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I'm 40+ and 1-DPO Need support

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Looking for some much needed support from 40+ first time TTC ladies out there.

63 Replies • 7 years ago



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Thanks for the update. I know that is a lot to take in. I will be thinking of you as you have these conversations and make your next move. I'm glad you went in now instead of waiting any longer.

I'm surprised at the Over the counter stuff. Huh...

7 years ago

Hi everyone. Just a few questions... have any of you used the clear blue advanced ovulation kit? So I'm in my fourth day in high fertilization I thought today would have been peek with ovulation happening tomorrow. Or does it hit peek when you ovulate? My temperatures have been sporadic this cycle I'm not sure what to believe. If I go by my temp I ovulat d on cd 10 which was the first day the clear blue detected anything before that was nothing. Any insights ladies?

7 years ago

Yes I have used CL B Advanced Ovulation Kit. Did you start testing at the recommended day as it says on the instructions? E.g. for cycle length of 29, you have to start testing on CD9. Do you use FMU (First Morning Urine) to test?

It is not unusual to get 4-7 days of HIGH before you get your peak. So keep testing and you will get it.

When you get Peak that means you will Ovulate in next 24-36 hours. Typically you should BD on Peak day and the day after to maximize your chances. Also, you have to stop testing after you get your peak. Basically it is assumed that you will ovulate the following day and the day after that, is 1DPO. So you get peak on a Monday then Tuesday will be your Ovulation Day and Wednesday would be 1DPO.

Another trick I use is that I keep those internet cheapie sticks (E.g. Wondfo or LotFancy) at hand too. You test with those sticks between 10 am and 8 pm. You don't use those with FMU. So as soon as I start getting HIGHS on CLB, I start testing with those in the evening. So I test CLB in the morning with FMU and with cheap OPKs in the evening. The evening that I get positive on the OPK, I know I will get PEAK on my CLB the next morning. You can then start BD that night if you want in order to cover your bases.

Hope that helps. Keep testing!

7 years ago • Post starter

That helps. Thanks. It's my first month using those. I tried to talk to my dh about the results so he knows where we are at and he just told me to relax. Not a good thing to say this morning. We are now in separate rooms. I'm cleaning he's sleeping. Joy! This baby stuff is stressful. Some days he's good but mostly I don't think he cares. I just want to talk to someone about it. I guess that's why this is here!

Thanks for listening and helping me understand.

7 years ago

Hang in there lneist001! It does take a toll on you. After struggling a few times with DH on this topic, I have decided to not discuss it at all and started this thread instead! Men don't think like us is all. Doesn't mean that they don't care. They just don't over think or over analyze like we do!
Just tell him in a different way instead. Lingerie works wonders!
Hoping you get your peak soon!

7 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, I guess the guy thing is so different. I was just so surprised when he asked me earlier in the week and then wanted nothing to do with it the other day. he admitted that he was crabby. Ha!

I do test first thing in morning. Maybe next round I'll try the others to use at night during the time I get the High. I got another high this morning so that would be 5 days. My Basal temp says I O on day 10, which would have been Wednesday. I don't think I would be getting Highs if that was the case. But I guess there is always the chance I don't ovulate this cycle. I'm holding out hope that I don't lose my cool and can take it as it comes.

Thanks for your support. >.. How did the conversation go with you DH regarding IVF?

7 years ago

Yep crabby mood will do it lneist001. I have been using CLBM (it is a device just like CLM Advanced Ovulation sticks) for last two cycles and this cycle I have yet to get even a HIGH and I'm at CD12 today. So keeping my spirits up and not freaking out.

IVF conversation went pretty well considering that I was not sure he'd be so open to it. I made him a nice dinner and then let the cat out of the bag that I want to go for IVF! And he said that he was all for it and would just wait for me to tell him when to go to the clinic to do his part! Oh my!

When we decided to reverse his vasectomy, we considered IVF to be the worst outcome of this journey and vowed not to even think of it as an option. But learning more about IVF has opened my eyes to it. He has done his homework too on the topic and is more open to it now than before. So at this moment we are a YES on it. My eggs have gone downhill with age and only 30% remain viable at the moment. So IVF will allow them to pick and choose the best to fertilize. This way I'm not rolling the dice every month that the best one will come out when I'm already pretty darn late for pregnancy being 42.5 years of age and all. I have fear and excitement both. Fear of not succeeding at the first go and secondly of having multiples. The specialist did say that now they are able to plant just one embryo so chances will be minimal of having multiples but who knows. Both DH and I are not sure what we think of having triplets etc.!!! Twins will be a stretch. But if all goes well we will be opting to go for it in February. It is our lucky month anyway bcoz we met each other for the first time 5 years ago in this month only!

Anyway I am now going for a second opinion with another specialist in couple of weeks. This specialist is the best in my area and has been in business for decades. Most likely I am going to pick him over the specialist I went to see first bcoz experience counts in this area.

It is going to be an arduous journey bcoz they will put me on meds for 3 weeks to prep my eggs for extraction. Not sure how that is going to affect my moods and body. Hoping I am able to work and not get too overwhelmed.

Hope you get your peak soon! Hang in there!


7 years ago • Post starter

Sounds like a process you have coming up with all the changes, the decisions etc. I pray all goes well and you get success the first time.

I tested again this morning and still getting a High. I ran out of sticks today. I have another box but I've decided to stop testing and wait for next month. In watching my BT there is no way... my temps keep rising with a big jump so I had to have ovulated the test just didn't pick it up or something.

A friend of mine borrowed me a book called "Taking control of your fertility". It is very interesting and insightful. A few new things for me to think about, check out, and pay attention to in this next cycle. It's learning curve for sure.

7 years ago

Hi ladies,

How's everyone holding up mentally? I'm around 8dpo and I'm starting to get anxious. I really want to start testing tomorrow but I know it's too early and last month I was a disappointed every time I got a negative.

7 years ago

Hang in there Tara3711! Hopefully this is your cycle.

7 years ago • Post starter

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