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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Praying your bean is a stubborn late bloomer and hiding from the camera! It is still very early. However my sister in law had only a sac without a bean her first time being pregnant. I will be praying for you, your husband, and bean daily!!!

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11 years ago

Thanks miracle and kcordell... the prayers are appreciated! My dear hubby said "maybe it's camera shy" LOL! He really believes they saw something. IDK! I had tears in my eyes because I only saw a sac so I could have missed it! He said "if the baby is anything like you it is hiding somewhere to be stubborn" so you hit that one on the head I hope! I will keep you guys posted and let you know what I see on the 6th. For now, I am going to try not to stress because I truly feel like things may just be okay! FX and prayers for you ladies as well.

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11 years ago

@Cristi78602: I had a similar experience when I was pregnant with my 10 yr old daughter. The doctor saw the sac and no baby when I went in at 6 wks for an ultrasound. Of course i was worried, but she told me not to be. She said either I had a late bloomer, or I wasn't as far along as we thought. I had another utrasound 6 wks later and everything looked fine. My daughter was born at a healthy 9lbs 4oz. Try not to worry hun.

11 years ago

Doctor did a blood test on me. It was negative so Idk what is going on. I can't seem to vomit to save my life so she gave me some nausea meds. She said if I still don't get my Af in 2 weeks I should come back so they can see what's going on. She thinks maybe is a stomach virus. I am just want answers

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11 years ago • Post starter

Maggie- why are you doing clomid or progesterone creme? Sorry not asking to be nosy just want to see if we have the same issue... I read about short Luteal phase that progesterone creme helps and so does clomid...

I called my OBGYN and have an appt. tomorrow at 8:30 to talk to her about all of this. I haven't talked to her about anything yet, but I think it's time. Will be interesting to see what she says..

Cristi- looks to me like it's not so uncommon at all! Hang in there hun! I'm sure everything will be fine!!!

Mommawanna- I'm so sorry to hear that! Could you be wrong on your dates and blood test taken is a little too soon to show positive? Praying for you and hoping it's not a stomach virus!

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11 years ago

Miracle, I'm not yet on clomid or progesterone cream but have call to doctor to ask about doing so. I have been ttc for 10 mths since miscarriage in feb, took 5 months before that to get preggo. I believe I have a short leutal phase, but also my cycles are all over the place. 27, 31, 32, 33, one 40 day one that doc says was cp.

Nurse called me an hour ago and got more info and will call back today or tomorrow. I also want to see if I need to have uterus checked from feb to make sure d&c did not cause damage (my question, not a fact)

I just want answers, as we all do!

11 years ago

kzayn Thank you for sharing your story, it gives me hope. I go in 10 days for another ultrasound!

mommawannabe - I am so sorry hun. I hope they get you some answers soon. Hang in there.

miracle80- Thanks... I am staying optimistic but being cautious at the same time! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow... now that you are getting her involved I bet you get your bfp quickliy!

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11 years ago

@cristi - I'm sorry you're going through all this stress during what should be a special time!

Yes it is possible for the sac to develop but not the baby. I believe it's called a "blighted ovum" and it's usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities. If this is the case there's nothing you can do about it, but there's no need for the Dr to be a butt. I have every single finger crossed for you that this is not the case.

But here's the thing, you really could also be off in your dates. Why do you say you "know" when you Od? Did you temp BBTs and confirm with a temp rise? (I'm sorry I honestly can't remember!) If not, you really could have Od later and the bean may be younger than you think. Even a few days difference can determine what they can find on the u/s this early on.

Regarding the pains, pay attention to them and let your Dr know if you have stabbing pains, intense cramping or lower back pain, but don't obsess over every twinge. A little abdominal pain (like minor AF cramps) is normal and usually indicates uterine stretching - it's literally preparing itself for all the growing it's about to do. If the pains are accompanied by any bright red bleeding you need to call your Dr. (you'll know it if you see it. It's almost xmas red. If this happens, use a pad not a tampon as the cervix may be open and susceptible to infection), Otherwise, just try to relax (I know that's a ridiculous thing to say) and be really nice to yourself. It's bubble bath time.

And seriously, I know that OBs see this all the time and early pregnancy loss happens, but have a LITTLE tact dude! I'm so sorry you had to deal with someone who didn't have the decency not to sound like he was rooting for a m/c. What a butt.

I'm hoping your O date really is wrong and you were just looking at the bean too early. Or it could really be a "late bloomer" like the first Dr said. But there's no need to panic at this point. I've heard SO MANY stories like @kzayne's of ladies who have this experience and go on to deliver happy, healthy babies.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

@mommawannabe - Man how stressful. I was a complete mess last cycle when I couldn't figure out when I Od and my luteal phase length changed. I can only imagine how confused you feel.

Girl I seriously cannot figure out your chart. But 16 is probably not your O date. I would expect the following day to have a temp rise, at least a little. I'm guessing maybe 17 or 19. But it could even be 22 or 25. If it's 19 then that gets your first few post-O temps up into the normal range for you in those days.

Did you take any more opks after the one on 15? Did you get a - the next day? Could have had additional surges after that one.

It's a head-scratcher. I hope it's just a later O and it's really still your bfp.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Grantsmama I am so glad to see your post! I have had no spotting or bleeding and pains that come for a few seconds then go away and it could be hours before I feel anything again! Thank you for your support and words of encouragement! December 6th can't get here fast enough.

I was so ticked... I go to my RE until they clear me to release me back to my OB and boy I can't wait! I have seen my RE 2 times, but since I got pregnant it is different docs everytime. UGH!

As far as when I O'd, I used OPKs and continued to use them until the positive became negative! So it was on the 25th of October. However, here is a question... can implantation take longer than normal and if so could that cause a delay? Just wondering. I have so many questions and no answers.... I am determined to stay positive. My hubby wants me to sleep a lot, drink my water, eat my meals and try not to think to much... yeah right! I took a nap today though. I feel good except for emotionally!

Thanks for the response... I am so thankful I was able to conceive because I know many have not yet. I just keep praying for my lil bean!

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11 years ago

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