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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Nikolina, ss af arrived!! :( I thought for sure this was your month! I hope smep works for you! Doing ok, AF is finally on her way out 5 days later. ugh. Yes, maybe together, but likely not. :p suppose we'll see. :) I hope your af is gone soon!!

Alice, Thank you, I hope the acupuncture works! I'm a bit nervous.... I mean I don't mind needles, but my aunt said she did it for her back that was causing her problems and she said she had some bruising. :/ SS you're sick. :( I really hope you feel better soon. It's so hard to be sick with flu and be pregnant. When I was 6 weeks with my first my hubs and I got food poisoning and I was pretty sure I was going to die. lol. puking and diarrhea had to go to ER. It was bad. So I feel your pain and hope it passes quickly!

AFM, I've been having a rough couple of days... couple friends announced their pregnancies and I'm happy for them but super sad for me. Then today I got pulled over and got two tickets equaling $420, ugh! I wasn't even speeding! lol. Just, on my phone, and for having an out of state license (which I had meant to change over, just kept forgetting). I feel like there's a storm cloud overhead and it keeps raining on me. :( lol. Would like the sun to come out please!! I was going to get a tattoo on june 6th, but now with that expensive ticket to pay I might have to reschedule. :/ Nothing really to report on the TTC front. Just on to spotting now, so hopefully O will be soon. :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies

Aah, Missytwoshoes, what a bad luck!!! You're totally right, you more than had your share!! One XXL large portion of good luck coming up please!!!! And fast!!! Cool about the tattoo! Do you already have some? I hope you won't get bruises from the acupuncture! Hun, with all this bad luck, maybe this will be your month, to balance the universe :-) I hope so!!!!

AFM, uti finally appears to be gone, so I'm very happy about that! The fever seems to be gone too, also good news. Now I'm stuck with coughing and sneezing, which is mainly annoying, especially since I think it constantly disturbs the baby... Wouldn't that feel like a non-stop sequence of earthquakes? :-s Poor thing :-( I'm hoping all is well with the baby. Tuesday is my next appointment, I'm really glad it's that close by!! I truly hope all is fine!!

Sending all of you LOTS of baby dust and good fortune!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!

Ahh missytwoeshos, sorry to hear about the ticket:( yes its v bad luck, and allways all bad stuff happens at the same time right? What tatto are you thinking of getting? Love tattos :) my hubby has alot, so sexy ;) do you have any other tattos??
Hope acupuncture will help you, my boss went to acupuncturists after her miscarriage, and she said it helpt her alot :) hope it will take all the bad luck away and give you bfp at the end of the month :) how you feeling about this cycle? Positive toughts? Sending you lods and lods baby dust hun!!!

Hay Alice, soo glad uti is gone and fever aswell!!! Thats great news hun :) and i hope its stays away for v v long time, we dont eant those bugs around lil baba !!!! So glad to hear you feeling well!! Wow appointment soo soon :) can not wait to hear all about it:) everything is gona be pefect :) lol about the coughing, i would be feeling the same lol :)

well af seems to ease a bit today, looks like its on the way out soon :) yesterday i got another call from my doctor :( she got my urin analysis back and its not good, she dont think that antibioatics will work so have to go back next week for another test :( donno what she ment exacly, but didnt sound good :( ahhh i just hope its nothing v bad :( im also gona do 21 day test this month for progesterone and want to do day 3 hormone test, just to make sure everything is balanced :) Im off tonight with my friend to comedy show :) hope that will take my mind of thinks and just gona have a fun night!!! yeey i can not wait!!! My hubby is having Pugs night in lol thats what he is calling when im out and he stays in with Pugs and watch movies :)

Sending you all lods lods baby dust and sticky sticky vibes!!!

With love


9 years ago • Post starter

Aargh, Nikolina, I'm so sorry to hear your uti isn't gone yet! :-( And how frustrating that you don't really know what the doctor meant :-s Hun, I hope it's nothing bad! You have lots of fun with your friend at the comedy show!!!! And I hope to hear good news next week!!!!! Thinking of you and sending you lots of luck!!!!!

Lots of baby dust!!!!


