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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning ladies

Gerrymouse: thanks for the encouragement!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning, everyone! I hope those that have been dealing with the winter weather are staying safe.

This has been a crazy cycle for me. For four days, starting from the day before O day, I've had sore boobs and strong nausea - symptoms I've never had before. After the second day, I thought I'd caught a bug, but no, I think it was just my hormones going crazy.

Those symptoms have finally gone away, but now I've got creamy CM (TMI), so much so that I feel like AF is trying to show up. I feel wet all the time! It's awful! I've never dealt with this, either. Usually after O I get as dry as the desert.

I just have to shake my head.

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10 years ago

Good Morning Ladies! Hope this post finds everyone doing great. Sorry I've been MIA for so long. I've had a lot going on I'll explain in a bit.

Zuberi- As I was going back and reading post I was so excited and I'm so sorry that AF showed her ugly head this month. I'll keep praying that God blesses you this cycle.[hug] [pray]

Praying4ALil1- Looks like we have something in common other than "Mature ladies ttc" lol. My DH is also a fireman/Paramedic. He has been with the LFD for 15 years and he just tranfered back to station 10 to work HAZMAT. He is also a Lieutenant. He is also Cheif of our local Volunteer Fire Department. I've spent many a sleepless night when I know he is on a large structure fire. Lots of praying lol. And it does make it much harder to get bding in when they are gone 24 sometimes 48 hours. Greg (that's my DH) has been pulling lots of 48 hr tours lately as he also works Paramedic only for another department lol. I'll keep you in my daily prayers not only that you soon receive you [bfp] soon but that God keeps is Angels with your DH daily.

Tigerette- Your labs look good. Everything is normal, I've not had any experience with the HSG scans so I can't give you any help there. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you soon get your [bfp] and I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

lwilliams- Loved the TWW list, it made me smile. I'm glad you shared it. Keeping you in my daily prayers.

Rebecca- I know how you feel about being wet all the time. That's the way I've felt all weekend but mine has been watery in fact I've had to wear a pantyliner. And my boobs are really sore. My temp was higher this morning than any so far. But I had some AF like cramping for two days on 5dpo and 6dpo so I'm really trying not to get my hopes up. I'm praying so hard that this is your cycle and you soon tell us you got your [bfp].

Afm- I'm 10dpo and this morning my temp was at its highest this cycle 97.95 and my boobs are extremely sore for the first time this cycle. I had AF like cramping 5dpo & 6dpo and I've had extremely watery discharge since Friday (7dpo). So I'm afraid to get my hopes up since I had the AF like cramps. And the past two mornings I've been a little nausea when I first got up but it quickly passed.

As I said earlier in my post I'm sorry I've been away for so long. But I went to my moms and spent a few days with her before & after Thanksgiving. This was a really hard Thanksgiving not having daddy. He loved the holiday's and always helped with the preperations. We really missed him for Thanksgiving he usually had "Potato Patrol" lol that's what he and I called it and he always made the fruit salad and dressing. Me, mommy and Jarred (my son) all went to the cemetary Thanksgiving day and visited with Daddy it was even harder than the day we buried him. I'm almost dreading Christmas that was Daddy's favorite he and I had a lot of Christmas traditions that we did together. He and I always picked out the Christmas tree together and it usually took a whole day. Even after I had Jarred and got married it was a tradition we kept. This year mom just decided to us an artifical tree. On top of that my youngest brother tried to commit suicide last week. He's not dealing well with losing daddy they had some problems before daddy died and daddy apologized before he died but my brother wouldn't and it's destroying him. So please everyone keep him in your prayers he needs God so much. On another note Sierra just turned 15 last week so I've got her birthday out of the way and she has a new boyfriend this is not a situation in which Greg or Jarred are dealing well with they both plan an interrogation. I feel sorry for the boy. Jarred is doing great at school and has finals this week and then he will be home. I can't wait. He also informed me last week that he plans to spend a month in Dubai Saudi Arabia this summer with one of his fraternity brothers. I'm not looking forward to him leaving the country for that long but it's a great experience for him. His buddy is aleady teaching him Arabic. I'm trying to plan the annual Christmas party at Greg's Vol. Fire Department and organize/start a Women's Auxiallry which takes up a lot of my extra time. And I'm trying myself to get ready for Christmas it's really been a crazy two weeks. Greg took me away for the weekend and we only excepted calls from our kids and my mom and his dad lol. He took me to Redsfest in Cinncinnati (we're huge Cinncinnati Reds fans) and we had a blast we got to meet my favorite player Jay Bruce and I had my pic made with him and also got to meet Jarred's favorite player and Greg's it was a lot of fun even if the weather was horrible lol. Sorry to rattle just wanted to share with everyone kinda what has been going on with me lately.

