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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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Morning girls! Hope you all got a good night's sleep after that boring game ;) I know it made ME tired! It's always a letdown when the Super Bowl is super boring. Especially when my team isn't in it. At least I want to watch a good game!

AFM by the time I went to bed last night I STILL hadn't gotten full AF. During the night the spotting got heavier and I expect it to be actual red flow any second now. So I'm marking today as CD 1. Hope everyone has a good Monday!

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry for AF luv. I will keep crossing my fingers for you.

I agree it was a very boring game. But I spent most of the time trying to calm the baby down. My dh had his brothers come over so kind of loud. I am glad the seahawks won though they are my dh's favorite team.

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10 years ago

You're all making me even happier that I don't watch football. Lol.

Hope everyone is doing well. Day 2 of no sleep for me. It's starting to wear on me because I can't concentrate on anything but have lots to do.

10 years ago

@luv- nope not sick. Temps are back down to normal range this morning. But I think af is gone. So a day of spotting and two days of light bleeding or so. Not sure whats up haha.

I agree, it was a very boring game. We switched between it and other shows. Haha. I hope af is kind to you!

@law - glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well!! I am sorry you haven't been sleeping though. :(

@jlhart- I hope the smoothie helped your snocone craving haha.

Everyone else I hope you have a great Monday!

Cd4 here. So nothing exciting. I have a few days off. But I have to clean the house, draw an eagle for posters to put up around town, and start learning guitar. I want to be able to play for my patients haha.

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10 years ago

Hey Ladies!

Hope everyone is doing good! I really need to get some internet at our house, so I can keep up with everyone over the weekend!! Haha :) This cell phone of mine makes replying soooo difficult... Ugh.

@Luv: Glad that your neighbors apologized and you are getting a small break from them. Maybe when they get back from vacation things will be better :) And thank you. DH was definitely shocked at first, his side of the family is ALL boys.. 1 girl... Haha :) But he is excited now for sure :) He is already talking about taking her hunting and fishing :)

I will try to catch up on everyone else later today!! Have a great day girls! :)

10 years ago

OMG that game was so horrible....I do not watch too much football, unless it's the Pats, but wow seriously I don't think Denver even tried! I was rooting for the sea hawks, but honestly only because I think it is really awesome they have a player who is hearing impaired, and one of their cheerleaders is an Air Force LT.

Luv- So if this is CD1 will your O fall during the weekend? I hope not so you can get the IUI

Blue- sorry your Cycle was abnormal, but the wiered thing is mine was this last cycle and that is when I got my BFP. I spotted for 1, 2 days of light to med flow then I spotted for 3 more days. I hope this is a good thing for you!

Amag- I am really sorry about AF.

Law- Sorry you have not gotten any sleep.

AFM- just busy busy trying to get settled in this new job. Otherwise everything is fine. I gave in and had one of the docs I work with order a Quant. It's came back
601.11. I am about 19 dpo or 4 weeks 5 days, so sounds pretty good to me.

10 years ago

clove thanks girl, I am glad your DH had a good time watching the game! :)

lawbride holy crap! I am sorry you cannot sleep :( Has your DH stopped keeping you awake? I still say kick him to another room and see if it helps hee hee ;)

bluerose that is one weird AF! I am glad it wasn't too heavy and crazy at least. Wow girl you have a lot of talents. I cannot draw (except cartoon penguins, for some reason) and the guitar is hard! The key is to keep your chord fingers well rounded :)

1stTTC I am sure your daughter will be such a little daddy's girl, and a tomboy to boot :) How cute! Also the annoying couple are thankfully not my neighbors but they do take my fitness class! Well, we'll see if they still show up :-P

afmedic I totally agree that Denver just did NOT show up! My guess is I'll O on Mon or Tues two weeks from now, so yes I am very glad it won't be on a weekend! Oooh girl I am so glad you got the quant, that is a great number! Woo hoo!!! Are you gonna get another test to check progression or just call it good?

AFM not much going on today besides AF, cramps are worse than usual though. Two acetaminophen barely put a dent in them but I don't want to take a bunch more pills. So I will just suffer a bit. Hopefully they'll ease up tomorrow! I am definitely craving sweets and salty foods at the moment which is annoying. I am feeling pretty optimistic this cycle, since I did recently get an HSG and I'll be medicated this month. If I can drop a few eggs down wide-open tubes I think I stand a good chance!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Luv, love your optimism!!! Claim it ;) Sorry she's being a pain...

Clove, hope you and your baby boy got some rest today!

Law, boo to NO sleep :( how was the day??

Blue, how are you feeling? Girlllll my smoothie was amazing ;) LOL!

AFMed, glad all is going well ;)

AFM. Made it through the day and it went relatively quickly! I even got a pure barre workout in today and it was great! Now home and in bed trying to relax....big day tomorrow for me!!! Please send up a prayer :)


10 years ago

Hey ladies. 1stttc congrats on finding out your having a girl. Luv sorry about af you are doing great with your lp. Jada I'm praying for you. Afm how are you feeling? Smh so it could be soon huh!!! Blue af should be leaving soon. Amag sorry about af too. Clove hey sugar!! Law I hope you get some rest I know you are probably one cranky mama!
My friend and I thank you all for your prayers. I don't know what to say to her. :'( I'm studying more for my classes. I'm on cd 24 im not confident in this cycle. We will see.

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10 years ago

blue--will you be taking lessons?

afmedic--what's a quant?

luv--I sleep on the couch now so I don't have to deal with DH's snoring.

Jada--it was okay. no real complaints. This cold is rather frustrating though so it's hard to feel GOOD. ya know?

Cam--I do okay with minimal sleep so I hope I wasn't too cranky. lol. I hope this cycle turns out wonderfully! Are you liking your classes?

10 years ago

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