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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey Mich!!!!! Luv you are very sweet. Smh yay boobies are good hopefully the feet will follow suit!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies!! So happy you ladies are popping in and showing love to our board :)

Luv, our scheme is kinds spa like in terms of colors, blues, greys, light greens, etc. we are also going more modern in terms of style. It's amazing to see it coming to life. We were at the house for about 7 hours yesterday and I was pooped last night, lol!! How are you feeling?

Mich, hey!! Hope everything sorts out soon ;)

SMH, yeah for good boobies!!! Lol, but sorry to hear your foot is still not well :(

Cam, hey Hun!! How are you feelin?

AFM, I am home on the couch resting and it feels GREAT!! Catching up on shows and relaxing! My hubby wanted to bd so we were able to make it happen although we are in the TWW, makes it I was thinking of working out today but a big part of me doesn't want to leave the dilemmas.

10 years ago

@jlhart: Awesome to hear your house is coming together. It sounds lovely! And I'd skip working out. Give yourself a day off. Relax, catch up on shows, and veg!!

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10 years ago

SMH, I think you're right!! How's Ms. Rella??

10 years ago

@jlhart: Rella is good. Just went down for a nap. I need to pack up all her three month clothes this week as she is wearing 6 month clothes now!! And she's only 3.5 months! She is not heavy by any means - 13lbs 3oz but she is a giant! About 25" now. She is off the growth charts for length. The clothes are super baggy around her mid section because she's a skinny one. I posted my ad for a nanny today :-/ I can't believe my dream life is coming to an end. I hate that I have to go back to work... Ugh...

Glad you decided to take the day off!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies!!! ::WAVES FRANTICALLY:: I'm thinking of all of you and sending positive vibes. My life has been beyond chaotic with the cross country move, bar prep, unpacking, preparing for baby in terms of organizing our room and buying stuff, meeting my OB, and our baby shower which was Saturday. I'm so stressed it's unreal--in one week I've managed to fall extremely behind on my prep and it's scaring me. :( aside from that I'm really happy.

Luv--reading about your races makes me tired. You go girl. Fx'd for this cycle.

Cam--how are you love?

Jada--how's the house coming along?

Smh--when do you go back to work? I can't believe how quickly time flies.

10 years ago

@law: sorry you are so stressed. I have 100% faith you'll get caught up on prep and kick major @ss!! I go back June 30... At least it's a 4 day week due to the holiday.

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10 years ago

Hey law, I'm doing ok taking one day at a time. I know you will get back on track. Please don't stress

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10 years ago

Hey jada I'm tired!!!!

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10 years ago

Hi my lovely ladies!! Hope you all are doing great!!

Cam, Girl ME TOOOO!!! Hope we both get some rest and soon :)

Law, the house is coming along sooooo great!! They are going to start priming and doing trim over the next few days! Happy you made it safely!!

SMH, Ms. Rella is going to be tall it sounds like?? How are your feet today?

Luv, how are you?

Blue, you good?

AFM, I am TIREDDDDD!!! Trying not to stress out but needed to find a job in the event the Department of the Army doesn't approve orders to keep me on for another's always something huh??

10 years ago

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