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HCG levels...a little scared

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I've had 4mc and they all started with a low HCG level. I'm currently 4w5d (I think) and had a blood draw yesterday. My hcg is at 87. I've looked at a ton of charts and I know that what matters most is that the numbers double in 24-72 hours....and I have another blood draw tomorrow....but I was wondering if any of you ladies have had low hcg early in pregnancy but continued on without any problems. I'm just scared...and praying for my little bean. Please share your success story!! I need some reassurance! Thank you!!!

416 Replies • 11 years ago



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11 years ago • Post starter

I never feel this kind of nausea unless I'm hopefully something awesome is going on....and will stay

11 years ago

Well I'll keep praying for you while I sit over here wishing I could poop. lol :-P

11 years ago • Post starter

Lots of fruits....hmmm....are you still nauseated?

11 years ago

To be honest, I'm scared about taking my Brainstrong prenatal vitamins. I don't want to do anything wrong, and I was taking those last month...Isn't that silly?? BUT I just can't bring myself to take them. On one forum I thought I read that someone's OB told them to stop taking them because they have too much Vitamin A in them...I will call my OB and see what they reccomend. What do you take?

11 years ago

I take a store brand prenatal and a vitamin D supplement. I'm thinking my prenatal his high iron...I might need to get something with lower iron. I've upped my fiber intake and I've been walking and drinking a butt load of water but still no 'go'. Looks like the uncomfortable 'last resort', suppositories. Oh, dear Lord. I only 'go' about every 3-4 days and I am getting seriously irritable. I'm debating whether or not to leave work early today....wayyyy too uncomfortable to be here. :-(

11 years ago • Post starter

Yeah....prolly a little too much iron....maybe your OB will give you Metamucil? Are you on a stool softner? My 11 year old has trouble and we give him these fiber bars....they kind of help.

11 years ago

I'm buying some milk of magnesia on the way home. If that doesn't work, I'm getting suppositories. But Friday when I go to my ultrasound I'm meeting w/Doc right after and I'll be asking him if he can give me a script for another prenatal that has lower iron. I'll also be eating some fiber cereal for breakfast every dang day. I've been eating a yogurt every morning and I don't think it's helping. I should probably pick up some prune juice too. Ew. I'm so miserable right now I want to cry. :-(

11 years ago • Post starter

OHH!! I remember taking Milk of Mag with my first. Pinch your nose cuz it smells like fish. ICK. Stool softeners too!! Then you might not get in this crazy mess again. Has your nausea let up??

11 years ago

Nope. I am super miserable.

11 years ago • Post starter

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