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HCG levels...a little scared

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I've had 4mc and they all started with a low HCG level. I'm currently 4w5d (I think) and had a blood draw yesterday. My hcg is at 87. I've looked at a ton of charts and I know that what matters most is that the numbers double in 24-72 hours....and I have another blood draw tomorrow....but I was wondering if any of you ladies have had low hcg early in pregnancy but continued on without any problems. I'm just scared...and praying for my little bean. Please share your success story!! I need some reassurance! Thank you!!!

416 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm okay!! AWWWWW!!! The baby kicking video is soooooooo cute!!! YAY!!! My Brandon went to Prom too!!! I cried. I'll admit's just something to be observing this event HAPPENING and just knowing that this little bit of life they will remember forever....we took pictures at one of the parents houses....all the girls were dressed up so nicely....a lot of princess dresses which I really enjoyed....

The statistics class I'm taking is killing much work....BUT three more classes!! I'm on the December graduation list this year AND I'll be done in October.

So you are doing PT? I read somewhere that they aren't supposed to massage your calves or your hands so don't let them do that :) Otherwise are you feeling good? Eating enough? Sick to the stomach? When's the baby shower again?

The tooth pulling adventure was just that....quite an adventure. I had one left over wisdom tooth pulled, a molar and an upper. The molar was painful for a week. I was in tons of pain until I took out the disolvable suture which was done too tight and then all of the pain went away :/

I did not stop bleeding from mar 22 to may 22 except for a day and a half. We bd'ed and dh forgot not to try to have a baby and so that's one accident. Then last week before we also had a halfway "accident". Last night I craved eggs and this morning I had familiar nausea around 0830. So. There's that.

Missed You!

11 years ago

OMG I missed you too! Glad you finally got that nasty tooth situation taken care of!! I had my wisdom teeth pulled in 94 and I was out of commission for 2 days! They had to break the bone in my lower jaw to get them out. Ouch!!

I'm also glad the bleeding stopped for you. Have you decided whether or not you'll try again? Have you had a regular cycle yet or just that odd bleeding that lasted from March to May? I suppose it's not late enough in this month to have had a cycle....well, whatever happens, I'm hoping for the best for you!!

Things have gotten progressively worse here. The Sciatica is horrendous. I am supposed to be on bed rest but I had to come back to work. I don't do anything strenous and my bosses are very understanding. They think I'm an idiot for going against Dr's orders, but they haven't exactly told me not to come to work either! I just sit at home anyway. Might as well sit and get paid, right? It's the stairs that kill me. I've now been to 2 PT, a chiropractor and the ER. I have Vicodin and Demerol at home, should I need it. I don't like the idea of taking those, but I have, once or twice. It was that bad. I cry more than not, lately. I can't climb stairs, drive, get in and out of the car, bend over, reach, pivot to the left, push, pull, or even walk without pain. Dr. said there's not much else that can be done and hopefully it'll subside by the time baby gets here, or sooner. He isn't letting me go to August 3rd. He said baby is already a big 'un and he doesn't want me to deliver a 10 pounder. He'll take him early if he has to and if the sciatica doesn't subside, he might have to take him via c-section. Please pray I don't have to go that route.

Baby's constantly moving, letting me now he's good. Which is reassuring when all I can do is lay on my couch and cry. It's frustrating to not be able to do anything. I've had to swallow my pride and ask for a LOT of help around the house and that is very difficult for me. I'm a control freak.

The baby shower is this coming Sunday. I think we're ready. If not, we'll have to improvise because there's little else I can do.
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This pic is from Saturday, when I turned 31 weeks.

Well, keep in touch girly. I'll post some pics after the shower!

When is the shower you are doing, again?

11 years ago • Post starter

Well I saw my Dr. today. He's not too mad at me for going back to work. He just said to take it easy and do what's comfortable. He ordered an ultrasound on the spot to check on baby's growth. This little moo!! He's around 4.9 lbs already!! He has a big head, which is not good for me. lol He's got a chubby belly, chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair!! Dr. said we'll talk at next Tuesday's appointment about scheduling a date for induction. With baby's weight right now, I could deliver by July 23rd. He said if I go past that, he'll be a 10 lb. baby! He was super active during the u/s. He kept putting his hands in front of his face and sticking his tongue out at us.
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As for the PT, he said he isn't sure it would even help so I'm done waiting for the specialist to call me. I can't afford to take off work 3-4 days a week (early) for PT anyway. And he's right, it probably won't help. :-/

So I guess for at least the next 7 weeks I'll be waddling around, wincing in pain, gasping for a breath (feet all up in my rib cage) and not sleeping. Little pudgy, ninja baby is already giving me crap and he's not even here yet.

