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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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SMH yay for a nap! And I'm glad you're already starting to feel better. Hopefully today you'll be totally fine! :)

JLH wowee you are a busy lady! I think the TI should be a great thing. Keeps the stress levels down!

AFM injected myself with the trigger shot last night. It was NOTHING. I was only slightly worried before I did it because I didn't want to screw up, but it was seriously nothing. DH was way more squeamish about my doing it than I was :-P Temps are still down and OPK this morning was positive. Praying to god my temps stay down tomorrow morning just to make absolutely sure I O as scheduled! IUI tomorrow morning!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: glad the trigger was easy peasy! And even happier you haven't O'd yet!! Woohoo!!! I really hope tomorrow marks the beginning of your last tww!!

@jlhart: wow! Busy day!! That is nice of your bro to look after your pooches. How long until you actually move? Are you guys moving your mil? Or are you hiring movers? Fx for your u/s tomorrow!!

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10 years ago

Luv, congrats on the races and on the trigger shot!!! You're on your way :)

SMH, hey lady! Hoping you're feeling better. I fear the next three months will be a bit crazy busy. We are going to go down to move her up soooo My babies will be gone until at least Septmember. The new house should be done by July!!! It's really coming along :)

Blue, hope you are enjoying your sister!

Hope all of you are having a wonderful Memoral Day!!

I'm good just ready to see what's what tomorrow morning ;)

10 years ago

@jlhart- good luck tomorrow morning!

@luv- glad to hear the trigger shot went well. And great job on the races!! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow!

Sorry I can't back to reply to everyone. Once again working a night shift so I am on my phone. I had a very busy weekend. But it was a great time!

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10 years ago

@blue: Glad you had a good weekend and good luck with your night shifts!

@jlhart: good luck at your u/s this morning! Can't wait to hear how it went!!

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10 years ago

Luv, Jada: All the very best this morning.

10 years ago

You ladies are amazing!!! Thanks for thinking of me and sending warm wishes. I am here in the waiting room awaiting to go back. I will let y'all know what's the word ASAP!!

Luv, soooo excited for you! Can't wait to hear how it all goes :) Praying this is it for you!!

Blue, hope work wasn't too hard last night, how are you feeling?

Jan, hey there!! How are you?

I'm a little nervous but somewhat excited to see where we are and if we will need the trigger or not. I don't think I ovulate until cd18 or so which is still two days away so it will be interesting to know what they see! Write y'all soon ;)

10 years ago

@jlhart: can't wait for the results!!

@cam: where are you!?

Has anyone heard from cam lately?

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10 years ago

Soooo...strange to me, but they believe that I have already ovulated. I am on CD16 today and didn't think I would until CD17 or 18. On our way to meet my brother Saturday I did have some EWCM but just thought nothing of it. Due to the stress of the drive and my babies leaving I really didn't pay attention to "symptoms" ya know? They are going to to call me this afternoon to confirm and they did give me a prescription for the trigger if I ever do need it. I let them know we will be waiting until August for IUI and they said that's fine. They said the doctor may still want to do the meds and TI until then!! So that's a relief. I asked about my lining and she said it's at 9mm so I am happy about that :)

10 years ago

Hey beauties ttc and new mommies I'm still here just ghost following. Online classes has me hating the computer lol. I'm trying to not think about my CD or ovulation or anything. Maybe distraction will be the key. Most of the pregnant women at my church has given birth 3 down and 3 to go I believe. I'm actually not bitter with the women around me becoming pregnant I'm actually excited for them. I know my time is coming so I'm happy. I'm really praying for all of you.

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10 years ago

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