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March 2014 Due Date?

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Ladies, I just got my BFP today at 9DPO. This is my second conception and the first ended in a missed miscarriage Feb, 2013. I've been experiencing frequent urination, breast tenderness and nausea. Looking forward to this one sticking, so excited we got a chance to conceive this month. Sending positive vibes out to all the other ladies.

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65 Replies • 11 years ago



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Ally I can totally relate! Try and remain calm and keep yourself as busy as possible. Time flies for me when I have a lot to accomplish! My baby book reading says twice a day or more we can establish "bonding time" during pregnancy by simply spending 5-10 minutes a day where you sit back and put your hands on your belly and think about your baby and their future.

Sooo, sorry to keep you waiting but our appointment went great!

The heartbeat was seen and detected on the ultrasound! Its still a little to early to hear it yet. The baby's age was adjusted to 5 weeks 6 days today based on the measurements. I thought I was not truly 7 weeks 6 days as calculated by my LMP. My BBT charting helped me isolate within a week my "conception". Anyways, feeling blessed that at 5 weeks 6 days that they detected a 103 BPM within our little seed. We never got that far with our last pregnancy. My new official due date is 3/6/14. Next appointment with primary care dr is 7/25/13, but I will go ahead and book with the OB/GYN clinic I'd like to use for the prenatal/birth care.

Thank you ladies for all the positive thoughts and wishes, I truly believe its helped me be blessed. Thank you and sending sticky vibes all your way!!! We're having a baby!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

@Janel - what book(s) are you reading? I get a lot of information off the internet and my husband keeps making fun of me. On another note - YAY!! Girl! SOOO Excited for you guys! It must be amazing to hear a heartbeat. Glad to hear everything is going well. Tell me - are you having any symptoms at all right now?

10 years ago

Update on me: So I had another beta hcG yesterday, results came back at 4027 so they scheduled me for another ultrasound today at 1:30. Went in and they found the gestational sac, but no fetal pole or heartbeat yet. The tech said that she thinks I'm about 6 weeks, but I think I'm probably around 5 and it just hasn't grown yet. I keep seeing different results and posts all over the internet about this. What do you think?

Needless to say - the doc said based on bloodwork and the ultrasound everything looks normal - but the worried mommy in me just wants everything to get "ahead of schedule'... I'm becoming discouraged. I made an appt with my OBGYN for the 18th - hopefully they see something at that point and can hear a heartbeat. That will be my intake appt.

Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!

10 years ago

SMB stay positive! The fact your HCG is rising I would suspect the timing is off for the suspected Gestational age so don't freak out. I think you know that but its so easy to go negative when we start googling our lab results.

In another week your whole story can change! And for some women, I've heard that they don't see/hear a heartbeat until after 10 weeks and beyond. Depends on where the baby positioned themselves in the uterus and how much extra weight we have in our midsection. My mom even said that having an ultrasound before 12 weeks can lead to these worries when things are actually fine bc our little seeds are very little. I long as you're not bleeding, no severe pain and your labs look good...keep watching and waiting. Sending prayers and thoughts your way :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

SMB, just saw your other post - I've read What to Expect When Expecting found it at the library and using the following online resources:, American Pregnancy Association, WebMD, MayoClinic, and theBump.

Today marks my 6 weeks 0 days and I have been experiencing an increase in nausea (not severe to puke but pretty close), frequent urination, loss of appetite, bloated/gassiness, occasional backaches and stomach cramps.

What symptoms are you experiencing?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Janel- the same except replace the nausea with serious fatigue and replace loss of appetite with hungry all the time. I've been trying to combat the gas/bloat by eating smaller meals during the day and it seems to help a bit. I have to get that book. I had it years ago and thought I'd never get pregnant so threw it away. I will have to head to the bookstore this weekend. Is that the only book your reading?

10 years ago

SMB - Yes for now, once I get further along I was thinking of getting some child rearing books, I'll keep you posted if I pick something up! Let me know if you get something you really like too. How are you feeling today?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Same. Nothing different besides moodiness if I don't get a nap. Parents are visiting this weekend and helping us paint so they have been very helpful

10 years ago

Hey ladies, hope you all have been doing well!

I've been having increase in nausea and vomiting episodes so I've been extremely diligent with eating small meals and trying to make them extremely nutritious.

My older brother (father of 6) has temporarily moved in to help me with cooking/cleaning, so thankful for his help.

Keep me posted on your stats!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone! Sorry haven't posted in awhile. DH and I are very busy bees with work and trying to finish remodeling our home within the short amount of time we have left. I hope everyone is doing okay!

Update on me: Still lots of fatigue, little nausea here and there but nothing to make me vomit... yet. Still lots of bloating and constipation which is making my clothing uncomfortable and making my body look very weird... but I'm excited about the changes to come.
We had our "Intake" yesterday. Nurse walked us through the classes we could take, what they will do at the week intervals and how long the appts will be, what I can and cannot eat, etc. She said based on LMP my due date is 3/6/2014 although that is not yet set in stone because we haven't yet had the ultrasound for measuring the baby size. My next ultrasound is scheduled for 7/25 so I'm hoping we see our little peanut and they can detect a heartbeat.

Keep your fingers crossed for us ladies! This is going to be the longest week of our lives!

10 years ago

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