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October Testers Part 2!

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AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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amag--that's very interesting. Everyone who has trouble conceiving should do that test then. So, are you for sure going to be doing IUI? If so, when? If not, when will you decide to take that step? What time does the hospital open? Maybe he could do it before work or just come in 1 hour later. Or maybe he could do it on his lunch break and you drop it off. It's great that your work is accommodating!

mamak--that actually sounds like a great genre! I should get a series of hers.

10 years ago

JLH glad the bleeding stopped! Do you know if you ovulated yet?

lawbride IUI does sound like a good option :) Not a very romantic way to conceive but we're way past romance at this point, LOL! I got some scented candles and soap at Bath and Body Works and I got some shirts at Old Navy. :)

amag I agree that your husband could do the SA during his lunch break or something, or just be late to work one day :) It'd be fun if we were IUI buddies next month! Although I'm still hoping I will get miraculously knocked up this month and not need it ;)

MamaK it'd be next cycle, currently 7 DPO so a few weeks I guess :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi all! 10 days PO, 26 days into cycle. Although I knew it was too early, I took a test yesterday and BFN. I am going to try to hold off until 10/31 to test again...we will see if I can make it. Been TTC for 6 months now- starting to get discouraged!

10 years ago

law: the dr wants to wait until we get the results of the SA first then we will draft a sure fire plan so it wont be till next month the earliest seeing i just Ovulated for sure today !! like luv though i guess im still holding out hope that some of his little guys still make it up there this month on their own and i wont need the iui or ivf!! but i will take what i get at this point!!

luv: my DH goes in for 6 in the morning and usually does not take a break he is salary and the manager of his store so he does 60+ hours a week because they are short staffed at the moment. if he does get a break it is only half hour and the lab said he has to bring it in that i cant do it for him even though i can fill out the paperwork better than he can... go figure...we will figure it out though we always do.
That would be amazing if we both did iui at the same time and wound up pregnant at the same time!! im still holding out hope for both of us that we wont need it and this cycle will be the lucky one!!

How are all the other ladies doing hope all are well!!

AFM: doing well today much better mood than yesterday. i was just thinking how the dr said that there were still some healthy alive sperm in the slide so i guess that means there is still a chance we can get pregnant on our own although it will be significantly lower chance but im still going for it.!! i ovulated today for sure so now just waiting it out and working on getting the SA for my DH set up for him!!

10 years ago

welcome to the forum !!! sorry about the BFN! try not to get discouraged we have all been there at least a time or two though.!! how long have you been off BC? sometimes that can play a big role in getting pregnant i know personally i didnt start to ovulate again till close to a year after i stopped taking BC!! Good luck you will find a great group of women here to help you along the way!! they have been my lifesavers a time or

10 years ago

Hi Kait and welcome! How are you identifying/confirming ovulation?

Amag--FX'd that this month is your month and you don't need a solution. Are you using preseed or anything like that?

luv--meh, romance is overrated. The important thing is that we have a little one to give our love to. I figure if you BD for good measure you'll never know which sperm made it so the romance is still potentially there!

10 years ago

Morning ladies...

Luv, I was using my OPKs and although not always accurate,I had a peak on if I did possibly Tuesday? Thought the bleeding had stopped, but had a little last night. So strange...

Kati, welcome! Good luck...and as Amag said we have all been discouraged, but this group of ladies are wonderful. A really great support system, so welcome and feel free to vent. No judgement here ;)

Law, hey are you?

AFM, it's 0834 hrs cst...I'm about to get up, get dressed, and head to my Pure Barre workout class. Whoo hoo...

10 years ago

jlhart: the bleeding could be ovulation bleeding! at least thats what the mid cycle bleeding is for me. its never alot just a little blood mixed in with the EWCM or a little spotting afterwards. hopefully that is all it is.

law: no we dont use anything at all... usually right before O and a day or so after i do get plenty of CM so there is no need for it around that time at all. im just going to keep on trying until we have a solid plan with the Dr.

luv: yeah there never is really and romance around here anymore. i shouldnt say that. DH has never been big on romance he gets a little akward with it usually however he tries so i cant complain!!

10 years ago

kait welcome! Don't get discouraged, I think we expect TTC to be a total breeze because we all know those people who get knocked up immediately, but there are a lot of people suffering in silence. You are not alone! :)

amag yep you definitely still have a chance going the natural route, I have high hopes for both of us! At least we know we'll be taking big steps by Christmas! I just really want to be pregnant by Christmas!

lawbride agreed! Romance, booooring! ;) One of the questions I want to ask about the IUI is whether we can or should still do intercourse beforehand. My husband has offered to come with me for the IUI because I was like "I'd like you to be in the room when we conceive our child" LOL!

JLH I hope the bleeding was O bleeding! That'd be awesome :) Sometimes it's the "weird" cycles where good things happen!

AFM 8 DPO and I started testing with Wondfos (OPK and HPT) because I have so damn many of them around! My OPK was actually darker than it usually is in my LP. BFN on the HPT though! Obviously! I am not expecting a BFP that early ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--makes sense. I think most people still BD surrounding their O. But asking would be best

JLHART--is that like Pilates? I'm doing okay, no news to report.

Amag-- that's great. We don't use it either but I'm hoping I have more CM with injects.

First u/s tomorrow to see the follies :)

10 years ago

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