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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Nikolina, yes AF has gone and passed. yay! Just waiting for fertile week to start now. :) Feeling ok, was a short period this month, so that was nice, and not to painful. How bout you? AF done? Did you spot the whole time? or did you get normal flow?

Emmy, lol about the vitamins. Yes, glad those vitamins will make it so you're not lacking in any thats for sure! Yes, usually it's 3 days of raised temps to confirm O. Yes, it looks like you've already O'd and what you said about Tues being O. Glad it's happened!! 2wwoh here you come! Sounds like ya'll will have a fun fathers day. We're not doing anything exciting for fathers day I'm afraid. I'm sick. :( So he's not even getting anything tomorrow because I haven't had a chance to go get anything. lol. So I said he'll just have to wait till I'm better. The girls did paint him a picture though. :) It was really hot here a few weeks ago but lately it hasn't been too hot. high 70's. But at the end of the week it's supposed to get hot again and be high 90's and 1 day 100. I'm going to be a sweaty mess. lol.

Alice, I really hope you get to find out what you're having at this next appt!!

Jada, how's things going??

AFM, been sick with a bad cold. My oldest shared it with me, isn't she nice? ;) Hoping it doesn't interfere with fertile week which is supposed to start on Tuesday. Friday night and Sat night my girls are going to spend with their nana and papa, while we celebrate our 7 year anniversary a little early. We're going to the coast Sat night and I'm super excited and hope being a little less stressed might be the ticket we need to get pregnant this month. Hope hope hope!

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!

Yaayyy Missytwoeshoes, so glad to hear that af is gone!!! ;) And big boooo for flu, hope you feeling better soon. I dont think it will have any effect on fertile week, so do what you got a do ;) Awwso nice yea are going away for your anniversary!!! Wow 7 years :) We gona have ours in october, 1 year merried :) Can not wait :) Yea my af is nearly gone, been just lil spotting for past 2 days, was 1 day kind of heavy, but others just blahhh. Defo lighter then normal, which i didnt mind, just wanted to get over with lol:) So nice to hear that af was easy on you this cycle aswell :) Lods of baby dust hun, and lets make it happen this month ;)

Hay Emmy hun, yea you defo have ovulated. Could be that you ovulated on day 16? Nice raising temps :) Hope they will stay like that for next 9 months :) Here we go 2wwoh for you hun already!!! FX and super lods baby dust sent your way!!!! We need to join Alice v v soon :)

Alice hun, how are you??? Thinking of you and hoping soon hear all about the appointment :)

Hay Jada, im thinking of you!!! Sending you lods lods baby dust!!! :)

Well nothing new in my corner. Lil spotting still, but on the way out, yeeyyy ;) We gona do a smep again this month, hope i will ovulate and hit the jackpot :) My fertile week starts on friday, and i should ovulate around next wed, feels like years away lol :)
We book lil holliday for us at the end of july, we gona go back home to my family. Can not wait!! :) Im thinking of making appointment in clinic there and gona get scan done, just to make sure that there is nothing else beside progesterone what could be problem. Here i dont know how long i will need to wait to get scan in hospital, so i just want answers asap :)

Sending you all beautifull ladies lods lods baby dust and super sticky positive vibes!!!

With lods of love


p.s: its so amazing that we all doing bbt chart, i love looking at them just to compere :) Im such a stalker lol lol :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Missy - glad AF has gone!
Awwww that's lovely for your anniversary! Our 5 year anniversary is the end of July :)
Aww bless you being ill! Hope you are feeling better?
We didn't end up celebrating Father's Day in the end either lol!
We had a last minute opportunity to go away! I applied for a TV Gameshow lol and we got called for audition! It meant literally dropping everything our little girl with family and driving 5 hours to the city for the audition! It was funny and very spontaneous! I doubt we will get on the show as lots of people there wanting a place to but was a giggle auditioning and playing team games etc.
We have re booked our Father's Day for this Sunday now :)
You are so lucky with weather! Very jealous!
It is now raining here and about 60f!!! Boooo lol.
When we went to NY in 2011 it was high 90s and one day was 100!
Have to say that was too hot for me though lol hehe!
Have my fingers crossed for you this month Hun!!!!!
Sending you lots of baby dust and your trip to the coast might just do the trick! ;)

Nikolina - glad AF is on her way out :)
Yay for fertile week soon :)
I'm very jealous of you booking a holiday Hun!
I keep looking at brochures and dreaming of the sun :)
Where are you going?
Booking a scan can't harm anything and if it will help put your mind at rest why not! :)
Sending you lots of baby dust xxxxxxx

AFM - not sure what to think. Temp dip this morn (6dpo)
Well this has told me I'm 3/4dpo but fertility friend says I am 6dpo!

