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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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I've stopped apologizing for my long posts. I'm just a jabber-jaw...

@kcordell - I'd say that O date prediction looks pretty accurate, which would put the dip around 7dpo. That's a lovely day for implantation. But it could also be a mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge which drops your core temp as well.

It does look like you average an 11 day LP. I don't think that's considered a "luteal phase defect." It's in the normal range, but the low end of normal. Anything 10 days and under is considered a problem. Basically you need an LP long enough to give time for the eggo to travel down the tube into the uterus and dig in.

Luteal Phase Timing:
Once your egg ruptures from the follicle, it heads down the fallopian tube. While it's in the tube, it hopefully meets and does a little dance with some sperm. Traveling down the tube takes 3-4 days. Then it takes it anywhere from 3-7 days for the egg to find a nice spot in your uterus and burrow in (which is when it starts to produce HcG). If it isn't fertilized, it doesn't burrow in, doesn't produce HcG, your corpus luteum dies and the egg is expelled in AF. So if you look at the averages there, you've got about 6-11 days that you need before the corpus luteum dies or is "rescued" by the eggo starting to produce HcG once it implants.

It's nice to have a couple more days in your LP in case of a late implanter and to give enough time for the little guys to really get settled and kick up its heels (and you could possibly get that by taking B6 or Vitex. B6 can also be found in tuna, bananas, turkey, liver, salmon and many greens). Ideally you want around a 13/14 day LP. But 11 days could be adequate if all the timing works out right. When you finish out BBTs for this month (if not preggo) you may want to let your Dr know what you've found and see what they say. Some Docs put their patients on prometrium if they perceive a luteal phase defect. Although you have lovely high toasty post-O temps that make me green with envy so I would guess you have no trouble with progesterone. Ask what they think about B6 or Vitex in your case. Could give you another day or two.

@pbc & @bjohnson - My fingers are crossed for you!
@kzayn - chin up! It's not over till it's over!

@Carla - Sounds like you really have it covered! I have everything crossed for you!

@mommawanna - Aw, sorry hun. You had a stinky cycle. Do you feel a little relieved it's over? I was actually really happy last month when my cycle from heck ended and I could start over. I hope this month's the one for you.

@nsingh - Welcome! It's so nice to see you!
Wow, I had no idea the UTIs were so bad! I second Jess' idea about a urologist. I think we all talked about this a couple of months ago but I can't remember the outcome - I know there was discussion of peeing before and after BD to help prevent UTIs, but several gals were concerned about peeing out the swimmers. Did you try using SoftCups? You can slip one in after BD and hop up to pee immediately without losing the spermies. I'm not prone to UTIs but I've been using the SoftCups this past month just to keep the swimmers sealed close to the cervix and it seems to work.

One note re: Cipro - Not sure if your Dr mentioned this or if they're aware you're TTC, but Cipro is a Class C drug so it shouldn't be taken if you're pregnant or could be pregnant (i.e., post O/during TWW). If your prescribed course is set to run into the time of your TWW I would either sit the month out or ask your Dr if they can change your Rx to an antibiotic approved for use during pregnancy. But don't stop taking your antibiotics before the course is completed or before your Dr says you can. It can create scary superbugs that will eat your head. Just kidding, but it can create antibiotic-resistant strains and/or allow bacteria to recolonize your body while the defenses are down.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Thank you Carla and fx for you!

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11 years ago

@Jess- yeah i think i need to see a urologist if this continues because they are so incredibily annoying and this CIPRO stuff is making me feel really weird. I'm at work and i feel like my head is somewhere else.. a girl at work gets these all the time too, she said she takes baths right after sex.. every time!!! she's currently pregnant right now btw.. so crazy.

@grantsmama- yeah my doc told me about that, she recommends we don't bd this month to prevent more bacteria growth and just get rid of the infection before we start up again. The meds might go a couple of days into my two week wait, but i'm currently CD 9, and i usually don't O until CD14 and my meds will end CD17.. so maybe i should wait this one out? UGH.. so frustrating.. all i want is a bundle of joy!

11 years ago

So I thought I ovulated a couple days ago because I had a positive OPK but I woke up with lots of EWCM that turned more watery through out the day. I also had a weird temp spike the day I got the positive OPK and then a dip, followed by a rise and then a slight fall. (if you click my profile you can see my chart) Anyone know if this is normal? I was travelling for the holidays so I'm a little worried that I won't ovulate this cycle. I've been taking OPKs to see if I get another surge but they've just been getting lighter.

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11 years ago

Lizhaa - could be that u didn't o and your body is gearing up to try again. So keep checking opks &is bd. But it could also be a fallback rise and you Od fine. No way to be sure for a few more days.
good luck!

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Lizhaa - I second what GrantsMama said about not O'ing and gearing up to do it again...I had that happen several months ago.

I wish our bodies would give us a definite sign we ovulated, that would make things so easier!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Is there a September forum?

11 years ago

Woke up by the cat at 4:10 this morning, so went ahead and tested since today I am 14dpo. I was so shocked! I got a ! This is my first time being pregnant, so I really don't know what to do. I have been taking prenatal vitamins the past several months just in case. Anything I should avoid?

I just want to say thank you for all your support and stories. I love this forum as I get on it about five times a day to check on all you ladies. We have such a wealth of knowledge built up here. I know I can count on you to guide me.

I am praying for the rest of you. I know that God will provide when it is right.

I guess I will test in a few days to see if the test gets darker. Here is the image: User Image

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11 years ago

I am spotting now. Today is the day my period would normally be due, so is it normal to spot the day AF is due if you just became pregnant? I am so nervous now. I hope this is not a miscarriage. Praying...

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11 years ago

Bjohnson. CONGRATS!! What kind of spotting??? heavy?? I'd call you doctor. Praying for you hun!!!

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11 years ago

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