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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

361 - 370 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Dev, I'm starting to thing there is no such thing as TMI in this forum lol. I'm not sure what that could mean, if anything.

10 years ago

ttc #2 Baby....... LOL! I imagine so!!! Maybe I am just grasping at straws. I wish I could train myself to not analyze every little thing and just let things happen on their own!

10 years ago

@LJT: So good to have you back!! Glad everything is going well for you! You are due two days before me!! :)

@baby#2: Maybe you aren't having normal symptoms because you are going to get your bfp!

@cam: Good luck on your finals!! I SO Hope this is your bfp cycle!! When is your hsg again? Or did you already have it? How did it go?

@dev: Congrats on being 1/2 through the tww :) Sounds like you had an awesome O with all that creamy cm. Creamy cm is a side effect of progesterone.

@mommyof3: Hopefully the spotting was inplatnation bleeding! Welcome to the forum. You'll love it here!

@luv: Hey back at ya! And1makes3 disappeared due to horrendous morning sickness and just hasn't made it back. I am not sure if she will. She is a member on cdmp but I haven't heard from her in a couple months. Happy Anniversary and great luck this cycle!! Sorry you have to endure your MIL again... last time was Vegas right?

@amag: Hopefully AF doesn't arrive and you get your bfp!

@sailor: Yay.. that is a slow hcg drop.... Are they thinking you may need a D&C? I am so sorry you are going through this!

@JLHart: Love the cravings! Hopefully this means bfp!

@rice: Hopefully you never vomit but the nausea will most likely stay around for several more weeks... Sorry, but so happy you are pregnant!! Try crackers and peanut butter in the morning. Or crackers + protein.. just crackers alone will make your blood sugar dip and that will cause more nausea.

@law: Even though you aren't thrilled by your christmas plans I am happy you will get to spend some time with family. Congrats on the u/s and only one baby!! I am so happy for you! Oh and the bloating! I hear ya!! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bloated for the first 11 weeks of my pregnancy. I hope that is not the case for you but if it is, its normal. I have already gained the alotted amount for a full term pregnancy but as you told me when I was freaking out - its all about a healthy baby at the end :)

@blue: Sorry about the battle scene! I hope you have fun at the party if you go!

Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Work has been crazy. Not sure when I'll be back to chime in but hopefully its sooner than later. I only went back 2.5 pages so sorry if I missed anyone!

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10 years ago

Smh it was postponed so REALLY hope that this is it as well.

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10 years ago

SMH, thanks for checking in!! Sorry you're still so busy! Not sure why the need/want for salt, but it was good!! Lol ;)

10 years ago

Thanks so_much_hope.....I didn't know that!!!

10 years ago

Cam do they know when you're gonna be able to schedule the HSG? That sucks that it was postponed. Sorry I didn't say so earlier, this thread has been bananas!

SMH thanks girly! :) Yep Vegas, where she screamed at me and threw a total shit fit about not getting enough pictures of us at the exact moment she wanted them. I mean I am moody enough from the drugs and from just not being pregnant, I don't want to deal with her unique brand of bat-shit too! BAAAAAAH. Sorry work has been so nuts for you! How much time do you get off for the holidays?

lawbride unfortunately my husband only has those two relatives that we see at Christmas, but hopefully we can hook up with a couple of his friends and get away for a bit. You are so lucky that it's only a couple days for you, hope you can successfully avoid the weirdos ;)

bluerose yikes about the bleeding! One thing about temping is you technically don't need to do it when you're having AF, so if it's gross don't worry about it! Just resume when the bleeding stops :)

10 years ago • Post starter

If still nothing I'll have it scheduled in March. I'm not worried I believe it's going to happen before then.:-)

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10 years ago

SMH--I'm not sure that it will be good for me to spend time with family but I'm doing it anyway. I always aim to please other people. It sure doesn't look like you gained 35 pounds --not in the slightest. If you have it's certainly heaps of water retention.

Luv--no weirdos just a lot of stress and anxiety about it. I'm not good at handling these kinds of situations.

10 years ago

Thanks for the advice ladies! :)

Blue---I wondered the same thing about throwing up. My sister in-law told me that once she would get sick she would feel so much better for the rest of the day. I think that might be better. But, then again I dont want to wish that upon myself either, ha ha. I havent tried preggo pops yet because its been so cold outside that I only want warm foods.

Law---I try and eat throughout the day so I dont let my blood sugar get too low. Ive been craving carbs so that hasnt been an issue. I prefer to have oyster crackers with my soup and munch out on them a little here and there.

SMH---I didnt realize that crackers alone would make my blood pressure dip. So thanks for that tip!! :) I hope you get some reprieve time and are able to relax.

10 years ago

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