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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Beyond--I didn't know that about your time constraint. Sounds quite similar to my own. Sorry beautiful that you have this added stress/pressure. I hope it all turns out and you won't have to worry any longer.

10 years ago

Sorry to post a huge chunk of test...LUV...this gives me hope for's a success story from that part of CTP.

"Success with IUI- 1st try!
Posted by maria316
I feel so lucky and immensely happy to say that I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I decided to submit my story because reading these success stories helped me stay positive during my 14 months of TTC. I hope my story gives someone out there some hope. My husband and I were diagnosed with unexplained infertility after 12 m of TTC with no success. We tried everything: OPKs, BBT/ charting, preseed, every day, every other day, twice a day, acupuncture and herbs and nothing worked. Reluctantly, we decided to see an RE and start a round of clomid with ovidrel injection and IUI. I took 5 days of 50 mg of clomid, ovidrel shot on day 13 and IUI the next day. 14 days later, I got my very first positive pregnancy test of my life at age 32. I was in shock. My only symptoms were the lack of my typical PMS symptoms. I didn't have the soreness and swelling in my breasts that I typically get and no premenstrual migraine. I have to say that I felt more "pregnant" (or at least what I would have guessed it felt like to be pregnant) during most of my PMS months than I have in all 14 weeks of pregnancy so far. So here is my advice:
1) Don't read too much into the presence or lack of pregnancy symptoms. The arrival of af is the only one that will tell you anything
2) Don't be afraid to seek help if you have been ttc for over a year (or after 6m if you are older than 35). It can only help and you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with
3) Don't listen to people that say "just relax and it will happen" . That kind of thinking just makes you feel like your worry and stress is preventing your success and that in turn just causes more worry and stress. Relaxing didn't help me conceive (and I honestly tried that)...modern medicine did :)
4) If you have the financial ability, try acupuncture (which I used for 3 m prior to conceiving, the month I conceived and the first 3 months of my pregnancy) to help control the stress and emotional rollercoaster that you go through when ttc. The herbs and acupuncture also helped regulate my cycle.
I hope someone can relate to my story. Just because it hasn't happened in a year doesn't mean it will never happen. Best of luck to all!!!!

Added: Nov. 16, 2013"

10 years ago

amag thanks girl :)

beyond I hope the timing works out for ya! Your employer sounds a bit...blunt...but I'm glad it works for you. At least you never have to guess what he's thinking ;)

lawbride thanks for sharing that! I think a major part of our problem has been corrected with the fertility vitamins I'm making my husband take. His sperm looks WAY better than it no doubt was a year ago. He also is not cycling anymore. I'm predicting between IUI, Clomid, and him not cycling for months, we'll get pregnant this winter. I just want it to be NOW!

10 years ago • Post starter

law; yes thanks for sharing that was a very nice story indeed with good insight!! after seeing the re the other day i was soo mad at myself for waiting as long as i did. Its always nice to hear a truly positive success story!!

10 years ago

You're welcome ladies.

10 years ago

So hard to catch up with all when you miss a coupld days.

But CONGRATS to Law, Holly and Rice. I am throwing tons of sticky baby dust your way. Still have my fingers crossed for everyone else.

I am feeling ok CD 8, My right ovary has been hurting on and off, it usualy does not hurt this early so I dunno if that is a good sign, seeing as I have a history of getting pretty large Ovarian Cyst. BUt we shall see. My temp is slowly going back down but still a little higher then I usaly have before O. This has just been a crayz week, work is as busy as ever, and being in charge of 10 other people a lot of them way younger can sometimes be a handful. I swear my 2 year old is not as winney as some of them.

10 years ago

afmedic--I hope you get a break soon. Sounds like you have a stressful job. Eeeks...cysts sound painful. Are you going to get monitored at all?

10 years ago

OMG!!! I really do love this forum.

Holly, Law, and Rice: I am soooooooooo excited for you ladies and I do feel that Luv is right around the corner. I pray you each have the happiest and healthiest nine months.

Luv, I was thinking that it would be great to have a board/forum of some sort for even after we are all blessed to continue to share stories, tips, worries, etc??!!

I think it's great when our prego ladies hang out and keep us posted...going through the ups and downs really gives me the outlet I need.

Cam, so sorry for the bfn, but as ALWAYS love how you remain positive. I know I say it a lot, but I do know your time is coming!!

Blue, you aren't out yet :)

AFM, sorry life is crazy!! Glad to see you on here though!

Amag, Love you have a plan!! And just watch it may happen prior to all of that, but it will happen!

Beyond, I think when it's your time everything will work out how it's meant to ;)

SMH, hey lady!!

AFM, so happy this is my Friday...going to get my eyebrows threaded, nails done, and maybe my hair done before we leave tomorrow for the couples retreat :) My body has seemed sooo weird...hoping that means good things this month, lol. We have officially broken ground on the new house, went by at lunch and they are pouring the concrete for the footers!! It's really happening and I do believe that is just the start. I have faith that God is going to bless me and my husband and the timing will be just right. I just love being on this journey with all of you ladies :) Ok....let me stop...LOL!

10 years ago

JLH---awww you're too sweet. I'm so happy for you. You have such an enthusiasm and radiate positivity. Your support has and will continue to be well appreciated. Thank you for all that you give to this group! Are you excited for the retreat? What a great day of pampering. When you get your hair done what do you do?

10 years ago

It's a... GIRL! I was shocked but am sooo happy!

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10 years ago

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