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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Ahhh Missytwoeshoes, hun, im so sorry to hear that af arrived!! I was hoping it wont show for you :( im so sorry. Im sending you a biggest hug on the world :* stay positive hun, we are here for you, and it will happen v v soon. Your scycle seems v short tho, maybe you should look in to something to lengthen that? i wish there could be something i could do to make you feel better :/

Well my temp went down today aswell :( so im ready af for you to arrive :( gona make appointm for doc today for kidney infection. Prob thats y my temp was high :( no symptoms to report, still vivid dreams thats all. Yesterday evening had hut flushes all evening, but i say thats down to infection aswell!!!

Sending yea all baby dust!!!

Missytwoeshoes, are you sure its af?? Couldnt be just spotting??


9 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies, ive tested this morning, ahh bfn :( feeling out :(

Lods lods baby dust


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!

Aah, Missytwoshoes, I'm soo sorry AF showed up :-( I hope she will not give you a hard time <3 Nikolina is right that your LP seems on the short side, has it always been like that for you? I'm soo sorry hun, hoping this new cycle will bring you good fortune!!!!

Nikolina, boo for bfn!! :-( But 10dpo is very early, isn't it? I saw your temp dip. Could be meaningless if your temp goes bak up tomorrow. Hard to estimate whether it's the beginning of a downwards trend or just a normal random fluctuation... I'm not counting you out, hun!!! But it sucks to see that bfn :-(

Emmy and Jada, hoping you ladies are alright! Thinking of you!!!

AFM, Nikolina, I'm supposed to take the antibiotics for 5 days. I'm now over half of it and I still feel like it hasn't gotten a lot better :-s The doc tested and the bacteria should be sensitive to penicilline, so the meds should work. I'm just a little worried that there hasn't really been an improvement after 3 days :-s I'll just wait a bit longer (till tomorrow evening or so) and see what happens. Hoping it will clear out. Nikolina, what kind of strip tests do you use? I'm thinking of buying some myself, but apparently there exist a lot of test strips for urine :-s

Sending you ladies lots of positive vibes!!!!!


9 years ago

Nikolina, Thank you. <3 Oh, yes I'm sure it's AF. It've been cramping something awful and it's like a murder scene down there. LOL sorry for TMI. Yes, it is very short. I've known this for a while and I've tried to get my docs to help and they won't. That's why I'm going to see the GYN in July to hopefully help with how short they are. I was taking the B6 this month and it was supposed to help lengthen it, as you can see it didn't work. :/ Yes, I noticed it dipped a little but it's still higher than the other temps... hopefully this is still your month!! Is this around the time you got your positives with your CP's? Or was it a few days later? crossing fingers for you still! <3

Alice, AF is def giving me a hard time... it was so nice having such an easy one last month, this month not so much. :( very painful cramps. :( No, they haven't always been this short. Just since having my second I would guess? I didn't start temping until she was almost 2, so I'm not sure for how long it's been like this but at least a year. I'm pretty sure I have a luteal phase defect. When I told my PCM she laughed and asked "why I thought I had that" so I told her and she told me I was wrong. :( I'm sorry your antibiotics are not helping you yet. :( How awful for you to still have to be in pain. :(

AFM.... no big deal... just the worst period I've had since the CP. Even clots. :( Hubs thinks I might have had another CP, but I don't know. Test was neg yesterday so I doubt it. Just a really bad one I guess. :/

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hay ladies!!!

Ahh Missytwoeshoes, i feel your pain. I sometimes get v bad ones when i need pain killers to give a help. Well hun i defo think your LP is on short side, so i hope you will find different doc who will understand your worries hun!!! I hope af will leave soon, and please stay positive, it will happen hun, and it will be that bit more special :) Well with my cp's i started get lil ghost lines at 11dpo the ones where you just not sure, and 13dpo defo lines but stil v faint, so i guess it is still early, just culdnt help it lol

Hay Alice, ahh no, o really hope that uti will get better, but defo finidh antibiotics, and if it wont help then, then go back to doc and see what can be done. The urin test strips i use called Combur 7 Test, they are exactly the same as doct use. you can order them online, they cheeper there, v handy, shows lods of thinks, like blood in urin even when is invisible for naked aye, proatin, ph etc... you can look up abot them online. how many days you have left to take them? Hope you feeling well soon hun!!! Lods of hugs x

Well i went to doct today!! Aww i love my doctor. She is soo nice and easy to talk to, and understand my every worry! Well as i knew i have infection, so she gave me antibiotics, the once which are save to take while pregnant just in case. I tould her about my cp's, cos havent seen her since October, with first cp i went to different doc back home. So she was so understanding, she said that even that next time i get pos test, i go straght to her, she will do all tests for 2 days and early scan. But she dont think there is anyth wrong, and she feels that soon i will be back in her office lol i hope she is right.
otherwiseno new symptoms, lil sore bbs, back pain and stomach pain. Donno if its cramps or just pain.

Sending you all beautiful ladies lods lods baby dust!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!

Missytwoshoes, I'm so sorry to hear AF is giving you such a hard time :-( Weird how those periods can be so different! I hope you have some way to ease the pain a little bit... How rude that your PCM responded like that! You read so much about it on the internet. Okay, the internet is probably not the best source, but it can't be all crap, can it? Sounds to me like you could be right. Really rude...

