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HCG levels...a little scared

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I've had 4mc and they all started with a low HCG level. I'm currently 4w5d (I think) and had a blood draw yesterday. My hcg is at 87. I've looked at a ton of charts and I know that what matters most is that the numbers double in 24-72 hours....and I have another blood draw tomorrow....but I was wondering if any of you ladies have had low hcg early in pregnancy but continued on without any problems. I'm just scared...and praying for my little bean. Please share your success story!! I need some reassurance! Thank you!!!

416 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning!

Just thought I'd stop and say hi while I had some down time at work. I'm 34w5d today....holy cow. I woke up this morning and some serious sense of reality slapped me in the face. I'm going to be holding my little ninja baby in a few more weeks. Sniff, sniff. He's kicking and bouncing like crazy in there so I know he's as ready as I am for that day. :-)

My hip has been feeling better the last few days. Enough that I can use both feet when I take the stairs now. I just have to go slow. Last Friday I jarred something and was miserable all day and night. By Tuesday it was feeling better again. I'm hoping this means it won't be there come D-day!! I've had it with the sore hips and tush already!!! My Dr. told me Tuesday that I shouldn't be working and I should be using the pain pills he gave me. Honestly, I have to work. For many reasons. But mostly for my sanity. I swear I would not be a good stay at home mom. lol And as for the pills....just not my style. I don't even like taking Tylenol for a headache. I'm not taking Demerol or Vicodin while I'm pregnant. I did take a couple but the guilt was more to bare than the pain itself. Poor little dude. I can't drug him up like that in good conscience. <3

Went through all of our baby stuff last Saturday and we are simply blessed! This kid won't need clothes until he's almost 2! lol I returned a few things yesterday that were duplicates and couldn't resist 2 more outfits. lol I still have $200 in gift cards to spend but I'm waiting on my 10% off coupon. ;-) My in laws in South Carolina are also sending some stuff. I kind of want to wait to see what they send before I finish up the shopping. Their stuff will be harder to return if I get more duplicates. :-) Anyway, this is one lucky little dude. And if I didn't mention it before....I think we have a first name. Tanner. I love it. Barry likes it a lot but won't say he loves it. But we still can't agree on a middle name. At least he's not stuck on Bo anymore!!

Been super busy with Caleb's party stuff but I think it's done. All I have to do is shop for groceries tomorrow and cook on Saturday. It's not much so I think I'll be ok. I was able to get a couple people to make some of the dishes to lighten the load. I was able to get some more helping hands for set up on Sunday too, thank God! So here's to a very busy next 3 days and a whole lot of tears. My baby leaves for basic July 8th. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel but my heart is quite full and ready to burst. My baby boy is a man.

11 years ago • Post starter

Your post made me bawl....I literally remember how happy I was to find you!! You have come so so so far....this little guy was definately meant to be. We just talked about the name Tanner last night!! That's so funny! It's a super cute name!! (I like it a bit better than Bo ;) It's so nice to have support when a LO is coming...all those tiny clothes and things that you did so much work for your shower!! NINJA baby!!! Did they settle on a section date for you? I can completely understand why you feel the way you do about taking those's nice to hear the pain is kind of abating on its own.

Dh and I went through some kind of process....we decided to try halfheartedly through the month last month which was a no go. Then this month we decided no....then five days ago we decided to try this month....and two days ago (not kidding) our young neighbors (and friends) texted at 10pm and asked if we could babysit for a couple of hours! I'm usually in bed by 900, but who in their right mind would resist a five month old baby?!? SO.....we took him....and it was a shock realizing how much WORK it is (dh spilled formula~~lol)....but when he was playing with my hand and fell asleep in my arms....that was it. Dh looked very pleased with the baby around....SOOO I am on CD13 with BD last night and a temp drop this morning to 97.0. My chart from January shows a temp drop CD14 with O on CD we go again....except I feel less.....crazy (?) is that the right word? I don't have expectations...maybe that's it.

Your baby is leaving....good 17 year old just took the ACT's and is talking all the time about his senior year.....i can't even grasp how I'm going to cope with poor momma is so beautiful and short....

10 years ago

Aw. It's amazing how holding a baby can just melt your heart and cause you to instantly want to try again. That's pretty much why we decided to try one last time. I'll be praying for you. :-)

Caleb's party went well. He was very happy and pleased with the outcome. :-) it was sad and heart wrenching realizing how grown up he is. But the going away thing...after training he'll be living here and working at the armory right around the corner. There's a chance he could have to go overseas but not for long. So, I think that's the only reason I didn't cry.

Barry had to go to the ER today. He has been feeling bad for about a week. It's weird. He's had some abdominal issues that make him feel like there's a lump of air or gas putting tons of pressure on his lungs and making it hard to breathe. I convinced him to go to the Dr. But they can't get him in until next Wednesday so we went to the ER. I was worried about a bowel obstruction or hernia. He was worried it was cancer. Well after a few hours, white blood cell count was good and chest and abdominal X-rays looked good. They're thinking hernia but told him to see his Dr. For further investigation. Ugh. They prescribed him Zofran and he doesn't have any nausea or vomiting. Wth? We bought tums and Previcid on the way home. With a good white blood cell count I'm sure it isn't cancer. But I feel bad for him because he's not getting any relief yet.

