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October Testers Part 2!

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AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Get'er done 1stttc!!!

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10 years ago

1st--right on time. You are so lucky you have perfect cycles. :) I'm sure your weight gain is minimal in that amount of time. I'm up ~20 pounds (and I'm 4'11) so I've gone from thin/fit to overweight and slightly chubby. ((sigh))

10 years ago

lawbride I still think you'll get used to it, and honestly this is a great opportunity to get over your fear of needles! I am afraid of needles too so I'm sure if I need injectibles I will freak, but I will take your bravery as inspiration :)

Nicolene I'm glad the procedure went well and I hope you get over your anesthesia reaction soon! Get some sleep dear!

Cam have a good day with your husband! ;)

JLH you have the best attitude! I love it :) I'm doing well, I'll update more below in a bit!

1stTTC yay for your positive OPK! Now is what we in the biz call "crunch time" heehee :) and I'm really glad your body bounced back so fast after the MC!

amag glad to see you! The boards were messed up for a few days, nobody could get on for most of the day so it was pretty quiet around here. UGH at your friend saying she knows how you feel, three months is NOTHING, literally NOTHING. I didn't feel like I had the right to complain until we'd hit a year. I don't see anything wrong with saying "you don't really know how I feel, but I am happy it was so fast for you." People do not get it. I swear.

AFM 6 DPO and yesterday I had a big appetite so I indulged. Still stayed a bit under 2000 calories though so that's good. Today I was talking to my best friend (also my boss) in her office about how we're getting my husband's sperm tested, and then a pregnant woman walked in and just stood there. So we stopped talking, because our convo was super personal and I am not making it common knowledge. Then the pregnant woman started bitching about how she's due any day and she's miserable and she just wants the baby out. I just kept thinking "SCREW YOU LADY," I would, like I've said before, relive my worst marathon every day to be pregnant. After she finally friggin' left my friend and I resumed the conversation and I was like "yeah I have ZERO sympathy for pregnant women who bitch about being pregnant," and my friend said "yeah and that's her FOURTH KID." Come on. If you hate being pregnant you don't have four kids! So yes I am doing okay physically but I was super annoyed there. :-/ Sorry if I offended anyone with my rant! I just don't have much patience for it when I am literally mid-convo about my fertility problems and some pregnant woman walks up and complains about being pregnant!

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Ladies!! I was so nervous with what all happened with the m/c... Still won't know if I actually ovulated till I can see a shift in my temps...

@Luv: I completely agree!!! Some people take pregnancy and children for granted... I have people that have told my husband to just keep "getting her dogs... you can avoid the baby talk"... and these people have more than one child! I would hate if my parents had talked about me like that when I was little.... but of course, I was a "fertility baby", so my mom knew how PRECIOUS pregnancy/children really are...

@Law: Yea, I haven't gained quite that much, but I can definitely tell that if I don't get my eating under control or atleast get off my butt and do something, it will turn into a problem.... Lol.

10 years ago

luv: i agree 100% with you. i am at the point where i dont want to hear any still over the moon excited for her but cmon really...hope you are doing better today and things go as planned for DH's SA!!

10 years ago

luv--completely agree. that's so insensitive. I mean, I get might not realize just how precious the gift of pregnancy is because you've never struggled but sheesh consider that some people might. I guess since we're going through it we are more sensitive to what most people take for granted. It still pisses me off though. what did you indulge in? I ate a lot yesterday--over 2300 calories. Oh well, c'est la vie.

1st--walking is great! I have a feeling you'll be pregnant this cycle. Your body seems to work perfectly!

10 years ago

@Law: I hope so... I keep thinking my body is back on track, but then I just think back to the m/c and sometimes I just feel like something isn't right or why didn't that baby stick... I don't know... Just hoping for the best for all of us!

10 years ago

1st--that's so common that I wouldn't think about it as "Something was wrong" but instead that your body works the way its supposed to. Chromosomal issues (which aren't often recurring) can cause an early miscarriage, along with lining issues. I would not be concerned if I were you. I've researched this--because I was afraid my body wouldn't sustain a pregnancy and I'm confident you'll be okay.

10 years ago

1stTTC thanks for the support! And trust me there is nothing wrong with you for having a MC, like lawbride said they are super common and usually total flukes. I heard around 30% of pregnancies end in MC and a lot of those are so early that people don't even know they were pregnant! The odds of it happening twice are quite low :)

amag thanks! Yeah it's hard to get too thrilled about other people's pregnancies, I keep reminding myself that getting pregnant isn't a zero-sum game, meaning that another woman's pregnancy doesn't "take away" a pregnancy from someone else!

lawbride word, in a way maybe it's good that we have struggled a bit because we will be more compassionate and not say idiotic things to people like "when are you gonna have a baby?!" ;) I didn't indulge in anything specific yesterday, I just ate when I was hungry which was more often than usual, tried to eat healthy though :)

Forgot to talk about the SA today! So yes my husband did his second SA this morning, he seemed a lot more at ease with the process this time (probably because he's done it before and this time he went into the opposite end of the house for more privacy, so he was probably more relaxed). Also this time we only had 2 days since we last BD'd, instead of a whole week. This might be TMI, so be warned. Last time his volume was pretty low (1.1 mL when normal is 2-5 mL) and the cup looked basically empty; this time the cup looked like it had way more in it! So hopefully we'll get the results back tomorrow and find out some good news, I feel pretty confident that it'll be better though! The doc said if he comes back normal that I can start on Clomid next month to up our chances, if it's not normal then we have to go to a specialist and I really want to avoid having to do that! That would probably mean I have to wait another month before doing drastic measures, unless they can do IUI in only a few weeks!

10 years ago • Post starter

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