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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Traci- So glad to hear from you. I really think the Clomid will work for you. I took it once before years ago when I was trying to get pregnant and was first diagnosed with PCOS (that was about 10 years ago). It has some side effects the worst for me were the hot flashes lol. But we didn't get a chance to see if it worked I was still married to my ex-husband at the time and the second month I was on it his job started traveling him so he was never home when I needed him lol.
Anyway we ended up divorcing (we're still friends we have a son together). And my fiance and I have been together going on 4 years now and we both want another baby so here we are trying lol. We would really like to adopt the baby I mentioned earlier but it's not as easy as you would think, there are some stipulations we are going to have to have a lawyer look into. But were going to try. And we are still going to try to conceive one of our own. We have enough love to go around lol.
And yes I am from the USA. We live in the small town of Owingsville, Kentucky. It's a beautiful little community. Like I mentioned earlier I have a wonderful son from previous marriage who just turned 18 in May and graduated high school he starts college in August and he is my life. Me and my ex-husband were very young when we got pregnant and married I was only 18 he was only 19 lol we were a bit unprepared lol. I currently work at a hospital in a town close by and love it. My patients are just like my family. My fiance has a 14 yr. old daughter from a previous marriage and I love her like she's my own. He is a fireman/paramedic in Lexington, Kentucky which is about and hour from where we live. We have 5 shitzu dogs (yes I said 5 lol). They are like children to us. We started out with a female then 6 months later got a male that the owner no longer wanted (we've had them for over 2 years). And they had puppies (7) we sold all but 3 and we still have them they are 6 months old. LOL. And yes we are Christians. I gave my life to God when I was 20 yrs old. My fiance was a little later in life giving in to God he turned his life over to God 5 yrs ago after a motorcycle accident that almost took his life. And he has blessed me everyday. And I know with him all things are possible and he does answer prayers.
Look forward to hearing from you. I enjoy learning a little bit more about you. Thanks for sharing. Hope I didn't share too much. But I'm a very outgoing chatty person lol.

11 years ago

Hi ladies.
I think this is a chemical preg. My temp dropped so I tested and the line had not gotten any darker and I started spotting. So I am on to the next cycle. I'm glad to at least know that I can get pregnant.

11 years ago • Post starter

Zuberi- So sorry . I've been so excited for you. We shall keep praying and maybe God will bless us all this next cycle to get our BFP. We shall not give up and before we know our little miracles will be on their way. I had a dream last night that I was in labor. It was funny lol. My sister-in-law, one of my closest friends, and one of the girls I work with (a friend) in the ER were in the room for me. But the Doctor delivering me was not my current OB in fact it was the Doctor who delivered my son who is a dear friend of mine (he practices at the hospital I work at). But it was really funny because when he came in the room I ask him what he thought he was doing and he said "Well looks like I'm going to help you bring another little miracle into the world, too late to back out know and he laughed". So I feel like were almost there girls. Even though we have never meet I feel a connection with you girls. I end my prayers everynight with you guys.

Chat later girls......

11 years ago

Good morning ladies. How are you guys doing. Just thinking about you ladies and wondering how everything is going.

Zuberi was wondering how you were feeling. I know in your last post you said you thought this may be a chemical pregnancy because your temp had dropped just wondering how you were doing. You have been in my thoughts.

I was off work yesterday so my day was consumed with cleaning house (or should I say cleaning out my house lol) . I've had an unusual amount of energy lately lol. I feel like I did 10 years ago I'm surviving on about 5 hrs sleep each night and feel amazingly good. AF has already stopped only had it for 2 days and it was so light that I was able to wear panty liners and never had more than a brown spot but would have pink mixed with some red spots when I would wipe. I didn't pass any clots. I have NEVER had AF like this mine is always 5-7 days, day 1 being light, days 2-5 so heavy I have to wear both pads and tampons and cramp so bad my OB/GYN actually had to prescribe me Lysteda to help with the cramps and bleeding because I was passing so many huge clots I was actually anemic. Then days 6-7 I was light to spotty. I can't understand what's going on with AF this month I hope its not a bad thing, but I'm really confused . I actually took another hpt last night but of course it was . And usually when I get AF I crave chocolate. But I haven't nor have I had any cramps. But I have been craving salt, huge amounts of salt. I'll go to McDonalds and just get a medium fry and add more salt I can't get enough of it lol. My temp dropped to 96.93 yesterday but was 97.03 this morning it's usually down about 96.5 but not much higher with AF. My cervix is low, medium, and closed. Go figure. I think my body hates me lol.
My fiance wants me to call my OB and see if she thinks I should make an appointment to see her. I just feel like I'm turning into a hypochondriac lol . So I'm not really sure what I'll do he'll worry to death until we find out if this is just a fluke for me or if something is just wrong. And I feel like I see my OB/GYN more than I see most of my family lol.
Thank you girls for letting me vent. I'm glad I have this forum and you girls to chat with I'm afraid my friends and family get tired of hearing me talk about ttc and wanting a baby.

Can't wait to hear from you girls to see how you guys are doing.

Hugs, love, and prayers sent your way chat with you girls later.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Scarlet: I think that you just had implantation spotting. I really think that this is your month. I say TEST AGAIN! It takes up to 4/5 days for a faint + to show up. I don't think that you had a period. It was too early and it was too light. So I am advising you to test again.

Tracie Ann: How are you?