I have what will likely be my last ultrasound tomorrow. I also have to have my strep b and he's checking my cervix to see if anything is going on yet. I have Braxton hicks almost non stop. All night tonight I've been super nauseous and had crazy heart burn. But my hip is great. :-) A few more weeks!! Everything is ready to go. I just need to pack and get the carseat in the car. This is becoming way too exciting and real. Thank you for being so sweet and supporting me on this journey!! You are amazing!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

You know, when I had my gallbladder out (I'm 5'8 and 130), i felt a pressure in my upper gastric area. My blood work and ultrasound came back negative, but my HIDA scan came out positive with my gallbladder only functioning at 4%. If you guys have testing for the gallbladder make sure he has the HIDA scan!! Poor is awful to not feel good....

That is so awesome Caleb will be at home a little bit!!! I hope it works out where he is home lots :) That would totally keep me from breaking down too!!! YAY!!

Awes....almost there momma....I'm so so proud of you! It was really really tough for you in spots....remember the puking?!! AND you worked the whole time?! You're amazing and your little guy is very very lucky to have the both of you for parents!! You sound sweet and caring and ready for him to make his appearance!!!

I went back and looked at my charts and I have O'd on CD11, CD13, and CD15....I'm CD15 today, but no thermal shift. Still 97.3. My chart looks horrible as I was doing it kind of half heartedly in the beginning and my times were a bit off. I just want to see the shift and know for certain when I can start DPO days. Well, momma~~ YOU MADE IT :)))))) I am very very glad we became friends!! You're always here to lend an ear, which means a lot to me....I'm always happy to listen!!! Good Luck with the section and please keep me posted!!!

10 years ago

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My baby left for Basic yesterday morning. Sniff, sniff. And I think I just missed a call from him. :-( I slept like poop last night. I know he'll do great. And I'll see him the end of September for graduation. Then he'll be home for good in January.

Baby is seriously running out of room. I have tons of pressure and some cramping. He's dropped significantly, I think. My next appointment is Thursday. I'm hoping Doc does a cervix check to see if anything is happening yet. My Strep B came back Neg. Yay! No more tests!! Just physical exams to see how things are progressing. It's getting hard to get up and down the stairs at work once again. I'm thinking this could be my last week at work. My replacement (secretary) has been here a few days already and I think she knows the ropes well enough to get by without me. :-) I'm about to go get a big chili dog and some fried pickles for lunch. Bad, I know. But it's soooooo good! Oh, and Dr. isn't planning to induce or do a C-Section at this point. Everything looks good. But if I have bad back labor, he'll consider the C-section because of my slipped disk. And if baby seems to be measuring over a certain weight, he would consider inducing. But right now, all is well. :-)

Barry is feeling better. I think we narrowed his ouchie down to mold. But he's still going to the Dr. tomorrow to establish himself as a new patient, FINALLY! And to follow up to see if there's anything else they want to do.

One more trip to Target and Baby's R Us and we're set for baby. Now I just need to figure out what special thing I'm going to do for Gabe for being such a great helper these last few months. His birthday is August 10th. Hmmm....

10 years ago • Post starter

You plan soapy nice things for your family...such a good momma :) That picture is so sweet...he'll be home soon!! So strange training someone to fill in!! I keep having two of the girls hint that they would cover for me if I HAD to be off--LOL! It's really awesome that you've worked through all of the ms and pain...amazing. No section?! Things really have turned in your favor!! My friend just had a section at 34 weeks (mom & baby are fine)...she felt a bunch of pressure prolly 5 days ago and was dilated 2cm and was 50% effaced. Then kept contracting over the past few days and felt less movement, so she demanded to be seen. Amniotic fluid was low and baby was having decels, so the had to do a section and take her. Had a giant knot in her friend saved the baby's life! That baby is a cutie pie!!
.â?¢*well wishes for delivery for you and the little one*â?¢. Target is so much fun....
CD6 today & I have a temp of 98.3--looks like my January chart...dip around DPO4 and a rise :) We shall see :)

10 years ago

Yay!!! Fingers crossed!!! When are you testing?

I made a collage...trying to determine if ninja baby has dropped at all. It feels like he has.
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I have an appt. today at 2. I'm hoping Doc checks me. I've been having Braxton Hicks that are getting stronger and more regular. I've been nauseous and super tired. Loose stools (sorry, tmi!) and a LOT of pressure down there. Yep, no C-section unless medically necessary. I'm very happy about that.

OMG...I can't even stand better let me know as soon as you know when you are testing!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey Shannon!

Just wanted to tell you that Dr. is inducing on July 27th unless Ninja baby decides to come before that. :-)

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey girly!! Have you tested yet? I'm on pins and needles!!

I have an appt tomorrow. Hopefully there's been progress made!! For the last 2 hours I've been timing contractions. They're about 9 min apart. I'm seriously hoping for some good news tomorrow!!

10 years ago • Post starter

YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!!!! You are rockin' that baby bump!!! How cuuuute!!!!! Your maternity clothes are so cute! There was this website called Thred Up that someone posted about, and it's actually quite good.

9 minutes apart!!! AHHHHH! How dilated and effaced were you at your last OB appointment? How did events progress during your last delivery?? I wish this website had a cellphone app. I don't log onto a computer at home so much, and work has been awful. Are you nauseated at all?? Is Barry there with you...or someone? I'm so happy for you.....

Well. My chart is weird (take a peek) and I had brown spotting (I'm DPO 14) lasting about three days that stopped two days ago....that has NEVER happened with these last pregnancies. I have tender boobs, but not really nausea like last time. AF is due today....I posted a pic of the frer....use greyscale and invert and tell me what you think.

eeeeeeekkkkk!!! I'm so happy for you!!

10 years ago

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