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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hay ladies!!!

Emmy hun soo glad you are ok. I totally understand why you needed time off, but i really hope this is the month for you hun and that it will be sticky one!!! ahh hun hope its false alarm on that mole, but its allways better to check thinks like that. Hope your o day wont be much delay, i remember after my cps it was right on time. So good to have you back hun!! sending you all the baby dust and sticky vibes your way!!!!

Hay Alice, lol, good to hear that morning sickness is back :) hope you dont feel too sick!! Aww how exciting that your appointment is here already!!Can not wait to hear all about it and hope its goes well!!! :)

Hay missytwoeshoes!! Hope opk turns positive soon :) well its sounds that you might be having o pains, so o is around the corner :) would be sooo great to have the same day :) lods lods baby dust :)

Well today i got first positive opk, im not 100% if its positive, but really looks like. I have pic up if yea want to give your opinion, that would be v helpfull :) today i also had a v heavy feeling in lower tummy, just like uti, so i think that could be someth to do with o!! just have to wait for temperature to confirm :) will see, maybe tomorrow opk will be even darker :)

Sending you all beautifull ladies lods lods baby dust!!! Lets make them bfp's to pop up This month!!! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

afternoon all :)

Alice, lol about your husband. Don't all husbands complain? lol mine does. :p Cant wait for your ultrasound to see how the baby has grown!

Emmy, so glad you're back and got the break you needed! Hope the vitamins help. <3 I will be praying for you and that the mole is benign!

Nikolina, yes today is CD14 and I got a positive OPK today too. :D So looks like we'll be O'ing at the same time and going through tww together! :) I commented on your test. ;) looks pos to me!

AFM, I called the GYN clinic today as it had been a week since I heard from them and was finally able to set up an appt for July 7th...our 7th year anniversary actually... lol. So that'll be fun being poked and prodded at on my anni. :/ But all for a good cause. :) Just hate how far away the appt is... Hopefully I'll get pregnant this month and that appt can be my first check up on baby instead! OPK is pos today, and actually am going to try something different tonight so I hope it helps!!

I have my fingers crossed for some bfp's very soon!! <3 <3 <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hey ladies!

Well I had the mole removed! Doctor said it was best. He said he thought it looked ok but he asked if it had changed a lot in 6 months which I couldn't tell him! The mole is on my back and tbh I don't notice it enough!
So he said it was best to take off!
So now I have stitches and cannot lift. Stitches out in 10 days and results will be in 10 days to! Please pray they are ok?!
Just going to worry for 10 days now!

Anyway we are off on a beach/caravan holiday further up the country. We are going on Monday - fri next week and then off further up the country to see relatives! At least I will have that to take my mind of it I guess!
I'm not allowed to lift incase I pull stitches and cannot go swimming incase of infection! Urgh lol!
But I'm sure it will be a nice break away :)
Also we have decided to give TTCing a break this month! I have been so upset/stressed these last two weeks and I don't want to feel this way at the moment.
So I will still be here for you lovely ladies and I will check in!

I'm sorry for not keeping up with messages!
Will check in tomorrow and read back on everything! Just wanted to update :)

Lots & lots of love & baby dust ladies!!! *~*~*~*~*~*

<a href=

9 years ago

Morning Beautiful Ladies!!! :)

Alice hun, is your scan today??? Can not wait to hear all about it and i pray that everything is perfect!!! :) Awww you must be sooo excited!!! :) Hope you get lil photo for us :) Lol about husbands, yea mine loves complaining aswell :) I think thats a man's think lol :) He hates tv ads, so he always complains about them lol ;) Sending you all the positive vibes on the world ;)

Hay Missytwoeshoes, how are you hun?? Hope that what you tried new the other day will do the trick :) So by the temp dou you think you ovulated on cd15? So glad to have 2ww buddy :) That will make them 2 weeks bit more enjoyable :) Im stalking your bbt lol just like to compare, im sooo silly, even i know that everyone is diferent lol :) Hope they both will lead us to our bfp's :) So happy to hear that you got appointment at the clinic. I agree, no joy of poking and pressing in there, i always get so intense, that doc have to keep saying to relax lol and everytime i come out of clinic, i feel sooo used lol lol :) but hope that when the appointment day comes it will be for diferent reasons :) Lods baby dust!!! :)

Emmy hun, im praying for you girl that the test results will come back all good!!!! What kind of mole did you had and what colour? The reason im asking, i have lods lods moles on my body, but i have one on my back which i just cant remember if i seen it before. Hmmm thats made me thinking, but its looks fine, its not rased or wierdcolour. But gona keep an aye on it.

So glad to hear about lil holiday, that will take your mind off thinks, and i know that alot couples get there bfp's once they give a break from trying :) Sending you lods of hugs,and i will be praying hun that everything is ok :)

Well today cd16, my temp went down a bit, so i guess today is my o day!!! I have still positive opk, ewcm and cervix the most fertile. Ahhh the longest ovulation ever ;) Been having heavy feeling in tummy past two days, for a min tought im getting uti, but its def something to do with ovulation, cos today its nearly gone. My hubby was laughing, he said that probably there is huge egg pushing true, so thats why it takes a while lol lol they are sooo silly !!! :) Aww love him soo much :) Well thats my update, hope to see temp go up tomorow ;)

Lods lods baby dust to us all :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!!

