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October 2015 Babies!!

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Here I go again. Day 1 of a new cycle. Let this one be my month! Tired of being disappointed month after month. If it wasn't for the site I surely would have given up long ago.

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640 Replies • 9 years ago



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wow...I got busy and definitely neglected checking in and responding...sorry to those of you who were so sweet t offer support and I didn't even respond. I have been thinking about all of you and Im so sorry to those who have since gotten a BFN and CONGRATS to those who got their BFP's.

I'm 10 or 11 DPO with this Thursday or Friday being my scheduled visit from AF. I have actually stayed strong and haven't tested one time which is really big for me but I don't know if I can take it much longer...I feel like tomorrow is the latest I can hold myself back being that I'll be 11 or 12 DPO. My DH really wants to wait until Friday because its my birthday and if we did make a baby...he wants it to be special...I told him it could go either way :/

Another thing that really has me going is that I have had steady high temps with an exception around 5 DPO which I thought might have been implant and today it dropped to my pre O temp...I am freaking out but a couple things are that I actually forgot to take my temp right when I woke up and jumped out of bed bc I was running late and then after a min or so was like OH CRAP and tested...Do ou think my temp could really be effected as much as my normal 98.3 down to a 97.9 for jumping out of bed for only a min or so? I know I need more days to see if it was valid and my temp actually dropped or if it has dropped for good but anyone else still had a BFP with a drop in temp around 10 or 11 DPO?

Dsinha- I think you pointed out that we are cycle buddies...its not over until AF shows up so try to stay calm and keep checking in :) I'm wishing you calm, happy, BFP thoughts!!

Any other cycle buddies at 10 or 11 DPO?

9 years ago

Ok i uploaded a photo of todays o test......looks pretty dark to me but i would rather someone else tell me! If you've got a spare minute please take a look and tell me what you think! This is 4 days past my expected o day....

9 years ago

wow I have to catch up on everything!

blc- you could be a late O'er there are lots of us out there. its sucks in that you have to wait longer. I work shift work too, night shifts mostly so I have a really hard time temping. my temps are all over and I normally get up to pee numerous times in the night/day anyways. I try to but I just get frustrated and it stresses me out.

ginabee- Yay 2WW buddies, I hope this is our month? I have no idea when to start testing. Probably next week saturday. that would make me 7 or 8dpo which is entirely too early I know but I have so many internet cheapie PG tests.

Nikki/Jessyann- Sorry AF came, Its such a rotten feeling I know. I hope that next month is your month!!

AFM I am either 2 or 3 dpo, not entirely sure. I did have lots of creamy/watery cm this morning?? I was worried maybe I was wrong about my previous ovulation but my OPK's have been negative. Anyone else get some questionable fertile CM after Ovulation??

I hope everyone's week is going well and keeping sane during whatever part of the cycle you are on. Waiting to O is a pain and its so hard during 2WW to wait to test. None of this is really fun(even the BD gets exhausting)!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Margie: I am so glad you feel better.

I am sorry NikkiN that af showed her ugly face. Sorry momma2twins7 for the bfn, sometimes it takes longer in some people to get that bfp.

Wishing many of you the chance to get your bfp this month and if not this month then next month.

Afm: my bbt increased .50 from yesterday, which I think is really good. I feel a burning sensation in both my nipples. Not at the same time though. In addition, so sorry for the tmi, I still have the lotion like creamy cm. It was even so much that there was a glob on my tissue. So eeeewwww (Again, so sorry for the TMI) I also have this af like cramping feeling. I also am experiencing the increased urination but I think that is only because of the tea that I drunk early in the morning. Af is officially 6 days away. I also feel a little pulling feeling near my left ovary and what feels like gas bubbles. I am trying to be optimistic. Only time will tell.

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9 years ago

Hi everyone so how many this month got BFP was it just Kiki or was there more this waiting is so hard
Holly I took my clomid at night as sone one on this be4 gave me that idea so u sleep through side effects I never had any
fingers crossed for every one in the TWW

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9 years ago

I am officially a POAS and CTP Addict!!! I just can't stop checking messages on this forum. It feels so satisfying being able to connect to all these wonderful women going through the same emotions and frustrations. I just love it! I think I could do this 24x7.

TTClate30's: So sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. I hope you get back to normal soon. IMO 11-12 dpo is still early. I have heard someone got their first at 15 dpo. It is fun to keep trying especially if you have a bunch of cheapies from the internet like I do.

Margie: Thanks for your supportive words. I just hope doesn't show up this week. I hope you get better from the flu fast.

Nikki: I am sorry the evil showed up. May be Feb is your lucky month. I like your optimistic approach of "Fresh month Fresh start"!

Jessyann1985: Sorry for you too that showed its evil face. I have been feeling these cramps too which make me wonder each time I go to the bathroom if the evil is waiting for me. No matter how much I try to be positive, I can't help but feel it coming. May be I will join you on the Nov 2015 board soon! May you get your in Feb.

mama2twins7: I surely hope we both are going through hormonal changes of Progesterone and Estrogen building in our systems. Let's hope we get our soon!

copela: Thanks sweety! I am trying to stay calm but it is super hard. Lets stick together and stay optimistic. Lots and lots of to you sweety! What are your symptoms like? Have you had any cramps?

Holly: It is a lot of work with the BD. I totally agree and like "copela" said, we just have to try to stay calm and focus on happy thoughts about . Here's some for you!

Ababy2love: Sounds like real promising symptoms to me but true, only time will tell.

kirbcat: I think there has been only one person with - Kiki in this forum so far but I am not sure.

AFM, I have an insatiable thirst right now which had the direct consequence of frequent visits to bathroom. My nipples are so senstive, it hurts but its not like burning sensation, its just like stay far away from my nipples...Lol! I am very sleepy since morning and all the more after lunch. I have a weird tingly feeling in my lower belly like slight heaviness. I just hope stays out.

to Y'all!!!

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9 years ago

ginabee: Thanks Gina for your advise! I got a BFN today. I will try tomorrow morning again. I am being hopeful! How are your symptoms? Which dpo are you on?

blc: I did not use OPT for this cycle and am not an expert but your pic looks pretty dark. I think you are at O or pretty close. Either ways make sure you do plenty of BD and the will come :)

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9 years ago

Oh no sorry Dsinha but you still have a few more days for testing. Keep thinking positive. Im out this month. Take a miracle lol. my bbt thermometer came so when af starts which should be tomorrow I'm ready.

9 years ago

Mama2twins: I am so sorry darling! It sucks but now you get to start afresh and rest up before you get started with bbt charting. I just started this month and it is not easy. You could start practising from tomorrow. I feel my af coming too. I will probably join you soon in the Nov 2015 babies forum. Hang in there darling, hoping for your in Feb 2015!!!

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9 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm just getting started here on the site and wanted to join in! I didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to TTC! Not about how long it would take, but the exhausting emotional roller coaster that you're on as a woman who is TTC! Technically this is month three of really trying and I'm feeling very positive this month! We did the BD a lot this month and something new that I've been experiencing for a week now are these achy cramps! They've been there everyday...on and off! If you're 10dpo...what are you feeling?? Wishing you all !!

TTC #1 after second full abdominal Myomectomy (first was 2/2012, second 5/2014). Been trying since September 2014 (half tried in September as I wasn't monitoring and also November as I was very sick). Hoping for a very soon! and to everyone!!

9 years ago

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