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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Bluerose: You just made my day. I laughed so much I had tears in my eyes.
Thank you!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

I'm off to go and have breakfast with "Santa".

I will update when I get back. I have met with the mediator once. I have also net with the GM yesterday. She asked me what I wanted, So I told her that I want all email correspondence to stop from my manager. I am not returning to work until we have mediation and there is clear guidelines for behaviour and processes. I have been seeing a therapist and I must admit that I do feel very impowered now.

Tnx for all your support ladies.

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10 years ago

Okay, so I think I read through everything. I hope everyone is doing well today I am gonna go back and get into the details of everything!

Camasia: I'm right there with you with finals! I hope you do well on them:) Mine start next week so I am just preparing for them. I am a BioChem major so I know how these science class finals feel. Pure agony sometimes! I'm sure you did great:) I do hope you get a BFP this cycle.

Just for an update I have about a 33 day cycle and I am 15DPO....a BFN this morning again...and AF due tomorrow. Grrrr....

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Rice--I thought prego pops were lollipops. I'm not thinking ill have any sickness--maybe I'm jinxing myself but I keep waiting for it every day and all I get is extreme tiredness. My boobs hurt really bad this morning too. When do you plan to do a Facebook/friend announcement? I'm trying to decide still ...I'm so eager!

Teeny update--did a blood draw today and I'm waiting for the results--it's been 5 days since my last one so I'm not sure how useful it will be but I'm looking forward to the results nonetheless. I'm waiting for a happy hour at the law school to start--yay for free food. Just had a long chit chat with a friend at panera and that was nice.

10 years ago

@cam: I am sorry to hear your hsg was postponed :( Lets pray you don't need one and you come up with a bfp instead!!!

@JLHart: Thanks for making me feel so special :) All those salty food sound delish! I hope its a bfp in the making!

@dev: Glad I can share some of my knowledge. I try to pipe up when I can - the girls here have been so great to me, I just want to return the love!

@luv: So how many days do you have to spend with the monster-in-laws? I don't get any time off over the Holidays other than Christmas and New Years Day but I have asked to take seven additional days in December. I have 10 vacations days left but with all of my doctors appointments and whatnot I don't feel too bad about not using all of my vacation. I don't know if I will actually take all seven days.. we'll see. I may just work from home a couple of those days which is almost just as good to me.

@law: If it doesn't look like I've gained 35lbs its because I've gained 41.. but that was at my last appointment two weeks ago so I am sure I'm upwards of about 44-45 now. I've just come to accept it instead of beating myself up over it. I hope your holiday trip isn't too stressful on you :( When do you leave? Why are they still doing beta draws? I think your stellar numbers would have previously satisfied the docs. Hmmm... But I am with you, its nice to see them keep going up and I love getting good test results :) Have fun at Happy Hour! Has anyone noticed that you are not drinking? When do you think you'll tell people? I waited until 20 weeks to annouce on facebook. After the initial urge to tell people left I kind of enjoyed keeping it to myself :)

@rice: Crackers won't make your blood sugar dip but they won't hold it steady very long without a little bit of protein. And with protein you'll at least get a gradual dip instead of a crash. I learned that at the very end of my first trimester... so of course the whole first trimester I was shoveling carbs in non stop when I probably would have felt better if I would have eaten some almond butter or string cheese... oh well.. I'll know for next time.

@nicolene: I am so glad you are feeling empowered! You sound upbeat in your post which makes me smile! I hope you have a great breakfast with Santa!! Can't wait for you to update us further.

@oak: Good luck with finals!! I am so sorry to hear about your bfn :( That sucks. You have one heck of a luteal phase though! Wow! 16days!! That is amazing!

AFM: I am so happy its Friday!! Woohoo!

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10 years ago

Hope: I know! It makes this tww drag on and on...I am really hoping AF doesn't come though. It doesn't feel like any symptoms I typically have before AF...that is why I am confused I am not get a BFP.

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Law---Oops!! I thought preggo pops were popsicles, ha ha. I think Im going to make an announcement on FB after our first appointment. But, it all depends on how far I actually am. If they say that Im only 6 1/2 weeks then I will probably wait until 8 weeks.

10 years ago

@oak: Though your 16 day lp makes for a SUPER long tww, it means you have awesome progesterone! Until I was prescribed supplemental progesterone I had a luteal phase of 5 days! Which won't allow me to get pregnant. So you are lucky in that regard. Hmm.... with things being different than normal you'd thinkg a BFP is on the horizon. I am so sorry you are still getting bfns :(

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10 years ago

Rice--you'll definitely be ~6 5 weeks unless they date you wrong. At least based on what you've said. I mean I think you'd know it if you conceived 2 weeks prior to when you thought.

Smh--I've NEVER been a drinker so nothing has changed in that regard. This beta was ordered by my ob gyn and he doesn't have all the information that my RE has. He ordered this test before my levels were above 2000 and wanted me to go midweek but there were too many people for me to do so. My RE stopped testing when I hit 2590. It's all u/s from here on out, I just wanted to take advantage of a beta already ordered :) I think your attitude about your weight gain is spot on. Everyone's body handles pregnancy differently and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. Wow, there's no way I could hold out for that long. I'll spill the beans after my 10w4d u/s on jan 10th.

MAn today I've been ravenous. I hate when that happens and I'm uncomfortable all day.

10 years ago

@Hope: Oh wow, I guess that is definitely a different way to look at it! Haha, thank you, now I am not so bummed. But taking supplements worked for you yes?

I am hoping I just test positive after I miss AF, if that happens! If she does come then I guess I will go back to using the clearblue ovulation predictor test. I used it last month, but had no luck so I decided not to this cycle. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it again...

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

@law: that's cool you've never been a drinker. I on the other hand cannot say the same thing. I'm not saying I'm a booze hound but I enjoy a libation or two when not pregnant. Some friends of ours suspected I was pregnant right off when I didn't drink at our annual 4th of July Party. So when do you get today's beta back? Well the weight wasn't going anywhere but up so I had to accept it, lol. I think 10.5 weeks is a great time to start telling people. Will you tell your family when you visit for the Holiday?

@oak: Yep the supplemental progesterone sure did work for me! I hope AF stays away and you get your BFP!! But if you don't I definitely suggest using opks or the ovulation predictor. I know I couldn't tell when I was going to O without opks. Good luck hon!!

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10 years ago

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