Emmy, so glad to hear you again! :-) I guess it's a good thing the Dr removed the mole, I'm crossing my fingers that it was benign!!! 10 days is quite long :-s But you're going on a trip, that sounds so lovely!!!! :-) I agree though, it sucks that the stitches keep you from doing stuff you might wanted to do :-s But I think you're right: at least you will be able to take your mind off of it! I understand your decision to take a break, I think the peace of mind can be a pleasant change. Take the pressure off for some time, cause ttc can weigh tons, especially if you need to put up with cps on the way there... :-( You enjoy yourself on that trip!!!!

Nikolina and Missytwoshoes, so nice that you are O-ing at the same time!!! :-) This couldn't be timed any better ;-)
Nikolina, lol about stalking Missytwoshoes' chart :-d I agree, both your cd14 and 15 opks look positive. LOL about our huge egg!! :-) It's true though that some ovulations are way more painful than others, so what would be the explanation for that? It might be a bigger egg, right? :-) No way to know I guess :-p
Missytwoshoes, the 7th of July is indeed a long time from now... I too hope you won't need the appointment anymore by the time you get there!!! :-) Or at least not for that purpose ;-) That would be so awesome!!! :-)

AFM, my appointment was yesterday and, thank goodness, all was well! Baby was about 6 times as big as in the previous scan :-) If you want to see the pic, you can find it here:

I saw the baby dancing :-p And heard its heartbeat :-) It all went so fast, I didn't even get to ask if I could film it. So my husband will have to wait till next appointment, which is 26 May. I'm so relieved baby is doing well :-) Too early to assume all will go well, but at least it's looking good at this point! Thank you so much for thinking of me and cheering for me!!!!! :-)

Sending you ladies LOTS and LOTS of positive, lucky vibes!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Awww Alice hun, i saw the lil babas picture!!! Sooo amazing!!! They grow so fast, big difference between the last picture!! You can already see lil head and lil body!!! Its amazing. Had a lil tiers in my ayes when i saw it! Soo happy and glad that everything is ok and the way it should be!!!! Sooo cute the lil dance for mammy :) How are you feeling otherwise? Still morning sickness?? And are you showing already? Aww hun so so happy that appointment went well!!! At how many weeks you have a next appointment?? Sending you lods lods happy vibes!!! :) And thanks for putting up pic for us ;)

Well im 1dpo today, nothing to record, just still that heavy feeling in my lover tummy, maybe im still ovulating?! Here we go 2ww!!! So glad im sheering that with missytwoeshoes!!! :) We can both supert each other!!! :)

Missytwoeshoes, how are you?? I guess we didnt o at the same day, but close enough :) Sending you lods lods baby dust!!! Fx this is the month!!! ;)

Emmy hun, praying and thinking of you!!! Hope you have a great time a way :) xxx

Lods lods baby dust and sticky sticky vibes, like super glue ;)

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

omg! my internet can be SO FRUSTRATING sometimes... I had this big long post and now it's all gone! I've got my mad face on now!!! grrr. lol Guess I'll retype....

Emmy, Yes 10 days is a long time to wait, but I hope that it's nothing to worry about and all comes back normal with the mole! Hope you have a good time on your holiday! Bet your daughter will have a good time. :) Bummer about not being able to go swimming but hopefully you can at least put your feet in the water? I'm so sorry you've been so stressed and upset, BIG HUGS!! Reasonably so, and understandable, I hope that your break re-charges your batteries so to speak and you're able to begin TTC again soon. <3

Nikolina, yes, I think I O'd on CD 15. You're right, we didn't O at the same time, but pretty close. ;) It's ok, stalk away! lol. I stalked yours too and noticed you've been busy!! LOL I hope all that BD'ing will give you a pos preg test very soon!! Yes, not much to report here either at 2dpo except that heavy feeling in uterus also.

Alice, Thanks so much for sharing your ultrasound photo with us! Isn't hearing the heartbeat amazing?? I never never NEVER get tired of hearing it. When I was pregnant with my second because of all the bleeding I got a little fetal doppler and in the begining I would listen to it once a week or so and then later on after I could start feeling movements I would pull it out if I hadn't felt the baby move that day and it always reassured me to hear that familiar woosh sound. <3

AFM, I had this weird really sharp pain in my uterus on thursday (day I ovulated). It started at 3pm at work and then by 5 it was nearly gone. But It hurt so bad I was doubled over and nearly in tears. Very weird, but it has not happened again. My mother in law thinks it was ovulation pains and I said it never hurts THAT bad when I ovulate and she said maybe I ovulated out of both and am going to have twins. LOL. I started taking some vit b6 today as I read that it will help lengthen luteal phase and increase progesterone. Which is what the seeds were supposed to do except without the negative aspect the seeds brought with kidney issues as I passed a stone last week. Hopefully the b6 works!!

