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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

321 - 330 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Hi ladies!

Cam, hey!! Happy to see ya! Good luck with the other finals, I know you will knock em out the park ;)

LJT, how are you?!

Magic, hope all is well.

Law, gl with the water...I get!

AFM, hope the day went well!

Purple, GL!

Luv, how goes it?

Hope everyone is good!

AFM, I'm finally feeling a lot better! Made a 100 on my test today, had a great lunch with the hubs....and it's ALMOST Friday!! Friday eve in fact. I have been really wanting pickles and a little heavy, but not getting my hopes up. 9dpo...

10 years ago

Cam...all is well. Entering my third trimester and already uncomfortable as can be. Soon enough it will all be worth it though.

JLHart...I'm doing pretty good. And you? FX for a BFP this month...pickles and olive cravings...hmmmm

luv...I could never ever ever forget about you ladies! You were all a huge support for me in my TTC adventure. I just feel horrible that I disappeared for so long! With work and everything it was just impossible for me to keep up with everybody. But I'm back and staying until I hopefully see every one of you wonderful ladies get your BFP!!!! What are you doing these days to try to help you get your BFP?

AFM...I am currently 27 weeks, 5 days pregnant and can't say that I have been loving every minute of it. Between back pain, hip pain, constant fatigue, and many many many more wonderful side effects. But I do know that it is all for a wonderful cause, and can't wait to meet me beautiful daughter! This pregnancy has been so completely different than my pregnancy with my son (which had to have been the easiest pregnancy in recordable only complaint was it was the hottest summer ever and I loved my air conditioning. Other than that, absolutely nothing!!!) I was TTC for 7 months before finally getting my BFP at 10 DPO. I had an 89 day cycle and was diagnosed with mild PCOS, but had no tests done to confirm....hmmmm. So with the help of Vitex and FertiliTea, and some supplements for DH, we got our BFP (and can't forget the OPKs!!!) I think that's the short version of my TTC story....and I had so many wonderful ladies on here to support me! Thanks ladies!

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10 years ago

LJT, awwww a girl, awesome! I am good, finally getting over a cold! Yeah salt calling my name, LOL, sad. We are building our dream home, should be finished next summer, would LOVE to have a LO to complete the complete dream, ya know?! Thx for being here for us!

10 years ago

Classes left for finals college algebra and anatomy and physiology lecture.

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10 years ago

Thanks everyone it's been very hard but I got this.

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10 years ago

cam--you've got this! anatomy and physiology doesn't sound so bad.

LJT--congrats and yippee..a girl. I so want a girl. I am 5w3d today, had my first u/s yesterday. Long story short--amenorrhea for 6 years...and I tried for ~ a year to get my menstrual cycle to return--we started "trying" in February before my cycle returned (I used clomid twice because there's studies saying it can work in patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea). Finally got pregnant with follistim and ovidrel on a long cycle. I stimmed for 17 days and ovulated about 30 days into my cycle.

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm just checking in. I love catching up on everyone's posts! As for me, I am 5 dpo and I'm feeling pretty normal. No unusual/notable symptoms so far.

I have a question. Could the lack of my usual pms symptoms (sore breasts, cramps, and eating like a pig) be an indication that I didn't ovulate?

10 years ago

Ttcbaby--I guess theoretically it could mean that but many people don't have symptoms after ovulating. I wouldn't overthink it. Do you have a history of annovulatory cycles?

10 years ago

Good morning ladies. I'm sleeping a bit better. Have a lot going on today. Hoping I can do it all.

10 years ago

Good morning go it law! I am either 3 dpo according to FF or 2 dpo to ctp. I hope every has a great day. I'm being lazy today then getting up to do homework later.

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10 years ago

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