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9DPO TTC#2 tww survival tips please!

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Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to the site, currently 9 DPO and driving myself insane, looking for any advise for surviving the TWW!!.....With my first, it took 2 years to conceive, I had irregular cycles and some months never ovulated, drove myself absolutely insane!! I promised myself if we ever tried again I wouldn't go nuts....and then here I am, 9 DPO and blowing through internet tests like a mad woman :) This is my 4th month TTC and my cycles have been text book perfect since stopping the pill-which is VERY unusual for me-so I thought hey, maybe this time it will be nice and easy??? Nope...last month I did have a CP and it was actually a relief just knowing everything is working without having to get poked and prodded 2-3 times a month.

Anyways, done rambling!! How do you find the patience and will power to not test constantly??? Gosh I wish I could just wait until AF is due, test, and let it be. Seeing BFN after BFN is exhausting and depressing, pure torture! Yet month after month I put myself through it, I can't help it! lol

75 Replies • 7 years ago



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Darn !!! Yes!! April is looking like a good month for us!

I've had some weird pains as if I was ovulating but I'm probably a week or more away, so I'm hoping it's not a cyst or anything.....those cysts really mess up my cycle!!

I've checked my cp and cm twice a day and it's still alllllll over the place. So I'm going back to not checking cause it's driving me mad!! Lol

I have a feeling not using OPKs this month might drive me a bit crazier than usual, and I'll be using lots of HPTs! But I've got a busy month ahead so I'm hoping with all the distractions I can make it I've got about 8-10 days before the dreaded TWW so I will enjoy it while I can!!

Fingers crossed for us!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

So you are 6 days ahead of me!

Well, right now it looks like it's just you count spotting as actual AF? I think I'm not going to yet - not until I get that bright red. So if I see it tonight, then you'll be 6 days ahead of me. If not, I'll do a recount.

And you know, I don't know if it's that my DD is not sleeping well (causing me to not sleep well), or if it's my hormones or something else, but I've been dead tired these last few days...just over the weekend and throughout the entire day! Ugh!

I'm thinking of waiting until CD 9 or 10, then BD every other day, just to be safe...won't the hubby be happy about that...haha! And maybe I'll place my order of ICs at the same time so that I can have them handy once I'm in my TWW. My only worry is that with irregular cycles, it could take forever for me to ovulate and I don't want it to be a chore to BD - takes all the fun out of it. I guess I'll just have to take it day by day and see where we are. I'm going to keep checking CP/CM just in case I have any EWCM at all! hahaha. Or maybe even if I see the watery CM. I'm definitely a little nuts.

7 years ago

UPDATE - I did end up getting a full flow yesterday, so you are 6 days ahead of me.

I can hardly wait for this to be over with so that we can start trying again. As sad as it is to say, I kinda miss watching the dye flow across the screen on the HPT and anticipating if I'll see that second line. And AF just makes me feel crappy.

How are things going with you?

7 years ago

Well I'm glad she is getting on with it, so you can be back on your way to trying!! I do count spotting as day 1 if it's around when AF is due. My Dr. told me it's only considered non AF type spotting if it happens when she shouldn't be coming, but spotting right before before full flow, is the first day of AF. We're not too far apart! If I ovulate late, we'll be synced up lol.

If I were you, I'd definitely get those ICs ordered! I've tried not ordering more before, and all I did was end up buying them from the store and wasting A LOT more money.

I hear ya with the irregular cycles....I don't like using OPKs, it really does take the fun out of it. Then if it's positive I feel pressure to hurry up and BD!! lol....I'd rather just let nature take it's course...but then the unknown of when you ovulated is also terrible!! If only my husband knew the TTC crazy that goes on in my head......he's just happy to try and time I want and could care less about all the tests and symptom spotting and waiting drama

I too like POAS....I don't buy digitals anymore because I "need" to see the line(s) show up. Makes it more exciting haha

I'm thinking I might have a quick cycle this bbs are unbelievably soar, I've been achy in my hips, and my cp was medium/high, extremely soft and a bit open, and watery EWCM...not stretchy yet though! So I am guessing my body is gearing up to ovulate early....unless it's one of those annoying cycles where it changes it's mind and ovulates later!! I just keep telling myself...NO buying OPKs this cycle!!