Tomorrow (sunday the 10th) we celebrate Mothers Day here in the US, do you all celebrate it tomorrow too?

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hey ladies!

So sorry I haven't been around much.
Feeling a bit better today so am ready to rejoin the world lol!

Jada - sorry to hear about the fibroids Hun! I know they can be quite common! My mum had them years ago and because she had all her children they actually gave her a hysterectomy. Other people I know have had them and had keyhole surgery and whatnot. So not a problem at all :)
I know all will be ok for you :) the time will fly by and you will be back to ttc!
Sending lots of love to you! :)

Missy - yes Hun it was all over the news about the new royal baby who now shares the same name as my daughter!
It wasn't the best thing to have everywhere when I was going through another chem preg :(
Luckily it's old news now :)
yay for positive opk!!! Good luck with the something new ;)
Your app will come round quick enough but I have a feeling you will already be pregnant by then :)
Lots of positive vibes to you :)

Nikolina - yay so glad you are on 1dpo!!!! 2ww here you come!! :)
sending you lots & lots of baby dust :)
Yeh the mole is big. ( has been for years)
It does look like pink and brown in colour and is very slightly raised. Hubby thinks it has always looked that way but being on my back I can't be sure!
Ive been in agony since it was removed! Luckily today the pain has eased a bit! Have blue stitches in it! I'm squimish & first time I saw it I felt faint lol!
So glad you had a lovely time away! Think sometimes it's just what you need! :)

Alice - aww I have just seen your picture! It's lovely!
Hope you are feeling well?
May 26th will come round so quickly and baby will be even bigger :)
In UK we only have scans at 12 & 20 weeks!
I have been thinking of you whilst away and was excited to hear your news about your scan! :)

Just want to thank you ladies for your kind thoughts and words!
It's been a tough couple of weeks and although I didn't post I did read your posts :)
So lovely you had been thinking of me and it meant a lot!!!
I've been really sore where the mole was removed and my sciatica in my leg has been bad to! Urgh!!!!!
Any way... I will be excited to hear of bfps ladies!
Will be checking in when I can as on holiday as of mon.
although we aren't trying this month I already know my O day is delayed! I'm late with all the usual signs! Last month I had watery cm & some ewcm by now.
I'm guessing my body is all messed up with chemical & the stress. So glad we are taking a break.
Lots & lots & lots of love to you all & lots of baby dust *~*~*~*~*

<a href=

9 years ago

Hehe Missy I think you posted at the exact same time as me :)

Thank you for your kind words!!! Hopefully we will have a fab break away regardless! Hubby will love to take her swimming anyway! She is already talking about it bless her!

Lol about the twins! I have had months with lots of ov pain and other months without. I wonder why it is?! :)

Oh I never knew Mother's Day was different in the US! Our Mother's Day is always the last Sunday in March so it was a while ago.
Hope you have a lovely day! Are you doing anything special?
Is Father's Day different to? Ours is 21st June I think?!


<a href=

9 years ago

Morning Beautiful Ladies!!! :)

Lol Missytwoeshoes, yea we had LODS of fun this cycle around fertile week, and the think is i can still keep going lol sorry tmi, but we are newlyweds ;) So you are 4dpo today already :) I think that heavy feeling in uterus have to be something to do with ovulation, cos is too early for any symptoms i think :/ Well i hope that pain was 2 eggs bursting true, and how amazing would be twins!!! ;) I heard that once in a while we do have 2 eggs at the same time :) I was reading lods about vitamin B6 aswell, can you take it all month, or just after o?? Im taking parental vitamins, and evening primrose before o day, helps my skin and v good for ewcm :) Sending you lods lods baby dust and the stickiest vibes on the world!!!! :)

Hay Emmy, hope you feeling better soon. Im praying that the results will come back just fine :) And how nice is to have a lil time away to relax and hopefully that will take your mind of thinks. Next time i going to doc i gona check out my mole aswell, but my hubby said that its always been there and it looks totaly normal. But just gona ask doctor to have a look.
Sending you lods lods baby dust, hope not trying might just do the trick ;) Lods lods hugs and enjoy your holiday hun!!! ;)

Hay Alice hun,how are and lil baby doing?? Hope everything is ok and you getting your glow ;) Fx we all join you v v soon :) Sending you hugs with lods of love :)

Jada hun, how are you been? Hope you doing well!! Thinking of you!!! :)

Soo, im 3dpo today. Yesterday i had v v mild cramping, like af, but its waayyyyy too early for that or anything, but it has stopped today. And for last two nights ive been having crazy dreams, i mean really real feel like, scary ones lol Thats all to report so far... What i wanted to ask, do yea think that my temp in total looks v low?? My cover line is around 97.2, its seems v low compare to others... hmmm hope its nothing, just got me thinking...

Sending you all lovely ladies lods lods baby dust :)

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

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