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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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AJMC - congrats!!!!

hi cocoa and kungfu, how are you girlies? its like having old friends when i sit down and start writing to you guys.

cocoa - starting IVF? i am very excited and feeling super positive for you. i think remodelling would probably take your mind off things - but thats just my 2 cents... i get very very very stressed and over-analyze everything, and i find it gets worse when i have free time on my hands. but i think probably remodelling = high stress level. can you start by remodelling just parts of the house and not the entire thing? haha, sorry if i am not making any sense. do what feels best for you!!

kungfu - fx for you. i totally understand regarding the anxiety thing. like i just said to cocoa, i am the absolute worst. i have been crying EVERY NIGHT For the last week, my DH actually said i need professional help (ie a shrink). any updates?!

as for me - day 26 and I HAVE NOT OVULATED. i got a positive OPK on cd13 and cd 14 but no temp spike, so no ovulation. and till today... still nothing. i had some spotting in between but whatever it is, i am 100% sure i did NOT ovulate.. i chart religiously so i am mega confused. going to call my obgyn tomorrow and book an appointment for cd30 - really need a scan to figure out what is going on....

good luck everyone...

8 years ago • Post starter

Ajmc- congratulations, that's awesome news! I wish you a stress free and easy 9 months

Primmadonna- I know, we're the old faithfuls on the thread. I'm sure it will be our turn soon and when it does happen I hope we still keep in touch. Dh and I have decided to remodel the lower half of our house and everything is going well so far. I'm so glad we didn't decide to go the full hog and remodel everything as it is pretty stressful but I've been of trying to focus on my health. So far it's been a really good month. I've loved not having to worry About ttc and didn't even track when I ovulated this month. I'm cd28 today and no sign of af yet. I did have some bleeding around 4 days ago which I thought was her but it only lasted about 10mins. Normally I would be stressing thinking of implantation bleeding but I don't think we even dtd at the right time this month so I'm not even giving it much thought. I did comment to dh it would be so funny if we fell pregnant naturally the same month we started I ivf _dust]

8 years ago

cocoa, please make sure we always keep in touch!!!! i am praying for you!!!

today is cd33 for me, i got +opk yesterday. hoping this is the cycle... power of positive thinking, right?!

8 years ago • Post starter

anyone else going thru the 2ww? im on 3dpo today...... would love to have someone to talk/complain/rant to haha

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls.

Sory i Always dissappear from the thread. I am tryibg to push away Everything than can cause my stresslevel to rise.

Im very happy for you amjc.. Good luck for your next 8 mobths i Believe? :)

I Hope its your turn now Prima... Have you taken a test yet? I notice your tww is more or less over now.

For me.. My cycle was just out of the ordinary efter the CP in april. Didnt get any AF intill 15 of June. But i have a feeling it might have Went back to more or less normal by now.
I actually didnt ovulate untill i gave some natural remedies a Chance. Took some Maca root and wildjam rot. Two Days after starting I finally ovulated and got my peruids two weeks later..

I have a gut feeling im ovulating right now so crossing my fingers. My 4-6th month trying depending If i calculate it in cycles or months. Actually just got 4 chances of trying and had a CP Oonce during that time. So... Keeping all fingers and toes crossed again since weve been very active dtd for the last 3 Days. ????

Good luck Prima and Coco with your IVF. Please keep me uodated

7 years ago

Hi girls, does anyone have any news? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

So I started the Ivf process last week. Initially it's just more blood tests, bmi checks, smoking checks etc... We go back a week on Tuesday so more tests and consent forms and then it should be 3 weeks afterwards that I start injectors etc... All in we are looking at hopefully testing mid September (if everything goes to plan). In the meantime I'm really go using on my health. I've stopped drinking alcohol completely, cut out sugar and increased my exercise slightly. I'm also still going to fertility massage and mediation so fingers crossed we have a successful first ivf cycle. I'm trying to stay realistic though as my sister has just had her second failed ivf round.

7 years ago

Good luck cocobear, i really Hope it goes well for you. :) i want to try fertility massage. Need to see if If i can find it here in stockholm somewhere.

i am still resisting testing. Want to wait Another 7 Days If i can. I am trying to not read Into all my symptoms although i do have some :) but im still not sure since i am still not havibg twinges/cramps as i had in april. And my cervix doesnt feel so high like i Think it should be. So... Can do nothing then just cross my fingers and toes still.

How is it going with you primadonna?

Any news??

7 years ago


Hi cocoa and kungfu! my dear girlies.

sorry, ive been trying to NOT think abbout this whole ttc thing, ive been staying off the forums... its so easy to get crazy (which i really do..i get obsessive) and i drive myself insane.

kungfu: i am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! please keep us posted

cocoa: all the best for IVF! really praying this is ur cycle!!!!!!! sticky bean!!!!!

AFM, last cycle was a BFN. i started femara this cycle and got a trigger shot from my doc this morning, who said my follicles are the perfect size. so, going to BD the next 48 hours i guess :D Hopefully this will be my cycle, otherwise i am going to take a break from ttc till after the summer, after which i will go for IUI.

please keep me updated!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are my rock.

7 years ago • Post starter

Ooh interesting Prima :) I also Hope thats gonna be your cycle.

I also wanted to ask.. Is it a pregnancy symptom to cry over an Astrid Lindgren movie?? ;).

7 years ago

Oh kungfu, I'd definitely say yes. PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED!

7 years ago • Post starter

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