can be a side effect.....

13 years ago • Post starter

Victoria, hahaha!!! I guess if it lubes other things up, it would lube the intestinal tract up too!

Joy, so glad hubby is not deploying! I know that it is stressful when all the plans fall apart at the last minute, but I know that you're glad to have him around. Though, you won't need his sperm next cycle as you are sure to have caught it this one!

Mamma, My pills are 500mg, so took 2 a day, at the same time I took my other pills. Now taking 1000mg of Flax Seed as post-o.

AFM, AF due 4th of July, but trying to decide to test on 3rd because we're moving that day. Not sure if its an old wives' tale or not about lifting heavy things. But, then again, we only BD once so probably not even an issue.

Hope everybody has a great weekend!

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

tickling - yay we take the same dosage! lol!

As for dh, this is why I get irritated, cause his work called today to say he might still be going away... it's the indicision I cant stand!

Victoria - Didnt know that could be a side effect but it;s very possible! Hopefully the lower dosage will help!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

TMI Warning! LOL!

So I did some MORE research on EPO and it is also used as a laxative as it has glycerin in it. Most people aren't affected unless taken in high amounts but some have reported severe diarrhea so I'm glad that's not me. It is also used to treat IBS (which I have) so maybe my body is just cleaning itself out as I have been constipated since going on clomid. All in all I am less bloated (dh even noticed) and am feeling a lot more regular. LOL! I think the 2,000 mg is better for me. I have had a dull headache off and on for the past couple days but I hope that goes away. I am noticing more CM (not EWCM since I'm only CD 7 but I'm sure it will turn to that when it counts). How are you ladies doing?!

13 years ago • Post starter

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