11 years ago • Post starter

You look really really great!!! Taking it easy is so much easier said than done, isn't it? You haven't had an easy road to begin with....poor momma. Baby is almost here!!! Did you have sections with your other little ones or will that be new to you? I'm so happy that the baby is good and you're not puking. That sounded terrible. Sciatica can be awful....I hope there's at least a way to be comfy so you can sleep okay for a bit.....

11 years ago

Hi Shannon!

No, my other 2 boys were natural. I really don't want a c-section. But we'll do what we have to. We still don't have a name and I'm still having sciatic pain. I think I over did it yesterday at the shower. It went wonderfully!! We had about 25 people (sent 60+ invites!). But the smaller crowd was nice. I got a lot of wonderful things and had a lot of fun. Toward the end I was getting very tired, uncomfortable and realized quickly that I over did it. I had a lot of help though, so it was nice. I'll post pictures as soon as I can. None of them turned out very good because I had to take them with my phone. My friend that was going to take them didn't show. :-( Nevertheless, it went off without a hitch.

I have an Ob appt. tomorrow to find out what Dr. wants to do about scheduling an induction. We'll also be talking about the u/s, since I didn't get to talk to him last week. They did the u/s after my appt. so I've had to wait all week to find out what he has to say about it. I'm still having a lot of sciatic pain, a lot of braxton hicks contractions, a lot of ligament pain and a lot of heart burn!! I don't sleep very well because I can't get or stay comfortable. I waddle worse than a duck with a broken leg and my energy level is so low I feel like I could just sleep all day. I think baby dropped a little already. Here's a pic from yesterday, after the shower.
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I was really 'warm' the entire day at the shower so I put my hair up. Here's the only picture I have of me from the shower right now.
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I was miserable by this point. lol This is my good friend, Brandi. Hopefully this misery will end soon and I'll be able to enjoy this little dude when he gets here. I'm so exhausted. :-(

I hope all is well with you!! xo Thank you for staying in touch!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Here are some pics from the shower :-)
The food table:
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The cake and cupcakes:
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The activity table:
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My favorite gift:
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Guest decorated burp rags:
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Guest decorated onesies:
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Guest decorated bibs:
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Guest decorated diapers from the 'night time diaper changes' station:
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Me and my friend, Brandi:
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I have a Dr. appt today. Hoping to get a date for induction. Baby is being a super ninja again today, silly boy. xoxo

11 years ago • Post starter

Oops. I posted the pic of me and Brandi twice. lol Sorry

11 years ago • Post starter

How thoughtful of you to include the pictures!! The baby shower looked fantastique!! Made me teary eyed!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!! AWES....almost momma...hang in there....he will be here before you know's amazing to think back on everything that you went through....and then all of the stuff BEFORE I knew amazing. What an amazing story and I'm so so so glad to see you doing so well........YAY!!!!

11 years ago

Well last weeks Dr. appt. was uneventful. He wants to do an u/s after July 1st and then consider scheduling an induction date. Nothing much has changed. Still having severe sciatica issues and can't do much. Baby is super active! My son Caleb's grad party is the 30th and I have no idea how I'm going to do it. Barry may be out of town for work so I'll have Caleb...and maybe his girlfriend. I have to do ALL the food and ALL the decorations. I just want to cry. I've asked a few people but so far no one is giving me a definite answer. I have another Dr. appt. tomorrow. Every Tuesday until D day now. I'm so friggin' exhausted!!

My sister informed me yesterday that she's expecting again. I'm very happy for her. She has 2 girls, 5 and 3. She's been trying for almost 2 years and she's had a pretty hard time. Her cycles are all messed up, she only has a period about once every 3 months and she has no idea when or if she ovulates. She's nervous and not sure how far she is but she's thinking 4-6 weeks. She spends entirely too much money on pregnancy tests. lol Anyway, I'm happy for her and praying that everything goes well for her.

I'll be super busy the next two weeks getting ready for Caleb's party. I may not be around here much...

I hope all is well with you! Miss talking with you!

11 years ago • Post starter

Bwahahahaha!!! "too much money on pregnancy tests".....I know I don't take as many as most, but it's still too much. I just started bleeding today! I am so floored. With the nausea I would have placed a bet on me being preggers. I guess I can finish up my classes and concentrate on moving then.

Awe :( That sucks no one will step up to the plate and help. Maybe some miracle will happen and Barry will be able to be home ***hoping*** That's so much food and prep....Much much luck and best wishes for that party!!!!

I know you are having lots of pain, BUT I'm so glad you aren't puking and you have your little one!! You're almost there girly!!!

11 years ago

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