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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi sweet ladies!

Nikolina, glad that your doctor cleared that out! Hopefully the strips are right and the infection is completely gone!!!! Ah, I'm happy to hear you have this plan for the tests on CD 21 :-) Hopefully you won't get to 3 ;-) And yay for AF being gone!!! When do you expect your fertile week to start? Hope this SMEP does what it's designed for!!!! :-)

AFM, yes, appointment was today. I forget to answer the question about how far along I am: 11w5d. As crappy as I was feeling, you guys were right: baby was alright :-) Measuring 12w2d, so that's a relief! :-) Was mostly showing its back, so if you want to see a spine :-p

So happy baby is still okay. Really believing that it's real now... Although still weird to link the images with my belly :-)

Sending you ladies LOTS and LOTS of baby dust!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!

Alice omg that picture is sooo cutte, it makes it so real doesn it??? I can not believe you are already nearly 12 weeks!!! :) Are you showing yet?? Thanks for shearing that picture with us, its amazing how fast they grow :) And im so glad that everything went well and that everything is perfect with you and a baby ;) When is your next scan? I can not wait to join you hun!!! :)
Yea, my doctor hopes that i wont need all 3 month progesterone tests, and she hopes it will happen for us v v soon. But we have to do them so there is file about me, so if i will need to go to clinic, they will have all my data and they can rule out progesterone :)
My fertile week starts next week, and i should o next thu or friday!!! Ahhhh im dreading 2ww lol :)

Lods of Love and baby dust to all of yea!!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!

Nikolina, thank you, hun :-) I'm not really showing yet, definitely not noticeable for people who don't suspect. Maybe noticeable for me, but it's really not much yet. The next scan is in a month and MAYBE we'll know the gender then. If baby cooperates :-) I'm also hoping to see your BFP popping up here soon, hun!!!!!
Ah, I understand about the test results. Good thinking, then you are covered either way :-) But I'm really hoping it won't get to the clinic :-) I really feel like you are close!!!!
Okay, let the countdown to BD'ing begin ;-)

LOTS of baby dust and sticky vibes to all of you!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi pretties!! <3

Jada, so glad to see your post!! :) It went ok, thanks. :) Wow! $70!!! good grief! I wouldn't be able to pay that either. I pay $15. With a $10 first time fee. It's a community acupuncturist, so they don't deal with insurance companies and you pay anywhere from $15-$35 depending on what you can afford, and since both my husband and I go, we did $15 each. But they don't ever ask for an amount, just "how will you pay today?" You should see if they have something like that in your area! Yes, it would be nice to get a boy, but at this point after being TTC for a year and a cp under my belt, I'd be happy with either one. :) You poor thing!! I don't even like being at work during AF I can't imagine doing it while traveling!! I'm glad you're staying positive about the surgery so you can get a healthy baby. :)

Nikolina, Glad you had fun with your friend!! lol about getting drunk, it happens to the best of us. ;) Doing ok, thanks for asking! Yes, I've been getting down to baby dancing. :D lol. But I don't have ewcm or postive opk yet, so hopefully soon. :) You're so lucky your doc is ordering tests... I still have a whole month to wait till my appt :( But I hope all your tests come back normal!

Emmy, so glad to hear your mole was benign!! I think maybe waiting till Saturday would be good instead of Thursday if you haven't already, because if you are only 9dpo then you'll be 11dpo and have a better chance at a positive I would think, so you don't have to be disappointed. That is if you can hold off that long. ;) Yes, do keep us updated!! <3

Alice, the acupuncture did cause some bruising a day after, and I had some bleeding once they were removed, but it's been ok. Mostly I feel sore after like I got hit by a truck. :/ But I wake up feeling ok so that's good. You're right, it's real alright!! Soon you'll be feeling baby move and it will be even more real. <3

AFM, I had a weird temp dip today.... I mean REALLY DIPPED. I don't think it's a dip before ovulation because I don't have a positive OPK nor ewcm, so no ideal what that was about. I have been cramping though... so maybe it will be soon! :D

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!! :)

Aww Alice hun how excited that maybe next time you will know the baby's gender!!! I have feeling its gona be a girl lol donno why :) But the most important think is that its healthy and happy :) Time goes past so fast does in it? How is your morning sickness?? You probably are one of the lucky ones who didnt get that as bad :) Thanks hun, and i hope too that i will join you v v soon :) Sending you lods lods hugs and baby dust :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes :) So glad you are doing well :) Yea your temp dip looks v suspicious :) Maybe o is around the corner :) Are you taking vitamin B6 this month aswell?? Im taking it this month just to see if does any difference to my skin, as i brake out sooo bad before af and it takes me ages to clear that, and as soon is clear af here again ahhhh soo annoying, im 30 and i shuldnt been dealing anymore with that stuff lol Yea im v lucky with my doctor, she is amazing, and always make sure that all tests needed are done :) Can not wait for first progesterone test, just want to know the number, hope its all good :) Sending you lods lods baby dust and sticky vibes!!! Lets make this month our month!!!! :)

Hay Emmy hun, how are you??? Have you tested yet?? Im waiting for good news from you and have good feeling about you hun!!! All the baby dust and sticky vibes hun :)

Well UTI its defo gone... but... im dying with flu now!!! So my temp this morning is higher cos of that!!! Should i discard temp while i have a flu? Its gona be rocky chart lol :) Otherwise im feeling well :) Down to babydancing and lods of fun!!! :)

Lods of love to all you Ladies,


9 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies!!! Hope yea all doing well ;)

Lil update from me... uti is back grrrr!!!! I culdnt ring my doc yesterday for results cos was so busy at work, and now i have to wait untill tue! Ahhh its never easy. I just wonder would that affect my chances this month? Uti sucks!!!! And pretty full on flu on top of that!!!! So not fare!! I havent o yet but already feel out this sycle!!!

