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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Hey :) My first time really joining in on the forum experience :P
If I get a BFP on December 2nd (if I can wait that long to test...) My baby's due date will be August 13th :)
We're trying for #1 still! (November makes 13 months)

11 years ago

Cristi- thank you hunny! I think I'm going to go to an RE next year now... I'm going to try naturally first with acupuncture and herbs for 2-3 months and then go to an RE. We'll see...
Sounds you are doing well, your little pains don't necessarily mean something bad is happening. Please don't think the negative! I'm praying for you and your little bean sweetie!! Keep us posted on everything!

Carla- TEST!!! Since your cheapies are coming in tomorrow, go ahead and TEST girl!! for a

Smp- Yep, I think that means you ovulated!! Woohoo! Hoping your eggie met her man!!

Jess- glad you found the right one, I think you are fine with the timing,I hope they help this cycle girl!!

Taylorsmom- yes, I feel like that sometimes too and I convince myself I'm prego and the sad reality hits and I'm not... I still wonder if I tested if I would get a bfp then those would be chemical, but I don't test early so I never see that bfp... Good Luck to you!!!

Maggie- We're cycle twins, I'm CD6 today too! Sounds like a good plan, keep after ovulation too... funny, but we did exactly the same thing too last cycle, I felt that we ran out of steam after I Ovulated.
I hope you get your around the holidays and have this one STICK STICK STICK this time!!

Grants- how are things with you this cycle? Hope all is well mama!!!

Welcome Wanabmum, MillerMrs2008, firstimer12 and Holly to all you ladies!!!

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11 years ago

Lyssa- Welcome and good luck to you!! I hope your is just around the corner!! You're going to love this forum by the way, so much knowledge and support on here, it's really amazing!!!

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11 years ago

Yummymummy- I see the line too!! Hoping you get some more of those in a few days!!! I agree with the ladies, just wait a little and I'm sure the positive is coming!! yayy!!

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11 years ago

Thanks Miracle! I hope so too! Just am a little confused, does that mean that I ovulated the day before the big temp rise or the day after I got my + opk. My chart is up if you want to take a look and let me know what you think.

Hope everyone is doing well and gets their bfp's soon! This 2ww is not going to be fun, but then again it never is lol

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

I really knew AF was coming but secretly hoped maybe not. But nope, she is here :(

This has been the worst day ever. Cried at work almost all day. It would be nice to know WHY I haven't gotten pregnant and then have a treatment plan. We are in limbo, waiting for DH's SA and my next dr. visit.

I'm so over right now I feel like I will never ever have a baby.

11 years ago

Smp- here is what I found for you, cause I wasn't sure myself:

During the first two weeks of a woman's cycle, her body temperature is lower (97.0 to 97.5 F), due to the presence of estrogen. With ovulation, a rise in body temperature takes place - caused by an increase of the hormone progesterone - in order to provide a warmer, more fertile environment. A minimum temperature rise of 0.4 to 0.6 degrees F can be measured - and this change will last through the duration of the menstrual cycle. By monitoring when this temperature change takes place, you can estimate when ovulation has taken place.

So it seems to me that you ovulated CD15 or CD16 1 or 2 days before the big temp rise and 1-2 days after your second positive OPK. (which is in sync with what they say "you ovulate 12-48 hrs. AFTER your positive OPK).
Hope that helps!!!

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11 years ago

Hi girls. Just thought I'd check in since I had told you about my bfp...I had a blood draw yesterday and my hcg is only at 87. I believe I'm 4w5d. I have another one tomorrow. I realize what's important is that the numbers double...but I'm a little scared. I shouldn't be...yet. But I'm making dinner and going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day. Praying for my little bean.

11 years ago

Thank you Miracle that does help! and praying for you mommtastic, hope all goes well tomorrow and your numbers double and your little bean is just fine!!

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Smp - looking at ALL of your fertility signs together, my guess is that if you had continued testing you may have seen an additional +opk. I agree with previous suggestions of 15-16dpo.
On cell -will check back later!

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

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