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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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@GVMDL: I'm glad they are getting some things done now!! I am praying yall get your rainbow baby... it would make yalls already great love story even better :) Hoping for good news for you!!

10 years ago

Thank you 1st! You are sooooo sweet!

And thank you all because of all i have learned and tge incredible amount of support and guidance!

Could not be going through this journey without you ladies!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

GVMDL - I'm glad to hear the appointment went well! My fingers are crossed for you this month!!

acrichton - I bet it was the RRLT that got the job done! I hope you have a better month this time around! I know this cycle was agonizing for you. I REALLY hope that this is the month for you girl! A birthday present like that would be AWESOME for your hubby's b-day!!!

10 years ago

@sweetnsour My EDD is May 31st. I'm a teacher so it works perfectly!! Good luck to YOU!!

10 years ago

my husband and I just started trying to conceive. I have been dying to be a mommy for a few years now, but the timing was never right. We lived with my parents for the longest time, now we live in their house since they moved in with my grandparents. This is the house I've lived in since I was 3. For some odd reason, I felt like if we got pregnant living here, I'd get in trouble with my parents, as if I'm a teenager. I'm 27 years old and been married for 3 years, it's a ridiculous thought. We are in the process of buying our own house now, and suddenly I feel like an adult. Literally, I felt this weight lifted and knew it was time. I am 95% sure I am pregnant already. I'm experiencing multiple symptoms, some of them I never even knew were pregnancy related. I'm set to take a test next week, but of course being impatient I want to take one NOW!! I will wait though, I don't want a false negative to bring me down. I'm having fun keeping my husband in suspense about the whole thing. He knows nothing, he doesn't know when I plan to take the test, he doesn't know that I'm experiencing any symptoms either. I'm looking forward to telling him.

To everyone here trying, best wishes, lots of baby dust!!!

10 years ago

Good luck to you too Kelsey! Our due dates are close! 2 more days until I got to the doctor to confirm! And 3 more days until I'm 5 weeks along!

I still have cramps once in awhile and I tested again this morning just because I worry! Still positive. I really hope this baby sticks! This is the first time I've ever been pregnant.

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10 years ago

Ladies, for the past 3 days I've been having this awful, funky, metallic/acidic taste in my mouth. It comes and goes, sometimes while I'm eating, sometimes while I'm drinking coffee. Any ideas? Is this just something new I'm getting with my weird cycles? Has anyone had this before? It's like I either licked foil or a battery, or something that's bitter and dries your tongue out at the same time to intensify the nasty taste.

Any ideas?

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10 years ago

Rebecca: last cycle I had everything... The metallic taste in the mouth and aversion to my morning (decaf) coffee, all symptoms starting around 7 dpo.
Turns out it was just progesterone since AF arrived at the scheduled date... ugh...
But that doesn't mean that you haven't conceived....
that's why I decided to not symptom spot at all this month and going forward because I was very disappointed ..
baby dust and sticky vibes to you and all of us!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

rebecca - I second what GVMDL said. Almost all of the early pregnancy symptoms can also be symptoms you experience before AF. Also, I noticed that I get the metallic taste from some prenatal vitamins.

10 years ago

GVMDL - I'm so glad you made them do their jobs when they tried to blow you off. Fx that you get your rainbow baby very soon!

1st - Wow! We're really cycle buddies. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be ovulating tomorrow. GL!!

Irish Lady - I've heard a lot about pineapple core being good for implantation, but I don't have a juicer to try it. It stinks that your dr hasn't been more of a help or support. Sending lots of baby dust your way.

Congrats to all of the BFPs! Here's wishing you all a

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10 years ago

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