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March IUI 2014

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I just wanted to start another board on March IUIs.
My first one in February failed and here's to hoping that this second one will be the charm. Can't wait to see some BFPs and some Thanksgiving babies!! If I conceive this cycle my EDD is Nov. 26th.
I'm CD2...

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486 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thank you Opal I needed that. Ever wanted to cry for no reason blaming the meds...
Good luck sweetie baby dust. When will you test?

10 years ago

Hello Ladies,

Question to ask all of you.

I had my first IUI this month but my DH's count was really really low. That being said, I'm now 14 past the IUI treatment with no sign of AF, should I test?

Here's why I'm hesitating...

Normally, I ovulate on day 18 or 19 and have a 29 day cycle. They gave me a trigger shot on day 11 after the start of my period and then I had the IUI on day 13. So, I'm 14 days past the IUI but I'm only 27 days into my cycle.

I'm living in Hong Kong and the doctor didn't really give me any advice as to when to test etc. I have one more day left of progesterone after today.

I'd love some advice. Should I test...or wait it out a few more days? Any advice is welcome!!!
thank you!

10 years ago

Adale, my doctor said I could blood test on 14dpo but they have sheduled my test 3 days later because I have a 28 day cycle.
I would wait until your period due date to do a urine pregnancy test. And CoQ10 is supposed to be good for increasing SA

Texas, you always blame the fertility drugs! I've been really moody all week. I even decided I couldn't stand any of my male workmates, lol! They aren't that bad

I think I will just wait for next Monday and do a blood test

10 years ago

Depending if you have any cheap tests I would test. It would help the anxiety.

10 years ago

Still no period for me despite the negative blood test. Spoke to my nurse and she said it is likely due to cysts, and they are going to do an ultrasound Wednesday (20 days past iui). We are considering another iui with Menopor- anyone used it ? Have a great day!

10 years ago

adale0181, progesterone will hold off your period. Don't pay any attention to what your regular cycle is - just look at days past the IUI. I'd test so that if you are pregnant, you can refill your progesterone. 14dpiui is plenty long enough so your results will be unambiguous.

smithb475, I call menopur "Menoburn" because it burns when you inject it. It contains both FSH and LH - some REs feel it creates better quality eggs. I hope that's the case for you!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Hi friends! I wanted to let you know that I went to my IVF consult appointment today. It was the most overwhelming two and a half hours ever!! TONS of meds and TONS of money but I think we are going to move forward and see what happens. At the very least, it will give us more information on the quality of my eggs and perhaps explain why the four IUIs were unsuccessful. After we work out the loan information, I should be able to start the protocol. If all goes according to plan, that could be as soon as next week. I am not looking forward to the six weeks of shots in my booty but I'm hoping this will all really be worth it this time around!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

jojgo- whatever happened with you sweets? Are you pregnant??
I'm starting Gonal-F injections tonight... any tips/suggestions? I'm nervous!!

Red- Mine cost $850 (includes all ultrasounds/bloodwork) not cheap!! But I've heard worse!! Weird how he didn't tell you how many mature follies you had and the sizes... I thought that was pretty standard.
I need happy tears too girl!! Hang in there!! Did they tell you on your IUI how many mature follies you're working with?
Have fun baby dancing!! ;)

Essemkay- good luck with your current protocol of prenatals and progesterone!!

Awhittaker/Texas- I don't take DHEA but my RE hasn't told me to take it.. I should ask her next time I go.. I only take COQ10, these prentatals called Ovavite and Royal Jelly... I've read contradicting theories about DHEA...

Pink- welcome!! WOW 14 immature... that's quite a lot!! Good luck on your first IUI!! I hope it works and you don't have to go through more!! As for tips, try to keep yourself busy.. go to gym, yoga, try not to think about it and time will pass....

Opal- hopefully you'll see a BFP by end of week!!!!!!! Good luck lady!

Adale- I agree with the rest of the girls, I would test ... it's been 15 days now after IUI so you should get an accurate answer. Good luck sweets and welcome!!!

Smith- Is menopur an injectable FSH hormone? I wonder if it's similar to Gonal-F? Anywone know?? I hope all the best for you!! I hope it's all good on Wednesday!

Best of luck Pabbey!!!!!! I hope this IVF will do the trick for you!!!

AFM- CD8 today and yesterday I finished Letrozole pills. Today I start Gonal-F injections and for some reason I'm mortified... I know I shouldn't feel like that, but it's new to me... I guess I'll get used to it... I keep thinking the end result will be worth it...
My CD12 scan is on Friday.

Love to all!!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

I am jumping in here ladies. I have been a lurker and have enjoyed seeing how everyone seems to be going through the same things i have.

My DH and I are on our 2nd IUI that was done on 3/19. Today I am 5DPIUI. No symptoms but I dont have a bunch of hope since they wont put me on meds and the IUI is unmedicated due to the fact that we have male infertility after a VR.

Our first IUI was done in Feb and the post wash count was 3-4 milliion low motility and this IUI was done with also 3-4 million, but they only told me the count this time and said things looked good. I think they are just trying to get my hopes up since we have ruled out duing IVF due to cost and our age.

So here I am hoping our low sperm count will do something. I will probably take next month off and try again the following month with IUI but vitamins and so forth are not really working for the sperm count. You would think that out of 3-4 million one little knucklehead would make it there.

Baby dust to you all!!! Heres to wishing.

10 years ago

Miracle, good luck! No tips needed for Gonal-F, although the research says that injections actually hurt less when you look at it going in :) it is such a little needle that you feel very little - I didn't get any bruising or anything with it.

Thank you for asking about me. At the moment I am on CD42. No AF. I also have no pregnancy symptoms, or typical PMS symptoms. I am currently about 12 days over my AF date!! I also completely REFUSE to test (last time I took an HPT was about 13dpo). I phoned up my nurse and she suggested that it might be ovarian cysts, which sounds very plausible (although, I thought I had ovulated so a bit confused!). She told me that I should wait until later this week, and if nothing happens she will bring me in for blood test/ scan. I feel very at peace about waiting until then to get some answers.

It's been good to hear all your stories - ups and downs. Praying for all of you! I hope that while you all feel down at times about not having a new little baby, you also often feel blessed by the things you already have in your life. I feel so fortunate that I have even a smidgen of a chance at having my hubby's baby thanks to modern medicine. Had this been 40 years ago I would have had to deal with my situation - no options, and without my new online friends to see me through.

Sorry, I got cheesy. Eesh.

10 years ago

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