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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi Ladies!!!

Alice,did you got test results? FX everything is perfect :) And it will be :)
On which cd you are now? So im officially on my 2ww, ahh the longest time in d month!!! Hope you join me v v soon ;) Had ewcm yesterday morning, by evening it was creamy white cm, and this morning again a bit of ewcm, so confusing... but gona baby dance tonight again,just in case :) Well have to see if my hubby is up to, im pretty much worn him out for past 8 days, and he is pretty tired after working full days, will have to trick him lol :)

Jada, how many dpo you are now? I will try not to symptom spot this month, as its so confusing, i get all the symptoms possible lol

Fx and lods lods baby dust!!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!!

Good news: the lab results were 'all fine, perfectly normal' :-p So we're going the natural way for another while :-) Thank you guys for the support!!!

The TWW, the most confusing time :-s Me too, I always feel all kind of things, but there is no way to interpret them, it's driving me crazy every time :-s

Nikolina, that must be confusing, all the EWCM. Respect for you two, we've never BD'd more than 2 days in a row, I'm afraid :-s If I get a positive opk (yesterday still negative), I'll try to convince my husband to do it 3 days in a row, won't be easy :-d He has difficulties with the fact that it 'must' happen. I'll try to make it look less like it must, I don't want to pressure him. It's not always easy... Are you 1 dpo now? I'm so excited for you!!! :-)

Best of luck, and tons of baby dust to both of you!!!! I really wish you get your bfps this month!!!


9 years ago

Yeeyyy Alice thats great news!!!! So glad tests are perfect!!! So down to baby dancing :) well my hubby not 100% down to this plan, but he loves me so much and want baby so much aswell :) but have to agree that sometimes i have to trick him in to it lol just wear something sexy and walk past him and thats all what it takes lol :)

Well by calendar im 2dpo today, but could be 1dpo :) so 2ww for me!! Will baby dance tonight aswell just for good luck :)

Hope We see your pos opk v v soon :)

Just found out that one of the girls are pregnant at work with baby #2... cant feel happy for her as i know she just done it to kerp her boyfriend and she id only 21..
But i know my time will come soon and its gona be amazing yorney :)

Lods lods baby dust hun fx you join me soon on 2ww :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Alice, YEAHHHHH,!!! So happy for you and your hubby :) I agree the symptoms are so similar and especially when we want it so bad.

Nikolina, get it girlllll!! And welcome to the TWW. Sorry to hear about your co-worker, but we will all get our LOs ;)

AFM I four days from AF so just waiting and trying to remain calm...easier said than done of course, lol!

9 years ago

Dear ladies

Thank you so much for your support, you have been so wonderful!! I really appreciate it!!!

Nikolina, thanks for the tip!! I think that might work, I think I'll try it out soon! :-) A bit silly that I haven't tried that before :-p

So excited that you guys are in the TWW! Now the waiting begins :-) Or almost ends in your case, Jada!! How is trying to remain calm working out? :-) Have you decided when to test?

Ow, Nikolina, that's indeed an unpleasant event with your co-worker :-s Frustrating to see how some people get babies so easily, definitely for reasons like that :-s I guess fairness isn't a natural phenomenon, no matter how bad we want it to be :-( But don't give up, we will get there too!!!! And in the mean time, we get to learn so much from other people's mistakes ;-) We will be so wise by the time we get our BFP ;-)

My opk was still negative yesterday (completely blank), so I'll have to wait a bit longer :-) It's just a bit frustrating to know that other women might have 13 changes in a year, while I have 9. But I'm not complaining, because at least I still have 9 and everything works ;-) I guess my body can't handle more than 9 a year :-p

I wish you sooooooo much luck, ladies, I really hope you get good news soon!!! Baby dust!!!!

Best wishes


9 years ago

Hay Ladies!!!

Woow Jada, when are you thinking of testing? You are v patient lady, i would had tested already, as i have no control over myself lol :) Fx and lods baby dust hun, hope we hear you BFP soon :)

Lol Alice, yea thats the trick i do, and works every time, even when he is v tired ;)
So sorry your cycles areso long, but the bright side is that you ovulate and everything is fine :) And v v soon you will get positive opk and join us on 2ww ;) Mine is 28 days, like clock, i never late :)

Ahhh this 2ww is killing me. Last night i woke up from sharp pains in my tummy, donno what it was, felt like sharp pinches, and i know its waayyyy tooo earlyfor anything, maybe just too much baby dancing lol :)

My hubby is out tonight, so i having relaxing bath time and google all the pregnancy stuff lol :)

Lods and lods baby dust!!! Lets make those lines pop up this month aswell and have December miracles!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!

Nikolina, oooohhh that sounds so relaxing!! You enjoy that :) and the break..even for one night! Our wedding anniversary is 22 Dec so that would be great!!

Alice, hope you had a good day! And hoping you get that positive OPK are you feeling?

AFM,I'm exhausted already in bed! Had some creamy discharge yesterday and today, hoping that's a good sign, a few more days to go. I won't test until next weekend as my longest cycle has been 32 days and that will be next Thursday. Soooo we shall wait and see!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!
Jada how many dpo you are? You have super patient for not testing untill next wknd :) gold medal to you lol :) im testing aswell next Saturday, its my bday and i gona be 11dpo i think, so will give a go and see if i get the best present on d world ;) but it sounds too good to be true, so not having high hopes for it!!!
Alice any news on opks? :) can not wait for you to join us :)
I had such a lovely girly night last night, long relaxing bath, facial, nails and google lol :) hubby came home around 10, bit tipsy, lol he makes me laught so much lol he said he is 100% positive he knock me up this month lol :)

Lods lods baby dust ladieS!!! Im so blest to have you here throughout this sad time, but i feel better and have a hope again :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!!

Nikolina, that sounds like a wonderful, relaxing evening! I totally understand the googling part :-d I really hope your husband is right, and that he did indeed knocked you up this month!! :-) That would be so awesome for your birthday!!!

Jada, respect for waiting another week!! The creamy cm seems like a good sign to me, definitely better than PMS spotting ;-) I really hope you will get good news next weekend!!

My opk was still negative yesterday, but there was a veeeeery faint line (which wasn't there before), so MAYBE I'm getting closer :-p I hope so :-p Might still take several days though.

Best wishes and soooooo much baby dust to you two!!!!!


9 years ago

Hey ladies!! How was the weekend? I had a busy one but it was good overall :) ladies I'm not rely strong just scared and don't like to be disappointed so that's why I wait. Praying this is all of our months though!!

9 years ago

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