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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Period was due today- still haven't gotten I went to the store and bought a test...

Is this for real??

11 years ago

Momma_C: I'm SO happy for you!!!

11 years ago

MommaC, oh my gosh!!!!!! Congratulations!! So excited for you!

I read your update and that is crazy, crazy, crazy. That nurse should be seriously in trouble for making statements like that! Just so you know, my last two children, I have had to have hcg and progesterone tested the day I get a positive test. With my daughter, I looked up in her book to write down this for you: HCG 22, Progesterone 8. That was at 12 dpo! The second HCG did not double, it was 39, but anything over 65% my doctor said was fine. I did not spot with her like I have in my pregnancies, but actually bled with her. Bled, bright red blood. I even drank wine on my birthday because I thought I had miscarried. The HCG from then on continued to double every 48 hours, and by the time the next week came, they did first ultrasound at HCG level of 2259 and there was a visible yolk sac, then went back a week later, and there was a heart beat. My doctor does not run labs after it goes over 1000 on hcg because he said by that 100 #, something should show on an ultrasound by then. The numbers will most usually be low when they are testing so early, so that nurse was way, way, off for you. For me, those HCg's were usually ran at 12 dpo or so. My daughter is almost 3 yrs. old now. So, when she tells you that you are miscarrying, with no other results or information, that was really wrong. I'm so sorry as you had to go through this. What an emotional turmoil. Please keep us updated with your results.

AFM, today I left a message this morning with doctor, and he called me back by lunch. He was so very excited for me. I came in this afternoon and they ran a HCG lab and progesterone. They also had my husband give me my first progesterone injection. We had to do these prog. injections with our last pregnanies and so my doctor wanted to start now. So, every day, my husband will be the one to give me the progesterone in my hip.

Speaking of prog. my labs last week were 11.2! 11.2!!! That is not high, but not crazy low like they have been in the past. My doctor said this is the highest progesterone I have had in years! Last month, it was 6.4, last year when ran twice, it was 8 and 9. With my daughter levels were an 8, and with my other daughter, they were a 10.

I don't have any symptoms except a bad headache. I actually don't feel pregnant, and my mind sometimes goes down thoughts it shouldn't due to past miscarriages and pain. BUT, I remind myself that I'm not in control in this, and just being here now after 13 months is amazing. I wan to not worry and just enjoy this time by not reading into things.

11 years ago

@Sandra: Thank you, thank you for the kind words and story. I appreciate the support. It is good to know that there are people out there who didn't have perfect doubling and still have healthy children.

However.... I called last night and got my hcg level... 89. This is not good news, it is up from 64, so a 39% increase. Like Sandra said, we are looking for at least a 65% increase. I am waiting to hear from my doctor.

In the mean time... I googled all kinds of things last night. I spent a lot office reading other forums about "hcg rising, but not doubling" and read a lot of inspiring stories. I also read a lot of heartbreaking stories. Most stated its about a 50/50 chance at this point. I even read that some women don't double until they get over 100, and some women don't double until the 5 week. With my DS, I was 84 on 12 DPO and 249 at 14 DPO... So this is strange for me.

I am just going to get through each day. It isn't over yet. Hopefully I'll be another woman with an inspiring story that will help calm the nerves of another expectant mother in the future. I do believe It is in God's hands.

Hope you all are doing well. I can't believe how many BFPs this cycle! I really appreciate all of your support

11 years ago

Just one more thing... My temp spiked this morning! I don't know what it means, but it is 98.41 this morning. This cycle I haven't had anything over 98.05, so this really was a spike. Who knows...

11 years ago

Morning Ladies...

DBJohnson- ITS NOT OVER YET! I've been praying for you and it's at least rising which is a good thing! All babies are different right!?

Sandra- I've also been praying and thinking about you and how great it is considering you were going to start clomid. Same goes for you, they give the doubling thing as a "normal" but all pregnancies and babies are different so just because it's not as high doesn't mean its over!

AFM- yesterday my period STILL didn't come; so I packed up the baby and drove to the store for a test. I even gave myself a pep talk on the way home saying "It's okay that it's going to be negative, just work out a plan for next month and move on..." 10 minutes later I took the test and covered my mouth in SHOCK of that 2nd line. O.M.G.; I totally counted myself out this month! I'm still VERY cautious; I never have dealt with a miscarriage and no one in my family has (thank God) but that doesn't mean I won't have one. I took a test again this morning, and it was lighter then last night but DEF there...! So I got a digital and lo behold, it says NEGATIVE!!>!