I continue to pray for all of you Ladies daily even if I don't have time to post. I've missed that too.

Love[heart] hugs[hug] prayers[pray]

10 years ago

good morning ladies

Scarlet: Thank you for updating us. I was getting worried about you. Your symptoms sounds promising. I pray that you get your bfp this cycle so we can all have something to celebrate. When are you going to test?

Rebecca: being extra wet is a great sign. I'm praying for you. Keep us posted.

How are the rest of you guys doing?

Afm: nothing is going on. Cd7. Just waiting to O.

I pray for you guys daily. Have a great day!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello to everyone.
Thank you for translating the labs for me.

I am on Clomid this cycle currently on CD15 and not gotten a max positive from my clear blue monitor.I feel like Clomid always turns my cycles into 31 days plus..just enough to give false hope.
I am just so confused why we can't get pregnant.My Dr said everything is normal and to drop another 20 pounds.
Sadly I got depressed and gained 9 instead.
I pray to find within me the strength needed to return to daily workouts and monitoring my food intake also that I reach out to others instead of food.
I do hope to hear some happy baby news from all of you soon.

10 years ago

Scarlet - I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Of course we'll pray for him. Please let us know how he does.

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10 years ago

Hello ladies. just want u all to know my dh and i are sitting waiting to be seen. we are at a fertility clinic in jacksonville. Please keep us in ur prayers!!!! I am hopeful that we receive some good news!


10 years ago's an update on our RE appt yesterday. My dh had a semen analysis yesterday in the morning and then we returned in the afternoon to discuss the results and to do any other tests. It turns out my dh husbands sperm count is about 17 million which is good but the motility of the sperm is not good. He also said the volume was low. My dh said that not much came out and I have noticed that before when we've been together. The doctor did much the lack in volume. SO......we had blood work done of me and him and we will find out the results of that on Jan 3rd. The Dr will be out of town till then with Christmas and all. The blood test they ran on me is the AMH. To see what the quality of my eggs are. Depending on those results, we will either proceed with IVF or egg donor. I don't know much in the way about motility. Do either of you know much about it?


10 years ago

Good morning ladies

Mrsward:I tried to post two days ago from my phone but I see that it didn't work. I don't know anything about the tests that you guys had. But we are praying that God's will be done in you guys life by whatever means nesasary. If it takes going through IVF than we will pray that you guys get a positive on the first round.

Scarlet: How are you? How's everything going? We need an update.

Rebecca: are you MIA......or just busy bding?

Tigerette: Don't give discouraged. Just like we make time to cook and clean our homes....take time to prepare your body for your baby. Discouragment is aspirit ffrom the devil. God gives us joy unspeakable. So while you are working out talk to your baby. Remember we are spirit beings first......housed in this flesh body.(according to the bible) So i believe our children can here us.

Iwilliams: How are you?

Afm: I got a positive opk yesterday which was 2 days earlier than usual. I think it was the 200mg of soy isoflavone I took this cycle. However I did not get a drop in my temp this a.m. (I think I messed up my bbt chart because I wasn't able to temp yesterday because I woke up ay 3:30am and I wasn't able to go back to sleep. So I may have had the dip in my temp then. Wed and thursmy temp wwas 97.6 and this a.m. it was 97.8. I guess I will have to wait two more days to see what happens. I will test again mid morning to see if I get a stronger opk than yesterday. I may have just caught the beginning of the surge.

I pray you guys are enjoying your weekend.

Remember the word for today is........UPDATE! lol

10 years ago • Post starter

AF came and I'm on day 4 now. I added in some vitamimins:
Soy iso
evening primrose
and folic acid

It's interesting because the more TTC, the more I actually feel preg. I gather the hormones are just kicking up and responsible for the bloating, tiredness and increased eating. I'm at the highest weight I've ever been, the same weight i was when I had my last child.

I plan to get back to exercising again on Monday with T25. this higher body fat % can't be helping TTC.

baby dust and happy holidays to all!

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10 years ago

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