9 years ago

Alice, yes. :( total bad luck! Yes, I already have 2. So far I want 3 more including the one I want to get on the 6th. The one I want to get on the 6th is for my second daughters foot prints to look exactly like my firsts' but obviously with her own footprints, name and birthday. :) So far no bruising from the acupuncture! Though the ear and foot points hurt the worst. Hope you're feeling better!! <3

Nikolina, yes! very bad luck indeed.... I do think it seems to be all at once doesn't it? hope my bad luck is over now! See above for what tattoo I'm getting ;) YES you're right!! tattoos are sexy!! you are very lucky your hubs has lots of tattoos!! My hubs only has 2 and they're smallish. :/ I have one on my back by my left shoulder that is my daughters birth date at the top, then her footprints at birth, her first and middle name below the feet with a pink heart in the middle. :) Then on my left upper arm (outside of arm) is a tattoo in honor of my dad who passed when I was 9. It is a red ribbon (the color for AIDS awareness) with wings on both sides and his death day at the top. Hard to describe... I'm sure it would be easier to see them. :p
hmm, how am I feeling about this cycle? I guess I don't have any feelings towards it, be it positive or negative. I'm just going to take it as it comes. :) How're you feeling about this cycle for yourself? hmm, weird about another test, hope it all checks out and everything is ok! Comedy shows are so fun!! I went to one around Christmas time and it was nice to laugh a lot! Hope you enjoy it! awe!! pugs night in! haha. Pugs are so cute and funny!! How many do you have?

AFM, still spotting. The acupuncturist gave me some herbs that are supposed to help with things but I have to stop spotting first as I guess you can't take it while on your period. Hubs went to acupuncture too and they gave him some herbs too and then has to go to a store and get another pill that's supposed to help with his libido (not that that's a problem for him) so I guess he's going to be extra in the mood. LOL. yay me.... >.<

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago


OMG...feels like I have been gone FOREVER!! I am so sorry...and I just got caught up with everyone...whew...I will say and always say that I am thankful for this group and for you ladies!

Nikolina, I am praying that whatever the doc has found will be cured quickly and that you will be healthy soon for you and your LO that is coming! Hope you have a great time tonight :)

Missy, looks like we are both on here tonight! Glad your appointment went well, I have had some sessions too and I really like it, just expensive! $70 per I haven't been lately. I know this is really hard but I know your day will come! Are you going for a little boy??

Alice, I am happy to hear that you are feeling better! I hope your dh is as well, I would freak out if my hubby or anyone around me was sick, lol. Can't wait to hear about your next appointment!!

Emmy, hope all is well with you!

AFM, welllll...AF did show last Friday, on time, and she kicked my @$$...not only did she show but we flew to Texas that night because my cousin got married in Oklahoma the next day...travelling while bleeding like no other is NOT fun, but I made it. OF course I wanted to eat foods I don't have here in Alabama, and I ended up getting sick after having a cheeseburger and ice cream, lol! It was great going down though :) Because of my surgery I am now taking birth control, so I won't bleed before the surgery on June 19th. However, I have been feeling like CRAP since last week :/ every time I eat I feel nauseous, so I am just trying to keep my head up and getting prepared for the surgery. I keep telling myself the surgery is not only needed but will get me where I want to go and that's having a healthy baby. I pray you all will be on your ways to baby bellies when my turn finally comes, to give me pointers!!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies :)

Missytwoeshos, i luv your tattos, they all have a meaning and sounds so cutte. Yea my hubby is coverd in them, he has both sleeves done realy nice, and some on his back and one hallf of leg as well. And the think is when he is wearing jumper and you cant see tattoos you wouldn't ever think he has them lol
We had a fab night on saturday, got bit drunk lol but was sooo funny i lough all night ;) Really needed night like that after af arrived made me feel bit better :) We have 2 Pugs, they are like our babies, they are soo cutte with their lil personalities :) And so spoiled lol
Yea about this cycle, i dont really know yet how im feeling, just gona take one day at the time. Hate having hopes up and then af crashes them :( But im staying positive and will pray that this is the month for both of us!!! Lods lods baby dust hun and super sticky vibes!!!! :)

Hay Alice hun, are you excited about your appointment?? How many weeks you are now? Can not wait to hear all about it!!! :) Sending you lods of positive toughts!!! :)

Hay Jada!!! Sonice for you to check in on us!!! :) Sorry to hear that af showed, and yea she always shows on wrong times!!!! So glad you had a great time at wedding, and burger and ice cream lol lol what a combination :) Hope you feeling better, could be that pill is making you bit sick, cos of all the hormone change, but its all for good costs:) Sending you lods of positive toughts and im thinking of you and praying that everythink will be fine and that at the end of all of this you will have a big BFP!!!! :)

Well im waiting now for clinic to open so i can make appointment for today. I feel like uti is gone, and hope that i dont need any other treatment ;) nothing other to report, af is nearly gone, just lil spotting, yaayyy :) Can not wait for trying SMEP plan this cycle, hope it will work for us :)

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!!!!!!!

So so sorry I've been away!!!
Hope you are all ok? I'm going to keep updated and post when I can again!