UGH. I'm not convinced I'm not considering I have been extremely exhausted, moody, and nauseas. Maybe my levels aren't high enough? I called the Dr. and they made me an appt. for Thurs. I also explained to her the tests and she said it doesn't matter the darkness from yesterday to today because lots of factors go into the tests so as long as it's positive you don't need to test again and that they will test me on Thursday. I'm worried though. I did have a little bit of spotting today (only once when I wiped, and it was the tiniest bit of brown, I wouldn't have even noticed if I wasn't pregnant...) So I'm just praying and going to take it day by day. But you guys know how hard it is NOT to be excited...

I have one test left from the digital pack so I will test in the am.

I always get scared I'm going to look stupid and go in there and NOT be pregnant. BUT 2 of my frer were positive so...I don't know...that negative digital has me in a tiff...

11 years ago

Good morning ladies:
Dbjohnson: Momma C: Like you guys said it's in Gods hands....... He knows the desires of our heart and his promises for us is yes and amen. So hang in there. God has the last say. I'm praying for you!

Amanda: Update us!

Afm: I'm on cycle day 5. Wanting to O. Hubby is going out of town this weekend.....we planned to try to do the SMEP but i don't know if that is going to work. We can get sat am, mon am and wed. (I'm still going to use the soft cups) Oh, i didn't tell you guys..... According to my chart (bbt) my temp last cycle didn't detect ovulation. Has this happen to any of you ladies? Which was probably true because my nipples were sore from the day I O until 2 days into this cycle. I allso had cramps from O until AF showed up. This was the only time (cycle) this has happened. Moving on...... I pray you guys have a great day!!!

11 years ago

*I am in HIS demand* so I'm trying to be positive. I've had a but of spotting today but just once when I wiped...

Z- That is SO weird my cycle last month was CRAZY I O'd WAY early and we didn't bed barely, so there is a huge chance if you do that you will be all good! Cause like I said I thought for sure I wasn't this month.

I've never heard of that before though!

11 years ago

Goodmorning ladies,

I loved reading all your posts.

Zuberi, I'm praying for you! Day 5! Only a few more days until O! Have fun with it!

Mommac, can I just say I so very much related to your post. I have done that before. Test positive. Then test again, and again. Then if it's not positive or not as dark, I fret. I just said yesterday to my husband, that I didn't think I was pregnant anymore. I actually took a digital in the afternoon and it said "not pregnant". I had drank 3 bottles of water that afternoon though. I felt the doctor was going to call and tell me I wasn't pregnant and it was a mistake. So, I went and did labs shortly after, and got my prog. shot, then came home two hours later to take my last digital and it then says, 'pregnant". I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's so early still, and that nurse was accurate in telling you that many factors play in those tests especially if not taken in the morning, and water intake, and hours since last peed, etc.. I took my other two tests and put them in a ziplock bag and handed him to my husband. Testing again after a positive is only going to make me crazy.

Dbjohnson, it is not over yet. You are so right... it's all in HIS hands. I had just journaled Sunday morning before church, "Lord, I don't understand this whole journey of waiting and don't know if we will have more children again. But, your plans are much better then mine. You are the giver of life". Then that afternoon, everything had changed with that positive test.

I know so very much the ups and downs of doing labs and waiting to hear results. We went thought that with two miscarriages (one was ectopic, and the weeks of labs were so drawn out and hard with the waiting), then after those two losses, I had to be monitored with the other two (my girls) and that was also so hard. I spotted a lot with my daugther, then my 2nd daughter I actually bled. The waiting was so hard as I bled and thought "according the science/labs", that pregnancy was doomed. God had much different plans, and she is here!! Our sweet and spunky girl will be 3 this June!

I have to go through the same thing now, doing labs and just waiting for results and going from there with this new pregnancy. I'm trying to stay distracted, but it still is in the back of my mind. I actually got called at 8:15am this morning from the office, and the nurse said, "the doctor needs to meet with you regarding your labs". I thought for a good 2 minutes I had miscarried. First of all, my doctor in the past always calls me, and seeing him in person I know is not a good thing. When I asked her why he couldn't call with the results, she said, "he likes to see you in person to go over these things". BUT, after a 2 minutes confusion, the nurse was calling about my labs LAST Wednesday (progesterone), she didn't know I was pregnant, and was calling to set up an appoitnment with my doctor who was going to go over those results and start me on clomid she said. It wasn't her fault, but I had a good 2 minutes I thought I was at the end of the road with this pregnancy. It is so hard not to go down that road as we have had loss and my experiences with this. With that said, they did NOT get my actual labs in doctor should call Wednesday with those. I will have more labs done Wednesday and Friday to compare HCG. I got my first progesterone injection yesterday afternoon too. The labs yesterday really are not important as the comparision # of Wednesday & Friday will be.

Talk to you ladies soon. I'm so thankful we can all be chatting and coming along eachother's side during this journey.

11 years ago

quick post because I'm on the run but I just started bleeding VERY badly and have cramps. So this is just not my month this month I guess! There's def. too much blood to be normal spotting.


11 years ago

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