I'm sure it's too early for implantation????
I have had slightly tender boobs & high cervix?!!!
Very confused. Guess have to keep temping!

Lots of positive vibes xxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!!

Nikolina, "glad" that AF arrived, hun! New cycle, LOTS of opportunities :-) And since you're already spotting, the mean witch should be gone soon!! Super nice that you're planning a holiday to your family!!! Like Emmy, I was also wondering: where are you going? Any place with nice weather? ;-) I'm crossing my fingers for you, hun!!!!

Emmy, looks like you O'd somewhere between CD14 and CD16. I guess it could be implantation dip (that's possible at 6dpo), but from experience: no way to know :-p It's just so frustrating, we try to understand, but the signs seem to be such a random blur :-s I don't have experience with checking cervix, so can't help you there, sorry :-s I'm hoping it will be your month though!!!! Btw, I totally know what you mean about the weather! I'm cold and it's so sad and grey outside :-p Common, sun, get over here! ;-)

Missytwoshoes, what a perfect timing with your seventh anniversary and the romantic trip to the beach!!! Congratulations too :-) I definitely think less stress can have a good influence. I'm cheering for you!!! Hopefully the cold will be gone by the weekend!!!

Jada, I'm thinking of you and hoping you are alright!!!

AFM, today was our appointment AND.....
baby was not in the mood :-) It just LOVED its 'leg in front of my ass' position and the gyn (desperately ;-) ) tried to 'bump' it into a different one, but I can tell the baby has already inherited our stubbornness ;-) So yeah, I was little disappointed :-) Now we have to wait another month and HOPE that baby will be in the mood next time ;-) But most of all, I'm still happy and grateful that all was well :-)

I'm pulling for you ladies!!!!!! Sending you LOTS of baby dust and sticky vibes!!!!!!


9 years ago

nikolina, I'm on the mend, thanks! Mostly now I'm just having headaches from all this snot clogged up. (lol tmi). Glad spotting is almost done! Oh, I hope you have a good time with your family in July! I hear you about wanting answers asap, I feel that way too. lol about the bbt chart, I was thinking that too! it's nice to see everyone's charts and see what everyone's cycle is up to when a few days lapse between their last post on here (like me sometimes.) :p

Emmy, sort of feeling better, thanks! healing slowly I guess. ugh. I'm ready to be completely better! oh my gosh! I'd love to be on a gameshow!! how fun!! I'm totally jealous and I hope you get to do it! What kind of a gameshow is it? yes, 90's and 100's are too hot for me too. I like it to be 85 or less. But 70's is perfect I think. Thank you for crossing your fingers for the coast! I'm not sure if it'll make a difference though... I might be having O before then! eep. Yes, that's the thing with temps.... you can only rely on them for the big picture, and less for the individual temps. Which totally sucks and makes it hard during the 2ww because you just want to believe each temp means your pregnant. hugs!

Alice, ahh I can't believe baby wouldn't cooperate!! next time drink some orange juice before you go in, get baby all sugared up and moving!! lol. I want to know what you're having!! Glad to hear all is well with baby though <3

AFM, well yesterday I was only on CD 11 and I had ewcm yesterday and today... I NEVER have it this early... I think it's because of the cold medicine I'm taking but it makes me wonder if I'm going to O earlier than normal? Which would mean it wouldn't be much of a romantic beach trip if I've already O'd. lol. I just don't know what to do! Normally we bd every other day until I get ewcm, but my ewcm started so early I didn't really get a chance to bd every other day... So I don't know if I should be doing it every day now or wait till my OPK is positive then do it every day? I just don't want to miss my window! My OPK is still neg... might be same as tomorrow or Fri though. ahh, my body is confusing me. >.<

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning ladies :)

Aww Alice, so sorry to hear that lil baba didnt want to cooperate lol i was just talking to my friend back home, she got pregnant with #3 in february, the same time i had my first cp, and she went few days ago to doc, and her baby dont want to cooperate eather lol but the most important think is that is healty and happy :) but hopefully next time you will be able to know :) i can not wait : )

Hay missytwoeshoes, wow with all that ewcm! I heard that caugh syrup does wonders for ewcm, so i think if every other day untill + opk and then every day for few days will get you cover all the fertile days hun ;) Are you feeling better? Lods lods baby dust hun :)

Hay emmy, how are you? Hope the temps went back up and will stay there for next 9 months!!!!

