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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 7 years ago



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Dandy that's what happened to me the first IVF that ended up converted to IUI. Hopefully they will tell you before spending too much more on meds, and if they do cancel see if you can go ahead and convert to IUI since you've already spent that money on meds and used them, no since of wasting them and then save the meds you haven't used for your next IVF, or if you do use a donor for her. That will save you a little bit. Mine that got converted was after 8 days of meds. I was a slow responder the second and third time as well.
As for the cost, I did a shared risk that is 100% refund if I don't take home a live baby after 2 fresh cycles and unlimited frozen. There were 2 different versions I could do, one that included all donor costs except meds and one that didn't include donor costs. I chose the ladder of the 2 feeling pretty confident that it won't take more than one fresh and will hopefully have plenty of frozen. I paid a total of about 36,000. Now if I do have to do another fresh I will have to pay an additional 12,700 for donor costs but I'm praying that I'm pregnant with my babies after the first fresh transfer. I really believe I will be :-)

7 years ago

Omg Lucky. Thats so stinking expensive. After talking to dh since hes been home, I believe we would just trigger when ready and Bd to use the meds to the fullest. RE has already told us that iui wont increase our chances since we dont have a male factor. Dh was actually very calm about it. I was upset and anxious. He was so calm about it that it calmed me down. Im just going to try n stay positive about it if I can. Still cant shake being upset. Monday is going to be so far away. : (

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy I'm praying this weekend flies by for the both of us :-) I need it to hurry up and be the middle of next week and pray my donor starts meds lol. I'm so ready for this to actually begin.
AFM, I'm still spotting/light bleeding but its brown and I have never gone this late. Today is CD 8 and I usually have nothing after 5-6 at the most. I wonder if I will spot the whole time I'm on this Lupron although I was on it for 7 days before starting a period. If I'm still spotting/bleeding Monday I guess I will call my nurse and ask, just need to know if I need to stock up on tampons lol.

7 years ago

Wow Lucky. The witch has wore out her welcome and needs to go. She must like you to be hanging around. Lol. Yeah I would call my nurse on Monday too if shes still around.
Plus fathers day is this weekend so I know thats not easy for you either. Its always bitter sweet for me. Missing my dad but celebrating with dh. My mind is never fully into trying to make my husbands day special.

7 years ago • Post starter

Yes Dandy she has definitely wore out her welcome lol but if this is the last I see her for 9 months then I'm ok and understand maybe she is going to miss me and knows it lol.

Father's Day is definitely going to be hard. I'm sure it will get a bit easier over the years, but not yet and will never be the same. Ill be thinking and praying for you on Father's Day as well, its so hard to lose loved ones.
Then on top of that need to survive Saturday knowing from 1-3 my sister will be getting all kinds of baby gifts and I won't be there. I'm just going to try and keep busy, might paint my night stand lol. Also, need to clean my garage. There is definitely plenty to do I just feel so stinking bad that I can't control my emotions enough to go but I really can't. Just thinking about it all week has depressed me.

7 years ago

Lucky, it doesn't get any easier. Hasnt for me anyway and its been almost 6 years since my dad has passed. The pain has changed a bit I guess but the bad days get further apart but when it hits its just as bad as the day I lost him. Of course certain days of meaning being the worse. Try not to beat yourself up over not going to your sisters shower. There is no controling our emotions through this journey. Its one day at a time for us and sometimes its one moment at a time. You have the right idea. Just try and keep yourself busy.
Speaking of emotions.... boyyy mine have been on a rollercoaster today. All happy go lucky this morning, panicy and depressed this afternoon after my bloodwork results. Now this evening Im crying over EVERYTHING. N it has nothing to do with ttc. Im just so emotional. Omg. Im so not a cryer. I cried at the tv ( 3 times),over my son getting big and riding his bike. Just wow! Im so emotional!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy it's those darn hormones lol. I'm definitely not a cryer either but since starting this journey and failing month after month I've become one. I just pray for my sake and my families that when I get pregnant I will be my happy self again. I know I'm not fun to be around right now but nothing is fun to me anymore. Soon very soon we will all have our bfps:-)

7 years ago

Yeah I get what your saying there. I miss me! The real me. The ovary pain I mentioned the other day was minamal and didn't last. The ovary pain ive been having this afternoon is stronger almost like lots of pressure. So Ive talked myself into growing some "man bits" and Im going to call my nurse tmrw and tell her I want an ultrasound on Monday along with the bloodwork!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies, how is everyone?

I went out and got my running done this morning. Last year when my dad passed away my coworkers got me a gift card for a nursery to get a tree in memory of my dad so I went this morning and picked out my tree. Figured Father's Day eve would be a good time :-) I had no idea how expensive those things could be lol. Now to get stuff done around the house so I don't think about the shower :-(

7 years ago

Oh thats such a wonderful gift idea Lucky. What kind of tree did you pick out? I really like that.
Im doing the same. Trying to keep busy. My emotions are still all over the place! Im going to have to order both meds monday if Im going to continue meds. Did you stim longer than 10 days when your levels dropped? I just dont know what to expect at this piont.

7 years ago • Post starter

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