I'm hoping AF is a quick one for you and you get some much needed rest!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Thank you! It's getting a lot lighter today, so I'm hoping it will hurry along and finish up so that I can get to trying again.

How have things been going with you? Do you think you ovulated early? I'm excited about this cycle... Hoping that this is it for us!

7 years ago

Well, it's that time again the TWW!! So far...not driving myself so crazy lol certainly does help not temping or testing, and the fact that I've been ridiculously busy. I definitely did ovulate a little early, well...since I'm not tempting I can't confirm but my body at least geared up for it!! I had a week of very watery EWCM and 2 days of cramping, and then 3 days ago I woke up and it was completely gone. Now just creamy CM. I'm hoping I actually did ov this month, cause I would love it if everything was working the way it should be without meds!! It's bad enough symptom spotting..I don't need to add pill side effects to that

Now that it's TWW time though....I feel myself ready to POAS!!! My crazy logic is, what if I'm one of those people that get a BFP at 8 DPO??? hahaha must resist!!! I'm determined to let this pack of 50 ICs last me at least 2 months lol

How are you doing? Is the gone now?

7 years ago • Post starter

WHOA! hahaha. I feel like that a lot, too! Like I could get a BFP at 8 DPO - because you don't know unless you've been testing.

I really want to say to her, but no, the is trying to hang on for dear life. Just spotting now, but I'd really like to get to ovulating so that I can start POAS!

I'm so excited and jealous for you! And I'm super impatient. Oh, and I still need to order my ICs. (mental note to myself)

I'm not even going to set my hopes for making them last 2 months...that's not even 1 per day! I don't know how you'll do it...I'd probably go through all mine within the first month! Because you never know if late evening urine is stronger than first morning.

Here's to hoping we are fruitful and lucky this cycle!

I really hope that I don't have to go past 15 DPO this cycle - just need that closure!

Keep me posted!!

7 years ago

Well now that you've put it into perspective (not even 2 a day), I'll never make it!!! I've been so exhausted this week-being off the pill is tough for my body. Me and progesterone have a love/hate relationship lol

I think I'll start testing tomorrow, that puts me somewhere around 6-8 days before AF and is way less crazy than my usual, 10-12 lol I will TRY not to test FMU and SMU, and afternoon and evening, because hey-you never really know WHEN you are going to have the best concentrated urine right???

How have you been??

7 years ago • Post starter

Hahaha. I don't blame you at all... So excited that you are starting the POAS portion already. I am going to try try TRY not to be too crazy this time, but that is way easier said than done.

So I have random things? that have been going on. I've started BD-ing around midnight Sunday (so it's been almost 48 hours ago), CD12. Had EWCM all morning, with globs of clear stuff (sorry TMI), then later in the afternoon switched to a thin watery creamy texture. Now, have a tiny bit of light light brown spotting. Not sure what it could be yet. ... But I'm still planning on BD-ing tonight! Haha. That ain't gonna stop me!

Keep me posted with your results! I sure hope we get those this cycle!

7 years ago

Hey Tina,

Update - so we BD'd again around midnight 4/4 (CD15) and we weren't vigorous or rough or anything, not in my opinion, but the spotting changed over to a bright red and I had to wear a pantyliner yesterday. Also had a little bit of light cramping. But it seems to be turning old/brown again as of yesterday afternoon...not sure what's going on.

I feel like it could be ovulation bleeding (if that EWCM was not just in my head), and if so, looks like we could be early together!

But if not, I wonder if it's from me checking my cervix - any light scratch could turn into a bleed, right?

I did call my GYN office and they told me not to worry and just to let them know if it happens again next cycle.

Also, I use the "Flo" app to track my cycles and it has an ovulation prediction based on symptoms that you input. It first set my ovulation day to CD19 (this Saturday), then it change to today (CD16), and just now when I entered in that I was spotting today, it changed to 2 days ago (CD14)!

How are things going with you? I hope you are not in as confused a state as I am.

7 years ago

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