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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey ladies! I truly appreciate that concern and care shown. Thanks so much!

Cam: I pray he will too.

AFM: My OB's office just called to say I need to come in on Tuesday to discuss my pap. Oh Lordie!

Been trying to complete this since this morning...will check back later. Work is a zoo these days.

10 years ago

amag yes it is such a relief to have the u/s! Honestly if PCOS is my only problem I am thrilled to hear it. It's one of the more easily fixed things I could have. Chances are I won't need IVF, too, which is good. It's not bad enough to affect my hormones but it might be affecting my egg quality, hopefully the Clomid will help. Your eggs sound like they're coming along nicely!! Hooray! :)

janise I can't even imagine having to wait until Tuesday to know what the heck is up with your pap! FX that it's not anything dire. Generally an abnormal pap is a pretty simple thing to deal with. When I had one I got a colposcopy and then I never had an abnormal pap again, and I hear that is common. Hang in there girl!

AFM CD 10 and have started BDing. Hopefully my uterine lining will thicken more in the next week. I'm gonna do the pineapple core after ovulation thing this month. I cut up a pineapple already and put the core in the freezer, which I hope will work just as well as "fresh."

Hope all you ladies are doing well! I know weekends are kinda quiet around here...and it is SMH's birthday so happy birthday to SMH! :-D

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies, Just wanted to catch up with everyone before I spend the day cleaning....oh what

Jada- I hope your OB can get you in sooner. You always have such a positive attitude, you truly are a strong person. I am sorry the witch is being so witchy=0(

Law- I am so glad that the ultrasound went well. I hope it continues to stay that way!! Sorry about the moodiness.

Amag- I am glad you are not feeling many side effects of the med. So happy to hear you have so many follies!!! I am super excited for you!!!

Cam- Sorry you had to drop a class, but I understand. So glad you got time to BD during the hectic things. I hope you getting settled in to your new house.

Clove- your kidos are sooo adorable!!!

SMH- It will take a few days for the Fenugreek to start to show, keep taking it, as baby rella gets older and bigger it will continue to help you get even more milk in. I loved your pictures!!! Your family and baby rella is soooo Cute. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Luv- Glad you got an appointment. But sorry you fainted at the blood drawl=0( I hope this all leads to great amazing things for you!!!!

Janise- Try not worry about your pap too much, I am sorry you have to wait so long to hear. There are soo mnay things that can effect it. But as long as you get paps when you are suppose to the screening is made to catch things early enough to prevent the bad. If that makes sense.

AFM- Just plan on cleaning today, seeing as I am feeling a little better I need to catch up on things I have slacked on. Oh I did find out at my OB appointment that I am no longer Immune to Chicken Pox, so after I deliver I have to get the vaccine. I am not too surprised because my mother has to get her MMR and Chicken pox every few years because for some reason her body wont hold the immunity against it. So must be genetics, I have had chicken pox as a child. Also at my next appointment when I am 15 weeks, my provider said she will do an ultrasound to see if she can tell the gender=0) supper excited. If she can't I will wait to my 20 week scan which will have to be at our Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist because of my daughter lung issue. Hoping and praying for a healthy little one this go round and of course Hopping and Praying all of you ladies get yours soon enough!!!!

10 years ago

@luv: thank you so much for the birthday shout out! You are so sweet!! Yay for entering into the fertile period! Woohoo! And I am so excited you've scheduled your appointment with the RE! Now that you've taken that step I bet you get your BFP and won't need it!!!! Fx friend!!

@janise: Sorry to hear about your pap. I remember when mine came back abnormal years ago and got that call. It was a very scary time. Hopefully they can fix you right up!!

@amag: sounds like your egg production is right on track!!! I can't wait for your update tomorrow!! I can't imagine the emotions that must be racing through you. Hugs my dear :)

@clove: your family is beautiful!! I would have been soooo annoyed being turned away when you could have been doing other errands or been with your precious family!!

@cam, JLHart, holly, afmedic, law, 1stTTC, and anyone else I missed I'm thinking about you gals!

Thanks everyone for the compliments on Rella's photos! So the website that has the photos shows the general location of everyone who looked at them and shows someone in the. Caribbean. I'm not aware of anyone being located there!? My photographer wanted me to ask to make sure we don't h e a hacker or something. So if you are located there can you please let me know? A PM is fine if you are an observer on the forum.

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10 years ago

@afmedic: Thanks for the compliments!!! I'm still taking the fenugreek - 3 pills 3 times daily. I haven't notice more milk (I'm gonna pump when Rella is done nursing so we'll see then) but my boobs hurt a bit before she nurses where they hadn't been hurting before. So hopefully that means something. I don't smell like maple syrup though so I'm wondering if I need a higher dose?