AFM: Ok let me start by saying this is about to be crazy. I don't really know where to start from.
ok here I go...... I got a very faint + on the evening of 9DPO on a .88 Wal-Mart test. So I tested again 10 and 11 DPO with FMU with a FRE and got a very faint line. I tested 12DPO with a u-check and got a clear +. then I started spotting so I assumed I was having a chemical. I tested the next day(13DPO/ CD1) and the line on FRE was a little darker but not by much. (I just thought my HCG level just hasn't start dropping) My spotting then turned into a light flow of bright red and a few small clots. So I waited and tested again on 14DPO/CD2 and the line was a strong +. (I'm like what is really going on) I thought the line should be getting lighter not darker. That was my last test so I was really curious to find out what today's line was going to look like. SO...... you guys know I went to the store and purchased 5 u-check test ( I took one on the evening of 12DPO and got a faint +) and I took one this am and got a + again. ( I took a pic this am but I just posted it a few mins ago.) I would like you ladies to take a look at it and tell me what you think ( #139792) Thanks

I look forward to reading you guys posts

11 years ago • Post starter

Scarlet - It could be late implantation. I hope it is for you.
Zuberi - don't give up hope. Try not to stress.. See if you can meditate on baby sticking. Like you said; at least you know now that you can fall.

I got some disappointing news on Thursday. My test results came back from the ovarian reserve test with "extremely low". Apparently it is so low the lady said she was surprised I wasn't having menopausal symptoms. She said "not even ivf will help you"!
We are crushed! My fiancé is in disbelief and has booked us in with a naturopath to see if there are any natural alternatives.
Not really sure where to go from here. I'm just so very sad.
Anyway, I'm trying to concentrate on what a beautiful life we have and be greatfull everything we have around us.
Will keep you posted xx

11 years ago

Zuberi... I just checked out your hpt. I'd say your pregnant. I'm not sure why your bleeding. My neice had bleeding with two of pregnancies. And delivered both. Her oldest was only born at 25 weeks but her youngest was full term (in fact he is 2 weeks old). I say make an appointment with your OB so they can check you out and have them do a HCG quant to see what your levels are. I still think this is your month.

Afm.. I don't think I'll be so lucky. I started bleeding again about an hour ago bright red, not real heavy yet but I did pass a clot about the size of a penny. So I'll see what happens this weekend. I was really hoping this would've been our month. Had I been pregnant my due date would've been on my birthday .

Chat with you ladies soon

11 years ago

Traci- I'm so sorry about your news. However don't lose faith. God still answers prayers everyday. Do like your fiance says and seek out other pathways. Doctor's are helpful but they don't know everything. And I have real issues with the way the lady talked to you about your results. As a nurse myself I take real offense to the way she handled your situation. I think she could have dealt with that a little bit better. I know that this news is really stressful to both you and your fiance. And the stress can affect both of you in the baby making process. I know it's really hard but try to relax and just give it over to God sometimes when we quit trying so hard is when God takes over and answers our prayer. If you still have your prescription for the clomid I say go ahead and give it a try next cycle what can it hurt. Keep charting and watch for ovulation. And I say BD as often as you and fiance can. I have faith that God will bless you guys with your little miracle. And please keep us posted I want to know how your doing. And if you ever want to talk please message me I will always be here for you. I feel like I have gained some true friends through this forum and want to stay in touch.

Zuberi- Wanted to check in and see how things were with you. Have you tested again? Are you still spotting? How are you feeling? Hope everything is great I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Afm- Well AF really got started good late Friday night. Saturday I was sooo sick (throwing up) until about 2:00 p.m. finally started feeling better. So me and the kids took my fiance out for Father's Day dinner. And had a really great time. The kids love to tease him. So we had a lot of fun. Then yesterday (Sunday) we spent the day with my parents and family. All in all it was a good weekend. I hope this post finds both of you doing well. I think of you girls often through out my days and wonder how you guys are. I'm sending lots of to both of you ladies and wish you a great day.

Love hugs and prayers ladies.

Chat with you later

11 years ago

Scarlet, you are such a beautiful person. You so deserve to have all your dreams to come true.
I went to see a naturopath on Saturday. He has put me on several natural remedies. Only time and good karma will tell now.
I guess the nurse that gave me the results gave me a bit of a reality check, that's ok, she could have delivered the message with a little more sensitivity, but the message was still the same.
Zuberi, I agree with Scarlet, you probably need to get checked out, if you are pregnant they may be able to stop the bleeding so you can enjoy your pregnancy.
Sending millions of positive thoughts for you guys xx

11 years ago

Hey Ladies

Tracie: I agree with Scarlet, God is in control. Just keep pushing a head. HE want put more on you than you can bare. He will give you the desires of your heart. And believe you me, He knows that you want a baby. I am keeping you in my prayers.

Scarlet: I'm sorry AF came. I was positive that you would get your bfp this cycle. But He knows the way that you take. So be encouraged.

Afm: The spoting stopped yeasterday. (Praise God) and the hpt are still really dark. However the nurse at my OB/GYN said my Dr doesn't see anyone until they are at least 6 she gave me an appointment for Friday. However, the Dr that did my TR said that I need to call this am and tell remind them I had a TR last August and that I need to see the Dr asap. I'm waiting for the office to open at 9am. Hopefully I can get in this am. I will keep you guys posted. Oh...... hpt was still positive this am ( sigh )

11 years ago • Post starter

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