Sending you all lods lods baby dust


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!

Missytwoshoes, that was a big dip! Seems like you are getting real close to O! When do you expect O to occur? Crossing fingers!!!!!

My poor Nikolina, I feel so bad for you :-( The flu sucks!!!! :-( And what about that stupid uti!!!! Can't it just leave you alone? :-s Hun, I'm so sorry you feel so crappy :-( I'm not sure about effects on ttc, I've heard stories of women getting their BFP in cycles like these, but I can imagine you're not really in the mood... :-s I hope the flu and uti will both back off soon!!!

Jada, how are you feeling, hun?

Emmy, how are you doing? Are you still waiting to test? I'm pulling for you, hun!!!!

AFM, still feeling lousy. Illness is just not letting me go, my throat is giving me a real hard time, and my stomach feels upset as well. Didn't even take my vitamins today, was afraid they would come out again, sorry tmi :-s Hopefully I'll feel better soon cause I'm starting to get fed up with being sick :-s

Sending you ladies lots of positive vibes!!!!!!


9 years ago

nikolina, yes, O should be soon! I had ewcm couple days ago, but it's gone now... my opk was positive today though :) Yes, I'm going to start taking the b6 today. :) Plus I got my progesterone oil the other day so I'm doing that as well. Hope the b6 helps you!! I'm so sorry your uti is back!! I wouldn't think it would effect anything. Don't feel out just yet!! I have my fingers crossed for you! <3 Any ewcm or pos opk yet for you?

Alice, My ctp says O should be tomorrow so we'll see. :) I don't know if that's accurate though... all the cramping and ewcm I had was at the end of the week last week, and it's only saying tomorrow because of my positive opk today. So I dunno, but I've been bd'ing enough so I won't miss anything just incase. ;) It's ok that you didn't take your vitamins, sometimes skipping a few days is ok. Also, if no one has suggested this to you, try taking your vitamins right before you go to bed. It will help you not throw it up. Thats what I always had to do. :p I'll pray all your ick sickies are gone soon! <3

Thinking of you Jada <3

Emmy, anything to report hun?? <3

AFM, I went to a Birth Without Fear conference yesterday. It was pretty amazing. It did suck though that when I bought the tickets I was pregnant and now I'm not. :( I saw lots of tiny squishys and bellies everywhere, but we got together in what they call "harmony" circles, and everyone told their stories of their births or losses. So it was nice to come together with all these women and feel supported and validated. <3 It's getting hot here and I think I might need to bring out the A/C soon! ugh! Is it hot where you all are?

My hubs is trying to remain positive that all the things we're doing will help is conceive this month, but as always I'm sure it's not going to do anything.... :/ He calls me negative Nancy. lol. I should be in the 2ww soon so I'm going to BD tonight and tomorrow and call it good and just see how it goes. :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hey ladies!

Nikolina - so sorry you haven't been well Hun!!!
I used to get utis all the time! So I know what it's like and it's horrible bless you!
Sorry you are getting the flu to :(
Sending you big big hugs Hun xxxxxxx

Missy - yay for ovulation Hun! Sending you positive vibes!!!
Negative nancy? Bless you I'm anxious Annie in my house!!!
I know exactly how you feel!! :)

Alice - so glad all is well with baby. I saw your photo :)
Sorry you aren't feeling well at the min Hun. Sending big hugs to you xxxxx

Jada - how ru Hun????

AFM - everything pretty much sucks! Everyone is pregnant around me & having babies around me. & yet again I feel like I'm overwhelmed by it all and so upset.
Still no AF. Tests BFN & no idea when I'm due on :(

I don't have sore boobs which is weird. I normally get them a week before I'm due on every month. So now I'm thinking I haven't ovulated so no idea when I will come on?
I have yellow cm (sorry tmi)
Nothing else to report.
The least I can be is 8dpo I think & most is 10dpo.
Will update when I can xxxxxxxx

Cycle day 1 for me today 2nd June :'(

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies

Emmy, hun, I'm so sorry to read AF has arrived :-(( This was such a confusing cycle, it's so unfair, cause I'm sure it can mess with your head :-( And this after you already had such a hard time with the cps :-(( I'm so sorry, I hope this next cycle will bring you less confusion and better fortune!!!!

Missytwoshoes, I guess your O must have happened by now, let the count down begin! ;-) I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!! Don't feel bad about being negative, we can't be optimistic all the time :-( I'm often negative too, to protect myself. Maybe I shouldn't, but it's all easier said than done. Are you negative "all the time", or do you also have moments in which you regain your hope?
Thank you for the tip on the vitamins! :-)

Nikolina, hun, I hope you are okay!! I hope flu is backing off, and uti as well!!!!

Jada, thinking of you and hoping you are well!!!

AFM, lots of headache lately. Annoying, cause I need my head to think, for my job :-s

Sending you ladies all the positive vibes I can find in this world!!!!!!


9 years ago

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