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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Cam--that's a nice long break! YAY!

The test dried with the faintest of lines. NO longer discouraged. Sorry ladies for being a dodo brain. I am just scared--something similar happened in August and I just want this so badly.

10 years ago

hey ladies sorry i have been MIA had a lot going on with work and i have been super exhausted. i will need to go back and get caught up but i wanted to give you all an update . I went to see the RE today!! love her by the way!! we did a vaginal ultrasound and exam and she had me do more blood work before i left the office.. you know the HIv/ and genetic testing because we are starting IVF!! Never thought i would be excited about it but i am. Our first actual cycle where we will do a transfer wont be until January or / February at the earliest. this month is out seeing im due to ovulate the weekend, but next month will be a monitoring month. my dh will have another SA or practice we both did our blood work him two vials of blood just for STDs and HIV and me a whole 8 vials...ugh i had to do some other genetic testing because im canadian french...apparently things like tay sachs and cystic fibrosis are more common so they want to rule out if im a carrier. I also found out from my blood work i have borderline hypothyroidism. which could interfere with conceiving!! so she started me on a small dosage of the hormone for that as well as a prenatal with iron!! so excited i just had to tell someone and seeing i have decided to keep most people here out of the loop for right now i just had to share with someone!! love my RE!!

10 years ago

amag--that's AWESOME! I love how aggressive she is. I am so familiar with the bloodwork. EEEKS! Does your insurance cover any of the IVF?

10 years ago

law: fortunately for me yes my insurance covers infertility 100% after my deductibe of $1000.00 per year is met which i have already met it for the year. my plan goes july to july so i have until then to get pregnant without having to pay for anything again. The blood work wasnt too bad the women i had was great she used a butterfly on me and it was over in seconds... my husband on the other hand had to go lay down after his measly two oh well!!
and I am late in saying this but congrats.. will your dr be doing a blood test at 9dpo?

10 years ago

i just re-read my post and realized how it sounded when i said i wanted to keep people here out of whats going on by that i meant my family and friends at home... you ladies are the only ones who really know everything right now!!
sorry if that came out wrong!!

10 years ago

Amag, congrats!!

Law, good thoughts your way Hun! Congrats on the iPad;)

SMH and Luv, y'all crack me up!! How are y'all?

Cam, yeah for the break! A BFP will make it even better!

AFM, hey!!

Rice, glad you made it through the day! Enjoy your night!

AFM, I'm feeling pretty tired...looking forward to Friday...we are leaving around 1 or 2!!

10 years ago

amag--no, I won't get a beta until next Wednesday. I might be able to convince them to do it on Tuesday if I'm lucky.

JLH--thanks girlie! Friday will be here before you know it!

10 years ago

@amag: I am soooo happy for you!!! :) Your RE sounds amazing. Almost as amazing as your insurance! Darn! And I thought my insurance was good. So will you try this cycle for the heck of it? That is so funny your dh had to lay down after his blood draw. Lol! I cannot wait for you to get started!! I am excited to go on this journey with you and encourage you along the way :) Details!! I want all the details!! Did she say why she doesn't want to try iui? I'm so very excited for you! Congrats!!

I will catch up with everyone else in the morning :)

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10 years ago

law that sucks that they wont do it sooner. my re told me after transfer they would have me go in on 9 days after for a blood test... however now that i think of it i guess it does make sense because she said we would do the transfer at 5dpo so technically it would be like 14dpo for the blood test...darn!!

SMH: yes the RE was amazing. i was soo happy. the only thing my insurance most likely wont cover is the injectables i will have to do in preperation for the egg retrieval. like i said next month would be a lot of monitoring in which we would do alot of ultrasounds and do injectables to stimulate follicle growth. they would then go in under general anesthesia and harvest hopefully between 8 and 10 follilcles. the next day DH would have to go in to do his deposit.... they would then mix them in a little dish or depending on how the SA comes out with those implant a sperm directly into each follicle. they would then at 5dpo implant the egg directly into my uterus by use of a soft catheter. then 9 days later i go in for a blood test to see if im pg!! there are a few things we have to do first. like today we did the blood work and a vaginal ultrasound to do the measurements of my uterus, ovaries and any follicle that were present. i know i will be ovulating from my right side this month. i have one thats at 17mm right now. due to O this weekend. Dh and i do plan to keep trying in the mean time on our own especially with me being on the new meds it may help!! my sister told me a women she works with was going through the same thing and just before she started IVF she found out she had hypothyroidism and started the meds and got pregnant the next cycle. we still have to do a class which they have once every two weeks. of course the class was today and we couldnt get into the one today last minute. so we will go in two weeks. then sign out consents with the dr to start ivf and we will go from there.!! i amsoo happy to have your support thank you soo much!! how are youfeeling by the way

JLH: thank you how are you doing?

10 years ago

lawbride hope the test darkens up again in the AM! It's hard to tell what actually is happening when it's so early :)

SMH LOL about the braiding conversation, we talk about the weirdest crap on here ;)

amag IVF that is super exciting! And has massive success rates, and you don't have to pay for it, sounds like a grand slam!!! Yay!

JLH hello! Hang in there girl, Friday ain't far away! That's Hunger Games day, heehee ;)

AFM I am still losing weight, this is seriously miraculous. Today I didn't eat much though. I am taking vitamins to make sure I get everything I need, and I usually eat about 2000 calories but today I had about 1400. I'll make up for it tomorrow ;) Plus I haven't been working out because I don't want to do anything stupid! Also after years with a "dumbphone" i got a Samsung Galaxy S3 today and it is BAFFLING to me. I have spent a couple hours trying to figure it out. And my fingernails are so long I have to use a stylus but that's ok haha! It is a pretty neat phone!

10 years ago • Post starter

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