Jada hun, hope you doing well!!! Thinking of you hun :)

Well as for me, cd 8. Nothing much to report. Just hope i will o this cycle ;) Im going back home to Latvia :) Im living in Ireland for last 12 years, but my home is Latvia. My hubby is Irish, i was actualy thinking of going back home for good years back, but then i met my hubby, and im still here :) but love going back, and summers are nice and hot, and beach is amazing :) Can not wait :)

Sending you all lods lods baby dust!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Alice - awwww saw your piccy! Hehe I think a lot of babies don't like to play ball at the scans! I'm sure you will find out next month!!! How exciting :)

Missy - glad you are feeling a bit better! My poor hubby is majorly suffering with his allergies at the moment! I think I counted 10 sneezes in 5 mins! Haha!
I'm excited to hear about your weekend away so have fun!
Doesn't matter if you have ovulated already it will still be so lovely!
The Gameshow is quite hard I think. I've only seen a youtube clip hehe. You can win a wishlist of dream prizes. I don't hold out much hope. Lots of people wanting to get on it! But will let you ladies know :)
Lots of baby dust Hun xxxxxxxxx

Nikolina - not long til ovulation :)
Awwww you live in Ireland!!! How lovely! We booked to visit Dublin years ago but ended up not being able to go but I'd love to visit Ireland one day! Looks stunning!
I don't know why I assumed you were from USA hehe. I don't know much about Latvia is it really warm there? That will be lovely! I do like the Sun! :)
Sending you lots of baby dust Hun xxxxxxxx

Jada - you ok Hun? xxxxxxx

AFM - :( feeling down. Temp dropped this morning my internet cheapies are 100% BFN with no hint of a line. So disheartened.
Can't bare all friends around me announcing they are pregnant. Two CPs in 9 months :(
What can I do! My doc said if I have three I can get help but hoping it wouldn't come to that!
Was gutted this morning... I woke up after dreaming I had bfp!!! I only ever dreamt that once before and was pregnant with my daughter!
Thought it was a sign! but temp drop and BFN.
Any way to the beach restaurant tomorrow for late Father's Day celebration so can take my mind off being a crazy poas addict!
Lots of love to you lovely ladies!!!!! xxxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

I know it's been forever and a day since I've written. I had surgery on 19 Jun 15 and it went well. I was discharged a week ago yesterday so came home and been recouping. I have missed you all though and it took me a couple of days to get caught up with each of you, lol!

Alice, I was excited to hear what you're having, but I guess the baby has its on timeline ha ha. I am happy to hear you both are happy and doing well:)

Nikolina, hey lady! I'm glad you are getting some answers although not exactly what you were expecting, but I really have a good feeling it's going to work out for you sooner than needing more testing! It's always nice to go home so enjoy that!!!

Emmy, I'm so sorry you're feeling down :( and I'm praying it will not take a third cp for them to help you. How was your beach dinner??

Missy, hi! Glad you are feeling better :) The meds could cause that and I've heard of women using mucinex to increase their mucus, so maybe it will help?! Has your OPK turned positive yet?

AFM, so they removed 12 fibroids, including one that was splitting around my spine!! They were just growing wherever they could and even pressing against my ovaries and tubes :/ So I go in this Thursday for my post op appointment to see how I'm doing. Overall I'm feeling better, just need to heal. After three months I will have an HSG to make sure my tubes are good, an SIS to make sure my uterine cavity is good, then we will start working at getting pregnant. So ladies I have a ways to go, but still here with you all!! Oh and in the meantime I may have to get another iron or blood transfusion BC I lost a bit from surgery, and I have to go see a doctor about my it's always something!


