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October Testers Part 2!

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AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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law: we will keep our fingers crossed that everything matures accordingly and you will be able to trigger this week!! that is great news!

bluerose: thank you for your support the way i look at it as long as there are still some alive there is a chance it could happen still on its own but if not as soon as i can get in touch with someone at the lab we can start setting things up for DH to get the SA and then its only a matter of time!!

luv: i love the nice relaxing days. i have had several of those since i have been on vacation and refused to do any housework other than laundry. but its only dh and myself so the house doesnt get that bad but i will pay for it for sure once i start my cleaning...!!

jlhart: how are you feeling any idea what the bleeding was then! i know i get some clotting when i get O bleeding but its never really heavy so i dunno i just hope things get back on track for you very soon

on a good note today is sunday which means its football day!! i will be rooting on my favorite team even though i dont expect much out of them this year!! yes I am a New Englander so i route for all the home teams being the Patriots, Bruins, Celtics and yes even the sox!! Hope you all have a wonderful sunday i know i will but its back to work tomorrow for me!!

10 years ago

lawbride I'm glad you have at least one nice juicy one there ;) Hooray! Glad your lining is thick enough too!

bluerose hey there! The FRER temptation is a strong one...I'd say if you're gonna take it, do it tomorrow with FMU so it's at least as solid a shot at a BFP as possible!

amag agree about relaxation, and about football Sunday! It's my favorite day of the and Walking Dead. Although my team plays a divisional game in primetime so I might just DVR Walking Dead and watch it tomorrow. Can't avoid cheering for my Packers (from Wisconsin so it's my birthright LOL). Husband is a massive Steelers fan but that game doesn't play around here. If the Steelers are winning at halftime we usually go to the sports bar to watch :)

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--Thanks. So, how many DPO are you now? When are you going to start using FRER?

Amag--what state are you from? and thank you. I'll let you ladies know what the nurse says when she calls later this afternoon. Hoping to go back for another u/s blood draw on Tuesday or Wednesday and then probably again on Friday (assuming I'll need monitoring at least twice more before triggering).

blue--I agree with luv. Just wait until tomorrow to use it, not worth wasting it just yet. If you're pregnant then your hcg levels are likely pretty low so this gives it time to increase as well as a chance to use more concentrated urine. So just hold tempting as it may be.

10 years ago

law: I am from Massachusetts where i have lived my whole life. more from the western mass area. that has to be the only bad part about the whole process is the constant appointments for the monitoring. but im sure it will be well worth it in the end !!

luv: i will see the majority of games or at least be able to we do have the football package so we can pick and choose. Dh is not into football much he is Portuguese so he likes his futbol or soccer as we call i dont mind it seeing i played for half my life but im much more of a hockey/ football kinda person...everything else is boring to watch unless you are actually at the !! most people i know like the walking dead but i never got into that one. My shows that i actually watch tend to be Nashville and American Horror story. but i did just get into watching the witches of eastend with my

bluerose: i agree i would wait until at least tomorrow morning to test again with the FRER!! it is still a little early and FMU is the best to use. good luck!

10 years ago

Amag--the bloodwork is the worst part followed by the injections. I like the monitoring because it comforts me to see the results of the pain.

So, I overate yesterday by ~900 calories so I'm going to try to overdo some of that. It was a 400 calorie surplus so I'll subtract those calories from today and just do an extra hour of working out so that it all balances out. I think in going to eat 1200-1500 calories until we are pregnant because DH just expressed how stupid he thinks it is to workout while pregnant which I am guessing is his way of telling me he expects me not to workout once we're pregnant. To me that means I have to lose as much weight as possible before getting pregnant. I don't want to be overweight going into this pregnancy so I need to take action to ensure that doesn't happen which means actively trying to lose weight now. I'll ask my RE if it's okay for me to do so. In the meantime I'll do tone research of my own.

10 years ago

lawbride I'm 9 DPO right now :) I think your husband is a bit too worried about pregnant exercise, it's perfectly safe if you don't get your heart rate too high, your body temperature too high, or lift too heavy of weights. They say walking and swimming are great exercises for preggos :) I know some women who were very active before getting pregnant, kept up a big cardio routine during pregnancy, and they felt amazing up until delivery day! So there are benefits!

amag I can't get into futbol because they go so long without scoring ;) Then again I did watch a football game where they went back and forth punting for the entire first half, LOL that was boring! I have DVR'd American Horror Story this season but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet! I've heard it's good though!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--I definitely know but I think with what it's taking for me to get pregnant he just thinks that ANY risk is too great a risk and he views it as a risk, so I'll try to convince him that low impact exercise like the elliptical are totally safe!

10 years ago

Just got the call from the nurse and I'm to do the same thing I've been doing and go back in on Wednesday--so then10mm should be 13-16mm at that time. I think they'll have me come back on Friday or Saturday to check me again before triggering. That's really quite exciting! If so, I'll know in ~3 weeks whether we've got a BFP this cycle. In trying not to get too excited but I'm feeling optimistic!

10 years ago

lawbride hooray! I'm glad your doctor seems more aggressive this cycle :) And I know YOU know but I think your husband would benefit from coming to an appt with you and having the doc reassure him, you love being active so I can't imagine you could go 9 months without any exercise! You'd go nuts! ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--I most certainly would. the problem is that he acknowledges that doctors say it's okay--his personal opinion is that "it's not worth the risk to do something that could result in the loss of your baby." Gahhhh.

10 years ago

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