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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Vent away Tiff.
Is it a new Dr or one you have spoke to before ? Does she know your actively TTC ? Sometimes they see us as a pay check not a person and it really pisses me off !
Hope you can get some answers soon sweet :)

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

I'm all over the shop to latey Jodi ! And extremely thirsty ! Tired n hate the silly dreams I have too !! Still not sure what dpo I am but ill count the 2nd opk as the one to go off I think. A bonus it if it was the first ! Than I would have killed a few days wait. Only ordered hpt's tonight so by the time they get here should be Friday or hopefully Monday that way I can't torture myself in the meantime testing to early :)
Having an early night ladies xoxox

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi girls how is everyone i am also from sydney n i will like to join this beautiful group :) i got 3 beautiful children n expecting baby #4 :)

10 years ago

Congrats cubanita very happy for you!!!

10 years ago

Congrats Cubanita. Hopefully some of the baby dust will settle on the rest of us in this forum.

How is everyone else going? Seems a little quiet here at the moment.

Tracey good luck for Friday, great idea only ordering now so you aren't tempted. Weird about the funny dreams and thirst. Did you experience that with Jett?

6dpo for me and still kind of feral cranky bum. Ha. I think my symptoms lead me to believe that I'm not pregnant, I'm just a bitch. Ha.

10 years ago

I'm struggling Jodi 9dpo and a second temp dip.... The lowest it's ever been!! I get the point body your sending AF to me no need to rub it in!!
Doesn't make any sense to me though for the past two days I've had niggling cramps on the left side severe lower back pain and my OH commented on my severely flat chest as being bigger (this never happens) stupid lying body!

I love the cranky stage although I'm glad I'm past it lol

10 years ago

Hi Girls,
It has be quiet last 2 days. Everyone must be trying to keep busy !
Jodi, the only thing i can remember with Jett was the feral metallic taste for a few weeks. The rest was a blur !
I think the dreams are my head messing with me. I'm unsure at this stage if we are or aren't, but i know were in the running and did the best we could to try !! just that last stupid + opk has thrown me right Off and i'm not real sure what dpo i am, either dpo 3 or bloody annoying !
fertility friend says i O'd on cd19 and that's based on Cm, opks, cervical position. My temps are to way out this cycle so i'm not taking any notice at all !

welcome Cubanita, congrates on your pregnancy xx

Sam, I've been crampy since cd 19 too, not sure what it's about hoping it's my uterus making all the changes needed or i'm over anyalising all the twingy, cramy feeling i hope that we got it this time !!

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

tracey i thought i was over analysing too but i checked back on my phone chart and there was no cramping at this stage last cycle or the cycle before..... so I'm taking it as a positive as I'm right int he implantation time frame, I've turned in to an obsessed IB luck yet lol

I've decided not to pay any attention to my temps I'm not out until the ugly witch shows her face and I'm still 5 days away from that so anything is possible....

completely random question.... does anyone experience an excessive oily scalp during the end of the TWW? my hair is disgusting. i washed it this morning and i already need to wash it again and I'm usually an every 3 day washer because my hair is dry!!!

10 years ago

i'm hoping it's a good sign too, only type of 'symptom' i have atm

my hairs has oily roots n dry ends...but can't think back to if it ha changed or not, sorry not much help am i

Hope things are well with Keiralei !

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi girls, trying hard not to symptom spot here too. I do get the oily hair at the end of my 2WW, usually a few pimples too, it must be a hormonal thing. Doesn't mean you are out though Sam, sorry I didn't mean it like that.

Tracey I can't remember much of my pregnancy either (so long ago now), but I did have that metallic taste too. I wish I'd written this stuff down back then but I didn't anticipate it would be such a long time later. :S

I feel a bit crampy this afternoon but I had a Pap test this morning so maybe its from that. My doc commented that I had a lot of CM, (sorry TMI but I guess we all talk about it.) I casually asked if it could be an early pregnancy symptom and she said it could... or an infection. Lovely.

10 years ago

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