Nikolina & Missy sooooo sorry AF showed!! Sucks big time!!! I'm sending positive thoughts and vibes for this cycle! :)

Jada - glad you are keeping well. It won't be long away and you will be trying again :)
Sending you lots of love xxxxxx

Alice - good luck for tomorrow's app!!! How far are you along now?
Hope you are keeping well Hun :)

AFM - thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words
So after waiting 2 weeks for the results the mole was benign!!!!!!! Thank goodness! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers they meant so much!
It was such a tough and worrying few weeks on top of the chemical :(
So we went on holiday. It was lovely weather and chilled out. Didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to as my stitches were really hurting but the family time away was amazing and just what we all needed! :)
Back to reality now.
I know I told you ladies we were giving TTCing a break but we did dtd a few times around ovulation but guess it may or may not happen.
Only prob is I'm really unsure if/when I've ovulated?!
I had two lots of ewcm happen 6 says apart?!
I'm already on cycle day 29 and no AF.
I think the chemical has affected my cycle again. The one last year made my cycle 44 days and with all the stress over the last few weeks it's obv had an effect!
So I decided to buy some cheapy opks and guess what? They have been positive very dark for going on 6 days now!
This happened last cycle when it was a chemical so worried yet again!
So now the question is when do I test?!
I think I'm either 8/9dpo or 5/6dpo.
So maybe thurs? It would be 12dpo or 9dpo?
Urgh I don't know!
Hubby is confused by the dark opks so I'm really not sure!
No real symptoms ...
Mild cramps on and off for days and yellowy cm TMI
No sore boobs which I normally get a week before AF or when pregnant.
I will keep you up to date ladies!

Love to you all & baby dust *~*~*~*~*~*

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Emmy, soooo glad to hear the good news that your mole was benign!!!! Such a relief!!! And I'm so glad you had such a relaxing time off with your family :-) Oh, hun, so confusing, the opks!!! :-s I don't really know, I guess the safest thing is to assume you're 7dpo? But idk... Oh, I'm hoping this is the start of a sticky baby!!!!!!!

Jada, sorry to hear AF showed her ugly face, and with such a vigilance and, as always, a bad timing :-s Nikolina might be right, maybe the birth control is making you feel bad? I'm sorry you have to go through all of that, hun :-( But it's for a great cause, hopefully that thought can cheer you up when you're having a rough time... We are here for you, hun!!!!!

Nikolina, I hope the test will confirm that your uti is gone!!!! It has tortured you long enough!!! Glad to hear AF is down to spotting! :-) Ooh, so cute when you talk about your Pugs :-) Haha, I had to Google Pug, I had no idea what it was :-p I'm hoping that your SMEP pays off!!!!!

Missytwoshoes, those sound like amazing tattoos!!! They speak love... I bet they are beautiful... I'm relieved to hear that the acupuncture didn't cause any bruises so far!!! Is it a relaxing thing to undergo? Or more like torture? :-) Hoping it will pay off soon!!!! :-)

AFM, healing process is not logical. One day I feel better, next I feel worse. Annoying. Fever comes and goes too. For the moment, I have a really bad cold. Nervous to see how baby is doing!!!

Sending you ladies lots and LOTS of baby dust and positive


9 years ago

Hay ladies!!!

Lol Alice, yea Pugs are like babies to us lol Well i went to doc yesterday, she said that the reason y she wanted me to come back is cos infection was bad and aggresive, she just wanted to make sure that all bacteria is gone otherwise will come back again. By test strip it looks like its all clear, but she sent my sample to lab just in case some is left. So all good here, wont need new kidneys lol lol is your appointment today?? Hope you feeling better hun :) lods of hugs and hot soup sent your way :)

Hay Emmy hun!!!! So glad to hear you are ok and everything is fine :) well positive opk's strange again hun!! Hope its a sign for sticky bfp v v soon :) i remember with my first chemical pregnancy my opk turned positive only on day when digi said pregnant, so maybe hpt test would pick something up already??? Im soo excited for yoy hun, and realy really hope this is it for you hun!!! And yellow cm is v good pregnancy sign hun!!! Keep us updated, but in meantime i have my fx that we gona see your bfp soon :) lods baby dust and sticky wibes hun!!!

Hay missytwoeshos, how are you hun?? Lods of baby dust and lets get down to baby dancing (;

Well af finaly gone!!! Yeey!!! At the doc i was talkin about my low bbt and she said absolutely nothing to worry about, its normal range, so thats good to know. I decided that for next 3 months i gona do 21 day test for progesterone and if after 3 months noth happens doc gona send me to clinic for more test!! So happy about this decision :) but my doc dont think there is anything wrong, but still its good to check out!!! Thats all the news from me !!! Can not wait to try SMEP this cycle!!! Hope will work for us :)

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

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