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HELP: terrified of HSG-Hysterosalpingogram should I do it?

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Hi Everyone!!!

I am writing this a bit late since I am supposed to have the procedure done tomorrow, but I am needing some help/support quickly! I have been TTC now for 2 years and 3 months . I have been avoiding this test like the plague and now I live in France and am about to get it done. I am really scared , half of it is about the pain, the other is about complications.
1. How bad is it, really?
2. Do you think there is a cancer risk later from the dye, cancer runs in my family
3. A radiologist is supposed to perform the test, shouldn't it be a dr?
4. Has anyone had success with pregnancy after the test? (I heard it may help by clearing the tubes)
5. What should I do?

Thanks everyone!

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47 Replies • 12 years ago



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First of all, you are NOT a wuss, you are a woman, and by the looks of things, have gone through the ringer so to speak and anything that has to do with our female parts inside, can be very painful and annoying as well
My dr wanted me to do mine between cycle days 10-14 and i usually ovulate on cycle day 14 withough a medicated cycle (otherwise i ovulate much later) anyway, around the time we ovulate, our cervix is open a bit.
But not every woman does indeed ovulate and that is part of the problem
i have been diagnosed with "unexplained secondary infertility" so im on Doctor #2 right and starting iui with a different med as soon as AF shows (wouldnt it be great if she didnt;))
Good luck and hope you find the answers

12 years ago

Thanks for the insight Meemer :) Your words have pointed me in the right direction for understanding this. Without wanting to scare anyone, I can say that my episode with a catheter in the hoohoo was more painful than my other operations... probably because it was jabbing me right through the core.

And it sounds like you've been through the ringer yourself, although for other things :( I'm pulling for you! Keep your chin up... and remember, doctors are only still practising medicine. One of these days they'll get us sorted right.

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12 years ago

Hi ladies,

Well here is my latest update...

Went in this morning for HSG #2. The doctor prescribed Cytotec, a sort of vaginal suppository, to be taken 2ce/day starting 2 days before the procedure to open up my cervix.

I cannot say the procedure was comfortable, but there was a definite improvement thanks to the drug. Everything was open and the doctor could do the exam.

But.... and there's always a but with me... the doctor found my right tube was blocked, probably due to scarring after the laparoscopy to remove an ectopic.

At 40 and TTC #1 with a blocked tube, I don't think mother nature has left me a lot of options

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12 years ago

Hi MereWynee,

I am so sorry to hear about your blocked right tube. The good news I can tell you is that a friend of mine had one ovary removed due to a tumor and she is now pregnant with her second! I hope that at least gives you a little hope.
I have had some major struggles with my ttc journey, like all my friends and relatives having no problem, and here I still am, after 2.5 years trying and trying.
I have tried to stop thinking about it, but to no avail.
I wish you the best of luck and that you will be blessed with a sticky bean very very soon!

On a side note, today I just can't stop crying. It is 5 days until I am supposed to get . I have been crying and crying. My breasts are SUPER swollen and sore and I just feel depressed and tired. I am sure it is just severe PMS, but a little part of me, like a small seed planted in my heart, really thinks this could be "the month!"
Anyways, sorry to complain, just needed to vent a bit. And I STILL have yet to get that test done. Chickened out back when I made this post, then we were out of town every month the week that I should have had it done. I told my dh that if af came this month I would get it done. But I hope AF doesn't come!!! :)

I hope you have a wonderful day and keep believing. We may not understand the reasons why, but I know that all things are possible with a little faith.


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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies I have read all of your post, and so much insightful information in those post, as I will be having to have this done this month if they can get me in, or next month.

Mere, I am sorry your journey has been hard, and I am glad your 2nd test went better then the first... I am sorry to hear you right tube was blocked, but you still have your left tube and so you can still get pregnant! I am guessing that your doctor is putting you on clomid or something now?
keep your chin up, you may feel like there aren't many options but God has away of work out those things... and like I said before you still do have a chance :)

Sunny, those sound like good signs and I hope this is the month for you!

