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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Alli- congratulations!!
Joy- I am so sorry. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I don't know if you're suck of hearing things like this yet, but the same exact thing happened to my best friend, at the same weeks. Three months later she became pregnant and is now 17 weeks and doing great. I hope things work out for you the same.
I think hubby and I are going to schedule appointments for fertility checks. We had talked about taking 2-3 months off from everything, but after talking with a few people and doing some soul searching, I don't think I would feel like I'm trying enough to just drop everything. I tried not temping and stuff while we had guests this weekend and i felt like i was quitting this journey. This AF marked one tear of trying with no success. For those of you whom have gone through the fertility stuff, where do I start? Just my obgyn? What should I expect?
Thanks ladies

12 years ago

Another u/s today and the dr diagnosed blighted ovum. Thanks southernbee for sharing that info and hope. I will be back to this site to continue on the journey of ttc- and hopefully actually have a baby next time!

12 years ago

Aw sweetie I am SO sorry!! I was really hoping you would be okay Guess you and me will be trying again soon together...

pretty sure I started spotting today so hopefully that at least means things will be moving along.

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12 years ago

thanks joy.

12 years ago

Joy I am so hurt for you and im so very very sorry for your loss! Im honestly crying for you right now. I know we dont live close by but if there is anything i can do for you please let me know. Praying for you sweetie! Life is so very unfair sometimes.....BIG HUGS!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Mamma im not too familliar with what a blightened ovum is but im praying for you as well hun! Im so very sorry you are having to go through this. Like i said earlier, life is so unfair....if there is anything i can do for you please dont hesitatw to ask! BIG HUGS! You will be a mommy again soon.

Love, shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies

Shea - Thanks sweetie, looks like I will be back ttc with you soon... 4-6 weeks apparently.

So, I spotted a bit on wed, then yesterday started full out bleeding, LARGE chunks of blood clots or tissue and a lot of them, server cramping. The morning wasnt too bad, 1 pad lasted me about 4 hrs (one the bleeding really started, I had it on more than 4 hrs tho) but a little later in the day the cramping got so bad that I couldnt even move, it hurt to do anything! And the bleeding started soaking a pad within an hour. (Freaky) so I called my ob/gyn and he told me to go to the ER at his hosptal.

As soon as I got there I waited about 5 mins to see the triage nurse then the took me back immediately. I had a fever, was dizzy (almost passed out on the way to the hospital) and the bleeding was so bad that it soaked through the pad I had put on 1/2 and hr before and through my undies and pants and was dripping on the floor!

The hooked me up to an IV right away to get some fluids in me (apparently I was ghost white) then the took all my vitals, did a quick internal to see what was going on, and preped me for surgery. I had to wait a while before I could go up (I think they were waiting for my BP etc to get better)

When they took me to the OR they gave me a sedative to "take the edge off" and said I could just get a local anisthetic that I would prob feel something akin to a misquito bite and then a little burning.... yeah I ended up falling asleep before the had even hooked up all my monitors! And I slept through the entire surgery (D&C) After that I spent 2.5 hrs in recovery where they checked my bleeding to make sure it wasnt too heavy, and made sure I could pee, walk, and eat/drink without feeling nauseous. Finally got home around 1am.

What a day!!! I feel SO much better now tho!

Hope everyone is doing well.


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12 years ago

holy bajeezuz Joy!

I'm so grateful that you're okay now. That sounds pretty scary. Take good care of yourself an please keep in touch. Love Bee

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12 years ago

Oh I am so sorry joy and mamma! I just went through this in may, and have just started really trying again this cycle. I think it is so unfair we try and try and FINALLY fet a BFP then it is taken away, that is how I felt anyway. I hope you are both able to ttc again soon.

Shea- You have been in my prayers everyday, if anybody deserves to be a mommy it is YOU!! I love you.

Jess User Image

12 years ago

I am on my first month of EPO!!! And it helped sooooo much with my AF cramps, oh my gosh, i am a believer!!!!

I ovulate in the next couple of days, i have noticed it does help quite a lot with cm!!!

I have taken it since first day of AF and will continue until i get my +OPK!

Then i will take Flaxseed unitl my AF comes back again...
Hoping i get my

SSBD to you all!! Hoping this works soon!

12 years ago

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