8 years ago

Nikolina, yes it was a lot of ewcm! I had days of it... so weird.. normally only 1 or 2 days. Hopefully all the medicine created a good environment for the swimmers. :) I am a bit better... but still coughing and snotty.. ugh. I'm not sure if the cold is just lingering a long time or it's turned into allergies now. But I'd really like to be better! My kiddos are still sick a bit too.. go away cold!! How's things with you? Have you O'd yet? I've never heard of Latvia, I will have to go google that! Oh, I'm so jealous you live in Ireland. Such beautiful country side.... ohh so so jealous...! lol. I'd love to visit Ireland some day. :) Now I'm picturing what your husband looks said he was handsome and tattoos so now I'm picturing him in a kilt. Does he wear a kilt? Man..... you are one lucky lady... and that accent I'm sure... *swoon*... lol lol ok I'm done. >.< haha. I hope you have a good time back home though!! <3

Emmy, oh man, so sorry to hear your hubs is bothered so much by the allergies. They really are awful! I did have fun on my weekend away. :) Got to see Pitch Perfect 2, had dinner out a couple times, walked on the beach, picked up some shells and agates, there was even a kite festival while we were there. Fun to watch. Hopefully I made a baby while I was there too. lol. That would be nice. :p Well, the game show sounds like a lot of fun, I hope you get to be on it. When will you know? SS your temp dipped a bit... how're things other wise? has it gone back up? any positive tests or did AF show? fx for you hun!! Did you have a good time at the beach for fathers day?

Jada! So glad to hear from you! :) Yes, OPK finally turned positive and I'm either 2 or 3dpo today. yay. :D wow!! that's a LOT of fibroids you poor thing! Glad to hear surgery went well and I hope you're resting up nicely! So much going on for you in the medical department... all for good though so soon you'll be getting that bfp! <3

Alice, where you at love?? We miss you. :)

AFM, FF says I'm 3 dpo and CTP says 2dpo. Not sure which to go by.... FF picked the day I got my postive OPK and it usually picks the day after (the one CTP picked). Not sure what made it pick that day... perhaps it will change. But either way, temp is on its way up up up. :) Hoping for good things this cycle! My SIL announced her pregnancy to us this last Thursday and I'm SUPER excited to be an aunt! But also very sad because I'm supposed to be 2 months ahead of her. :( Hopefully this is our month and we can still be pregnant together. My appt with my GYN is next week and I can hardly wait. I'll either be 10 or 11 dpo, and MAYBE they can do an hcg blood test and I can find out sooner if it worked this month. Hopefully they'll also do a progesterone test too!
fx for you all and lots of baby dust!! <3 <3 <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

8 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Sorry it took me a while! Being busy trying to finish my to-do-list before going on a holiday :-p

Emmy, I saw on your page that AF has crashed the party :-( So sorry for that :-( I too really hope no third cp will occur!!! How rude that they are waiting for that! I understand how painful it is to hear many others close to you announcing their pregnancy :-( Don't feel guilty if you feel like avoiding them, you must do what is best for you. I'm cheering for you, hoping this cycle will bring you good fortune!!!! Did you have a nice time celebrating Father's day?

Missytwoshoes, I would go for 3dpo :-) Seems more likely that you O'd a day after the positive opk... I'm sorry to hear the cold isn't entirely gone yet :-( It sounds like you enjoyed your beach trip!! :-) I'm glad to hear that :-) Your appointment is close, it would be so amazing if you would find out your pregnant :-) I'm pulling for you, hun!!!!

Jada, it's so nice to hear you!! :-) I'm glad the surgery went well and you are recovering! Hopefully the post op appointment will confirm that the surgery was a great success!!! Take your time to heal, and hopefully you'll be on a straight and short path to being pregnant!!!! I'm cheering, hun!!!! I hope the blood transfusion might not be necessary after all and I hope all is fine with your kidneys!!!

Nikolina, IRELAND!!! :-) I love Ireland :-) It's such a beautiful country, so green :-) I've been there on a holiday when I was 18 (with parents and sister), but I hope to go back once with my husband and our little one, when he/she is bit bigger ;-) Waw, Latvia is quite far from Ireland! You must be excited to see your family again :-) The closest I've been to Latvia is Poland :-) What is Latvia like? Is it (besides in summer) cold there, cause it's more in the north? I'm hoping too you will O this cycle, hun, but I'm confident you will!!! I really think being so sick has messed up your previous cycle... Wishing you lots of luck for this cycle!!!!

AFM, no uti yet ;-) Baby seems to be doing fine (as far as I can tell). For a moment, I was very tempted to do a private ultrasound after not finding out the gender, but then again, with being on a holiday and being so busy at work, time will probably fly anyway, so I'll just wait and hope that we'll know next time :-) I'm quite curious :-p I still think it's a boy though :-) I will be surprised if it's not a boy :-p

Sending you ladies lots of love, lots of baby dust and lots of positive vibes!!!!!


8 years ago

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