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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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Let ke clarify. 3dpo I did opk was negative. This morning at 4dpo positive.

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

So my beta was 20 on sat n my beta on Monday was 90. Progesterone hasn't come back yet. Ultrasound in two weeks. Checking for twins. Doc couldn't confirm either way by numbers. But my beta she said more then doubled.

9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I'm hoping you all might be able to give me some advice. I have very irregular cycles- always have. Previously, I was on the nexplanon implant for birth control which eliminated having periods at all. When my husband and I decided that we wanted to try for our second child, I had the implant removed. It took 66 days for me to get my first cycle after the implant. I am currently on cycle day 32 with 2 BFN HPT. I honestly don't know when I even expect my next cycle to start because I've only had one cycle since coming off the birth control but started to take HPT's because I'm not sure if I'm late or not. My primary physician told me that she thinks I may have PCOS, and when I brought it up to my OBGYN in January, he said they don't do anything to treat it other than control the periods with birth control and to let him know if I dont have a cycle for 3 months in a row. I found that a little odd, since we are TTC and birth control would prevent the pregnancy that we want. I'm kind of pulling my hair out over here. I don't feel like I have enough information to really feel comfortable "complaining" to my Dr, but at the same time, if I only get a cycle about every 66 days I have less than half the opportunity each year to conceive and I don't want to waste too much time. I've ordered a basal thermometer to start BBT charting and I've used OPK around CD14 but only took them for 7 days. At what point do you think it is a good time to go back to the Dr? Or should I find a different OBGYN? Or should I just not worry about it? just looking for a little direction of what to do next.


9 years ago

LeighAnn - I would definitely get a second opinion. It could also be that having the implant for so long and then getting it removed has just wonked your body out and it's still figuring out it's new normal. Are they ONLY saying you might have PCOS because of the length of your cycle? Definitely don't get on BC if you want to TCC. I would find out what your other options are. My doc thought PCOS might be an issue for me and they gave me 3 different options, one was getting on bc, one was surgery to explore the issue further and I can't remember what the third was. GL. Hang in there. Hope you get it figured out!

mama2twins - Dang! How do you feel about the possibility of having twins again?

Holly - I wish I knew! Never taking Clomid I'm not really sure what's normal. Hopefully some of the other girls can shed some light.

Margie - FX you catch the egg before moving to IUI!

She_Ra - Congrats on the BFP!!

Nikki - FX you get your BFP tomorrow morning!! Those are all great signs!

JessyAnn - You have a great game plan!! Totally forgot I do have that BBT thermometer you were talking about, I loved it. It helped me chart when I got preggo last summer.

Sorry to those I missed, it won't let me go back any further!

AFM - 3DPO. I'm in a house full of sickies. DH was in bed with a 102 fever all day, I've got a horrible sore throat and the toddler baby is sick, too. As far as symptoms go, it's still really early to start getting excited about anything. I have had some cramping, tender bbs, backache, and I'm exhausted (but that's probably from being sick). Will try my hardest to wait until next Tuesday (3/3) to take a test!!

Me: 29 DH: 30 DS: 11/28/12 Twins: 7/9/14 User Image User Image

9 years ago

I am going in today for blood work. They think I am probably just now 14 DPO. I will let all know what they say this afternoon.

9 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!

I hope everyone is having a decent Wednesday so far...

Mama - !!! Wishing you a !!!

Nikki - keeping fingers crossed for you... Here's hoping today you get your BFP.

Margie - Good Luck this month! Hoping you get a BFP before moving on to IUI.

Gina - Hope you and the family are feeling better this morning!

AFM, I am kind of freaking out. So, the test I took yesterday was one of the ultra-sensitive internet stick. I think it was like 10 mIU. So, of course I wanted to confirm this morning... I bought a First Response Digital last night, hoping for the big "YES". Instead I got a "NO". Took another midstream test that was less sensitive than yesterday's (20mIU), and it didn't show anything at first, but then a faint line after about 15 minutes.

I am hoping that this is all just because it's still pretty early (I'm 11dpiui today), but I am worried it could be a CP. Has anyone been through anything similar?

TTC since Dec 2012 Me: 35, PCOS DH: Perfectly healthy! Mar 2014: First IUI cycle May 2014: Missed M/C Oct & Nov 2014: 2 IUI Cycles Dec 2014: 4th IUI Jan 15, 2015: 5th round IUI Feb 14, 2015 : 6th round IUI Feb 28, 2015: - 1st beta: 195, 2nd beta: 467 Hoping for a

9 years ago

Oh, I forgot this!

LeighAnn, I would definitely get a second opinion. If you can get to an RE, I'd highly recommend it. I was diagnosed with atypical PCOS, and my RE has been fantastic in helping induce ovulation, and regular cycles. It is totally possible to have successful intervention, even if that is your diagnosis! However, I'd agree with Gina... You need more information than just having lengthy, irregular cycles before PCOS gets diagnosed. Hang in there, and don't be discouraged, but definitely look into it further with a specialist if you can!

TTC since Dec 2012 Me: 35, PCOS DH: Perfectly healthy! Mar 2014: First IUI cycle May 2014: Missed M/C Oct & Nov 2014: 2 IUI Cycles Dec 2014: 4th IUI Jan 15, 2015: 5th round IUI Feb 14, 2015 : 6th round IUI Feb 28, 2015: - 1st beta: 195, 2nd beta: 467 Hoping for a

9 years ago

@Holly, do you temp? That is the only way to be for sure but CD17 for me is when I ovulate every month..

@Mama, twins AGAIN??? Good Luck :-)

@She, I think it may still be early. I personally have no experience with the test issues cause I reuse to test before my missed period. Fingers crossed you get a BFP!

@Nikki, let us know when you get results.

9 years ago

She_Ra - Sending positive preggo vibes your way!! I haven't had a chemical so I have no advice to give. Hopefully your HCG levels are just still low and won't work on a digi yet.

Nikki - GL with the bloodwork!

AFM - Everyone is still home sick. DH doesn't have a fever anymore though so at least he's been a little helpful today! 4DPO, nothing crazy. I do have achy hips and back, bbs still tender, lots of lotion-like CM, have to pee constantly and I'm exhausted. Still think that's just from being sick though. Can't wait to POAS next Tuesday!!

Me: 29 DH: 30 DS: 11/28/12 Twins: 7/9/14 User Image User Image

9 years ago

Gina and She- Thanks for the advice! I do have other symptoms of PCOS on top of the irregular periods. I've had confirmed cysts on my ovaries starting when I was 16. Now I have thinning hair, hair growing under my chin like a mans beard, skin tags on my upper body, and weight management issues. I think my primary Dr thought all these things together really pointed at the PCOS as being a potential explanation. It took me 5 years to get pregnant with my son and he's almost 10 now...a PCOS diagnosis could also explain why I had such a difficult time conceiving before. I think I'll look into getting a second opinion and continue to track all of my cycle information.

Congratulations to everyone who has received their BFP!

Good luck to everyone still waiting to find out

9 years ago

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