That is so exciting you could know the gender at 15 weeks! Fingers crossed! Have fun cleaning today.. If that's possible, lol. Don't overdo it though ;) thanks for the birthday wishes!

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10 years ago

Amag--yay! I'm so happy things are coming along well for you! That's fantastic. Do you already know how many embies you plan to implant?

Luv--well, that's great news! An appt with the re should really help you get to the bottom of this. It will be even better if you don't end up needing it. Fingers crossed for thi cycle.

Afmedic--all I can hope is that my uterus stops growing for a while so that the gap between where I am and where I should be closes. Yay, 15 weeks is approaching soon. I hope the baby isn't modest :)

Janise--I so hope it's nothing serious. I've had an abnormal pap and it was hpv and it went away on its own. So, hopefully its something like that.

Cam--I always loved your positivity. It will be okay. That's going to be my mantra for the next 9 days.

Smh--happy birthday! I hope you're doing something to celebrate. Keep us posted on your milk supply. I hope the fenugreek works

10 years ago

@law: thanks for the birthday wish! I hope the fenugreek helps my milk supply too!! I'll keep y'all updated.

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10 years ago

afmedic that is crazy about the chicken pox thing! Good that you know that in advance, though ;) I'd hate for you to find out by itching a bunch of red dots! I am excited for your gender scan already! Hopefully they'll know for sure but if not no worries. 5 weeks isn't long to wait in the grand scheme of things :)

SMH Rella is so cute! Sorry I can't help re: the Caribbean viewer. That is random! And you are very welcome for the birthday shoutout. We are now the same age, welcome to 31, it's super awesome...or it will be once I am knocked up too :-P I hope you're right and I won't need the RE!

lawbride thanks girl! Hope the stress is minimal for you this weekend and your DH isn't driving you nuts!

AFM I had an emotional breakdown this afternoon. DH is still complaining about how we're throwing money away on this and $12000 for IVF means he'd have to work another few years before retirement and I get where he's coming from but finally I just said "you know, you could be saying 'I'm so sorry you have to go through all this physical and emotional bullshit' but instead you're saying 'this is so expensive.'" I may have finally gotten through to him a bit. Honestly I WISH there were some amount of money we could throw at this problem and make it go away. I would sell ANYTHING. I have family jewelry, artwork, I would literally sell any of it to be pregnant right now. But this isn't a problem you can "buy off." I don't know much about PCOS (yet) but if that's what I have, I at least know it's treatable and treatments are more effective than just calling it unexplained infertility. Also the odds of needing IVF if I just have some mild PCOS are not very high. Chances are some combo of Clomid and maybe Metformin plus IUI will take care of it eventually. It's just very hard to be patient. Especially when drugs and failure ruin your mood. Ugh. Not having a good day, gang. Sorry. :(

10 years ago • Post starter

@afmedic: I forgot to mention earlier that my immunity to chicken pox also ran out. I found out during my fertility testing and had to take a month off from ttc to get the vaccine.

@luv: thanks for the welcome into 31ism :) I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. Your dh sounds like he is not thinking before speaking... $12k does not equal a few extra years of work. Maybe 1... But in the grand scheme of things that's nothing. He should be supporting you anyway he can not complaining about money. Hopefully you'll get pg before seeing the RE but if not, I bet one round with the RE and you'll be pg for sure!! Hugs!

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10 years ago

luv--sorry toots! I hope DH starts to realize just what a toll this entire TTC process has taken on you and starts to show some empathy. It's really so hard when people, our spouses especially, just don't understand the heartache and frustration when it feels like your body just won't cooperate and do what it was MADE TO DO. I cursed my body so many times for the fact that I NEEDED intervention but ultimately I knew that anything was worth being pregnant--I know you feel the same. You'd give anything and it would be nice to know that he would do the same but instead money is all he can think about. He is being rather dramatic though with saying that he'll have to work YEARS more before retiring--didn't you already say you're foregoing a trip that will basically offset the cost of one round of IVF? you might try reminding him of what you're already sacrificing and that this in any case your happiness should be worth any amount of money. It upsets me for you that you aren't getting the support you deserve from him.

AFM...spent the entire day working on this doggone paper. It's coming along SLOOOOOWLLLLY but surely. Hoping to be done with it by next I have 8 whole days to work on it....2 single spaced pages a day should take me 4-6 hours each day, x 8 = 16 single spaced pages. I already have 9 completed and loads of research for the other pages so that should give me a total of 40ish double spaced pages (since the footnotes aren't double-spaced and they take up a considerable portion of my paper). That would be FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC. That's what I'm aiming for and I keep repeating "I'll get through it. The agony now is worth the relief later. I CAN DO THIS AND I WILL! I CAN DO THIS AND I WILL!" YES, I CAN DAMN IT! Sigh. Not without some tears though, admittedly.

10 years ago

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