Nikolina, how wonderful that you had such a good experience with your doc :-) I too think she might be right about you being back there soon :-) I hope the meds will work for you!!! They still haven't for me :-s I'm drinking a lot, but keep having the same complaints. Doc said it could be either 'post-irritance' or maybe a vaginal infection as well. I happen to have seen her because my husband is floored by either the flu or a major sinus infection. He's feeling really crappy, poor thing... :-( The doc told me I should keep drinking a lot and mentioned it to the gyn next week (app on Tuesday). The test showed it wasn't a very serious infection so it's not too harmful to wait a little bit, she says. Thank you so much for the reference!!! I will definitely get myself some strips!! :-) And I'm crossing my fingers for you, hun!!!!!

Emmy and Jada, I hope you are both feeling well!!!

Lots and lots of positive vibes going your way!!!!


9 years ago

Hay Ladies!!

How are you all doing??

Alice hun, i hope meds will work for you v soon and you will feel better soon. Yea those strips are very handy :) Ive been soo busy this week at work, cos bosses are gone and i have to cover them , so with infection and sore back im wrecked all week :/ when is your next scan? And how are you feeling? Sending you lods baby dust :)

Hay missytwoeshoes, how are you? Hope af is nearly gone and this is the last time she visits!!! Are you thinking of trying something new this cycle? Lods lods baby dust hun :)

Well 12dpo today, looks like im out :( temp slowly creaps down and negative tests :( i tought i saw something today on test but i guess its just wishfull thinking :( well just gona wait for af so i can start next cycle :) hope next one will be lucky one... i just dont feel it this month :(

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

Nikolina, yes, I've deff had to take some tylenol this time. That and my heat pack has helped. So glad your doc has been helpful and gave you antibiotics! I hope they kick in soon and you can start feeling better! <3 No, AF isn't gone yet... not even on her way out I'm afraid. ugh. Yes, I am going to try a couple of new things. Going to be taking an oil that's supposed to help with progesterone, and my hubby and I are going to go on Saturday to a acupuncturist.... after doing these things... I'm fresh out of ideas. I've got nothing left to try. :( Did you test today? Are you testing every day? Don't you hate when you swear you see something, but there isn't anything?? That's the worst. But I hope you really did see something! fx fx fx!!!

Alice, yes, I thought she was super rude. Obviously something is wrong, it didn't take this long with the other 2, and the mc just convinced me that that something for sure is going on. If I don't get preg by July, I hope that the new gyn will be more helpful than my PCM. Hey, you tell that nasty UTI to go away!!

Emmy and Jada, thinking of you ladies! <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hay ladies!!!

Well lil upfate from me, this morning huge temp drop followed by af :( but im ok, bit angry but trying to stay positive and praying this is the cycle for us. We gona try SMEP plan this sycle and i hope it will work. I also decided that i gona ask my doctor for hormone test, just to check if everything is ok :) but its done on cd3 so i guess i will have to wait till next month if af arrives again. So here i come next cycle :) i also taking vitamin B6 and gona keep using preseed :)

Hay missytwoeshos, how are you feeling?? Maybe we be o around the same day again this cycle? That would be so great ;) well i decided i wont test before 13dpo and only gona test if temp is still up :) just keep seeing lines on blank test lol :)

Alice hun how are you feeling? Hope everything is ok. Yea my doctor is amazing, luv her :) she rang me next day and ask me to come in again to check folic acid, cos last year was super low, getting results on monday so then i will ask about hormone test :)

Emmy and Jada, im thinking of you!!!

Sending lods of baby dust,


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!

Argh, Nikolina, stupid AF!!!!! :-( I'm sorry this wasn't your cycle, hun. I'm cheering for you, hoping your sticky baby is waiting for you just around the corner!!!! I hope the B6 and preseed will bring you good fortune!!! I think it's a good idea to test a little later this cycle. I know, easier said than done :-) But those early tests are only confusing, right :-(

Missytwoshoes, I read a lot of positive stories about acupuncture! Hoping this will be the trick for you!!! And the oil seems like a great idea too, that might lengthen your LP! I'm also hoping you and Nikolina are going to O close to one another, it's nice to be cycle buddies! :-) I'm crossing my fingers for you, hun!!!!

Emmy and Jada, I'm hoping you are alright! Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes!!!

AFM, feeling awful today :-( The past few days I've been very tired when waking up, even after sleeping a lot. Also small headaches. I assumed these were perfectly normal symptoms, as I read they are. But then today, I felt feverish. My temp has been going up and down, but I definitely have a 'light' fever. I dropped another urine sample at the hospital and I'm going to see my Dr in 2 hours. I don't know what to think. Is it the uti getting worse? Or did I now also caught my husband's infection? Btw, he thinks it's flu. I got a vaccin for that past autumn, but apparently you can still get it, in a milder form. I don't really care about me being sick, but I'm worried for the baby :-( Will keep you ladies posted. Thank you for all your warm wishes!!!

Sending you LOTS of baby dust and good fortune!!!


9 years ago

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