Mere I have a question for you, have you ever had months where you know you didn't ovulate? (that is if you used some way to determine opk/tempting)
Did you ever have cycles where AF was very light? and were they cycles that you didn't ovulate.

like I said before I have yet got my test done, but I have kinda pieced together some things... I have had a few cycles that I didn't ovulate one was very short and very light and then another cycle I never did get a postive opk... and so I am starting to wonder if only one tube is blocked and it could make sense as to why I have an annovoulatory cycle every now and then

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

Sorry about my infrequent appearances... my work schedule has been more than hectic as of late, and lots of other stuff in my personal life has kept me away from the computer.

Sunny, I soooooo hope it goes well for you! Please let us know how you are doing!!!!

And thanks Fluff for your kind words of motivation!!! My road has indeed been really rocky and I've always considered myself quite a tough nut, but this last blow was the last straw. I'm trying to hold myself together. But you're right, I still have one that works... I just hope it still works the way it's s'posed to given I'm now 40 ;)

So to answer your questions, I have been using an OPK and haven't detected any signs of ovulation, although my temp has shown perhaps I did. Maybe the hormones still follow the pattern without releasing the eggie? I know that I no longer have those twinges associated to ovulation, like I did about 4 years ago. My periods became strange last year, diminishing to 3 days max and black. Sorry for tmi :( My cycle has stayed regular most of the time - 27 days... but now that the tube is "gone" things have gotten stranger. Periods are really crampy compared to before. Libido is now zero, although that might be due to hormones and situation. Since the operation I still have the 27 days cycle and 3 days duration... but lighter than before. But like I said, my body just might be wacked out for a little while.

And the sad part is that when I tried to ask my doctor what exactly was happening to me, what my options were, and what solutions there are... well, he just had to run to his next appointment. He's the best one around, but too much in demand. I was literally standing there with HSG goo coming out of my houhou, butt-naked in the xray room, and he told me "everything will be fine, you'll see".
Gee, thanks!

Let me know what you've discovered... I need any and all information right now.
And thanks again for your motivation... I'm trying to see more clearly through all this :)

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12 years ago

Well, everyone. looks like I am going in for the plunge. I have unusually bad cramps this time around for , so hopefully the test won't be that bad for me. I am curious how it will be and there is nothing I can do but get it done. Perhaps it will be excruciating, I will let everyone know! I think I will try to make my appointment for the 3rd of July. I am not looking forward to it, but maybe you all can keep me accountable and help me to actually go through with it! It will be cool to know that everything is working fine in that area. I have faith and know that our baby will come when it is the right time! Until then, good luck to all of you!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!

Okay, my appointment is set for this Friday at 9am!!!!! I am NOT excited, but I really need some moral support so I can not chicken out this time! I really appreciate you ladies and all you shared with me!
I have a perscription that I have to take the day before the test, I think it's purpose is to "loosen" everything. I really hope I don't get stuck with the "Clamp" and get the suction cup instead.
I am sure I will not die from pain, and I have really REALLY bad cramps every month, so I am hoping it will be similar to those.
Any insight, encouragement, funnies, etc would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!
Thanks to all of you!!!!! Best of luck for all of you this month!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Mere, I am sorry your doctor didn't take the time to explain things or answer your questions... that is so frustrating!! especially when you come to an doctor to get ANSWERS!! I hope things balance out soon, don't loose hope though!

Sunny, I am glad your going for your appointment Friday, I hope you get good news and the answers you seek. I will be praying for you!

I am kinda in a limbo at the moment, my doctor told me before he wanted to run a dye test and now he wants me to come in and talk about my options... then go from there...

12 years ago

Thanks, Fluffmonkey,

Looks like doc wants me to come in tomorrow instead of the test. So, once again, cancelling the test. But, this can't be good.

Best of luck to all of you this month!

I really appreciate everyone's support. I am very lucky to have all of you on here!

Best to all!

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12 years ago • Post starter

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