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Going for July BFP - Join Me!

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Hi Ladies -

Ms. AF just tracked me down and I'm out for the month of June. Now I'm CD 2 in my 6th TTC cycle. Starting soy isoflavones tomorrow (CD 3-5) for the first time. Fingers crossed for July BFP. Who is with me? What is your story?

Let's see how many BFPs we can get in this group for July!

351 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thank you Novalunar. i thought that you drank raspberry tea to start labour?? i didnt realise you had it to help pregnancy. thank you for another tip!

forgive me if you have already said, but where are you in your cycle novalunar?

on tuesday i had one single stabbing pain in my left hand side. today i have an uncomfortable pain in right side. any explanations? again the scanning continues. i wish they would develop some test to get rid of this TWW.

baby dust to everyone.


11 years ago

Thank you Novalunar. i thought that you drank raspberry tea to start labour?? i didnt realise you had it to help pregnancy. thank you for another tip!

forgive me if you have already said, but where are you in your cycle novalunar?

on tuesday i had one single stabbing pain in my left hand side. today i have an uncomfortable pain in right side. any explanations? again the scanning continues. i wish they would develop some test to get rid of this TWW.

baby dust to everyone.


11 years ago

Thank you Novalunar. i thought that you drank raspberry tea to start labour?? i didnt realise you had it to help pregnancy. thank you for another tip!

forgive me if you have already said, but where are you in your cycle novalunar?

on tuesday i had one single stabbing pain in my left hand side. today i have an uncomfortable pain in right side. any explanations? again the scanning continues. i wish they would develop some test to get rid of this TWW.

baby dust to everyone.


11 years ago

From what i have read you can drink raspberry tea from start of AF up untill ovulation. It is not recommended in early pregnancy and yes bowbow is used in labour. Apparently it tightens the uterus- so I think it would give bad cramps in AF. It is supposed to cleanse and strengthen the uterus. I looked into it but I was not to keen on using it as I'm Not sure how long it stays in the system and was worried about it inducing a miscarriage. But then again I'm overly cautious about taking anything. I don't even cook with ginger anymore as that induces miscarriages in large amounts but I figure every bit counts right ?

11 years ago

i am on day 16 of cycle and 3 dpo although i tested positive a few days after my af!! so think could be a double wammy of ovu this month! from what you have said does sound very promising how many dpo are you? bowbow come on
thanks louisecie thats what i have read also and i am way too nervous to take it from some of the info, but then theres alot of good sides to it as well full of vitamins and good for your uterus and some women ttc swear thats what gave them i have read also that midwives have recommended it for pregnant women to take after the 3rd trimester as its so good for you and also helps with shortening labour, i am so confused as to whether to try it next month if we aint lucky this month we wont need to hope everyones good

11 years ago

i have had spots on my my chin lately so i googled the reason why and depending which side of your chin you have spots can determine which side your ovulating from, mine is the right side which is most months, but i do have spots sometimes both side, thought i would share this interesting info

11 years ago

Hey guys got my OPK positive today :) BDing every day for last 3 days so fingers crossed for BFP :) working this weekend so going to be very tired at work :)
How's everyone else going ???

11 years ago

I am out. AF yesterday without warning. i am so upset and feel so annoyed with myself for being so upset. i just cant see this ever happening for me. i have some bad luck through my life and i am now thinking that this is the next big hurdle to come my way. sorry for being so down. i just feel such a failure.


11 years ago

Oh bowbow this is really difficult don't be hard on yourself it's not like you chose for it to take this long. How long have you been trying for ? They say that after a year it's time to see the dr. Mabey you guys just need a little help ?
Chin up hunney and remember its not your fault
Try to stay positive :) Mabey this cycle

11 years ago

@ louisecie I had a +OPK last night so I think today is O day for me. I'm hoping we BDed enough the last few days...

Are you planning to wait until is due to test? I like to think I could be disciplined enough to do that but I know I'll probably start testing around 9dpo.

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11 years ago

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