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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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I'm joining in the 2ww. 10dpo and time is standing still. Ttc post miscariage. I hate this :(

7 years ago

Boy, was he glad, I think I saw a tear and all.

In the end I only put the two tests in a box with some text saying when we would be expecting if everything goes fine.
I believe a set due date would be 7.may <3 a very good day, I have some incredible friends with same birthday ;) And then mine is the 21st... the day they would push me into labour if I wouldnt start on my own haha.

But I wrapped the box up with some 99%chocolate (he loves that) And handed him that all with his favorite beer. ;)

Just as I expected he was over the moon and super sentimental and sweet. This would be his first child although he is like a father to mine.

OF course though. I have to go a bit mental so I had to POAS this morning as well only to start worrying immediately that the line was not darker than yesterday.

But its still there and it still looks more or less like the one yesterday morning. So please... tell me to relax. Im too much on my toes now after the CP i had in april.

7 years ago

Kunfupanda - The 20th May is my birthday so it appears that lots of awesome people were born around this time :-) I would guess that you may be taking a lot more tests in the coming weeks (Apparently it takes 3 BFP for an expectant mother to even start to believe she is pregnant).

Primadonna - 9dpo is still early. I've everything crossed for you.
Sorry, I forgot to update you on what happens after 10 days of daily injections. So...
You get a scan to make sure your hormones are all ok, your lining is thick enough for implantation and your eggs (which you've been growing faster, bigger and more of with your daily injections) are ready for collection. After that they fertalise and either 3 or 5 days later they transfer back and hope for implantation. If you have any questions then let me know and I'll try to answer.

Storm - What was your crazy dream? The subconscious of a female TTC is so imaginative!

Cscarber9683 & KateJ04 - Welcome to the group

AFM - I had my 10 day scan after my daily injections this morning and my eggs aren't quite ready yet so I have to keep injecting over the weekend and I'm back in on Monday to see how I'm doing. I'm really disappointed though as I only have 4 eggs which are measurable which is quite low. Fingers crossed I get some more over the weekend. I'm so ready for this to be over as I'm really uncomfortable (My ovaries each feel like kettlebells).

7 years ago

They were so crazy I can't even remember, but I kept waking up like wth? LOL but has anyone been charting temps. My temp dropped yesterday and today from 97.8 to 97.5 then to 97.2. This is my first month temping so I can't say what it is. But reading different things would say it implantation but isn't 4-5 dpo too early to implant? And I'm having some cramping so it's scaring me that AF is preparing herself. Then again I'm still having weird butterfly feeling in pit of stomach. Cervix medium and firmer then I've ever noticed before. And instead of it being round shaped it was long shaped like a straw sort of. Idk what's going on and I'm freaking out! I want this so much! Someone chime in please

Rest peacefully baby Angel Hope<img src=

7 years ago

my birthday is around the 3rd week of may too!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

kungfu - id totally do the same and pee every morning even after a positive i think. just to make sure its there. HAHAHA. i totally understand.

10dpo today.... trying to hold out till 12dop to poas again

welcome to the group kate!

thanks for the insight cocoa. im just prepping myself for the eventual ivf. i feel like if my iui fails next month, my husband wont want to do iui again. might as well go straight for ivf.

storm - i try to temp but honestly i find it difficult. either i forget, or i have a rough night of sleep because of my DS (2yo).. or maybe i sleep with my mouth open. sometimes i get a good month and you see a clear shift, some months its a slow uphill spike after ovulation... i take it with a pinch of salt and use it for ref but dont really follow it too much

goodluck girls!!!!!!!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for that Prima, it went back to 97.5 this morning so I feel a little better. Yeah due date would be May 14th, 2017 and that's mothers day. My birthday is July 14th. It has a ring to it fx and 12dpo seems like the better option. Which brand are you using? Idk what fmu is, sorry.

Welcome Kate! When do you plan to poas?

Cocoa 4 follies sounds great still when you really only need 1 right, just staying positive for you chic.

Kung-fu that's still so exciting, glad everything went well. Can't go wrong with beer haha!

So crazy dream I was going to movie theatre with gf and a few friends and family and the paparazzi started following me. Then Nancy Grace starts asking me silly questions lmao keep in mind I'm not a big television watcher and I definitely haven't watched Nancy Grace in years. I felt famous though it was a good dream along with others such as a talking spider cthu very funny because I kept telling him I'd catch him and he kept swinging on his Web talking crap as if I weren't capable of squashing him. But it was funny and I let him get away.

Rest peacefully baby Angel Hope<img src=

7 years ago

hey storm! fmu is first morning urine - i used FRER. bfn. i retested this morning at 12dpo, still BFN. i have given up. now im waiting for AF so i can start a new cycle. that is life.
i love dreams like that. fx, i believe wild dreams are a good sign!!

cocoa - how big do the follicles need to be?

fxfxfxfx for all of you

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh! haha that is a coincidence all having the "same" birthdays :)

How are you all doing those days?

Coco you sayd you would go back for a checkup today. How did it go? Remember you only need one egg in the end :) just needs to work out! so all limbs crossed still.

Prima - I am waiting for your time to come. has AF arrived yet?

Storm: When will you be testing? And no it cannot go wrong with a good beer haha. Never fails. :)

As for me... I am somehow not believing it. I havent tested again, it freaked me a bit out the test I took the morning after because it felt like the lines were a little less strong than the day before.
But I should have had AF already. I dont really feel any symptoms, have maybe been having dizzy spells here and there and also feeling tiny quesy here and there but not really to mention. Most of all I feel cramping though. On saturday night they were so strong that I was convinced that AF was on its way. and now i just get occasional sharp pains/cramps. But I am not even bloated anymore. that scares me. I feel I should be feeling something more.

My last pregnancy I got soo exhausted and depressed during this time. Now I wake up super fresh in the morning and even have insomnia. I do get more exhausted in the evening though wanting to sleep around 10ish :)

I wont be convinced I guess untill after all checkups.

7 years ago

Primadonna- sorry it's a bfn. There is still time though.

Kungfupanda- I'm so excited for you. Have you booked an appointment at the doctor?

Storm- not long until test day. How are you holding up?

Afm- my appointment went really really well. I have 16 follicles in total (4 of them are over 17mm). They aim to retrieve ones at least 17mm so I'm hopeful they will manage to collect at least the 4. I'm going in for collection onwednesday so I'm really hoping that another few grow between now and then although I'm not sure what's a normal growth rate over 36 hours (1 did double in size between Friday and Monday though so I am hopeful). The best news is that I only have 1 more injection to do.

I'm off to buy a new dressing gown and slippers for the hospital on Wednesday .

7 years ago

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